Registration Masthead

2025 Datathon Registration

Registration closed on January 6, 2025. The event kicks off via Zoom on January 13, 2025. Finalists will be invited to Washington, D.C. on February 19 for judging and announcement of winners! All participants are invited to a reception the evening of February 19.

The winning team members each receive a $1,000 cash prize!

Participation in this event is open to college/university students (no cost) in teams of at least two individuals to a maximum of five individuals. There will be a range of exciting incentives, including prizes, networking opportunities, and delicious food!



  • Attendees from all backgrounds, genders, and geographies are welcome.
  • Individuals who are part of the Datathon Committee are not eligible to participate in the Datathon. 
  • Committee members may assist teams as mentors during the coding/development phase.

Team Formation

  • Teams can consist of at least two team members to a maximum of five members. Exceptions can be made for teams to have more than five members on a case-by-case basis. Contact AGA if you need to have a team of more than five members.
  • Each team must identify a Team Lead or Point of Contact (POC). That POC cannot change after the time of registration.
  • It is suggested (but not mandatory) that each team include a UX designer as they bring a unique perspective that complements the analytical prowess of data scientists and developers. By incorporating a designer, teams can elevate their projects to new heights, ensuring not only seamless data models and user experiences but also fostering compelling branding and captivating pitch presentations. A designer's ability to bridge the gap between data-driven insights and visually appealing, user-centric solutions will undoubtedly contribute to the team's success in winning the Datathon by creating a holistic and impactful project. 



January 13–31 | Virtual and Washington, D.C.
0 CPEs

Registration and Fees

Online Registration
AGA Members
Early Bird
Early Bird
General Admission
Government Member
Private Member
Government Non-member
Private Non-member
Government Member
Private Member
Government Non-member
Private Non-member