AGA Philadelphia Chapter Theme: 

Member Involvement: YOU Make The Chapter Work!

Good Day, AGA Philadelphia Chapter Members!

I am the President of the AGA Philadelphia Chapter for the 2024-2025 program year.

I am so excited to begin another year as a member of the AGA, the President of the AGA Philadelphia Chapter, and as a government accountant!

Member Involvement

The theme for the 2024-2025 program year is Member Involvement YOU MAKE THE CHAPTER WORK. We want to get more members involved in the chapter because without YOU we don’t have a chapter.

The goal is to increase member involvement/participation in chapter meetings and events. We averaged about a 10%-member involvement in our activities last year and our goal is to increase this number to 30%. We have approximately 100 members and we are asking that at least 30 members will make it imperative to attend at least one of our events. We would like you to get the most out of your AGA membership and why, because you or your employer paid for it.

We will focus on building a community of members informed about AGA events both locally and nationally. We will keep members abreast of the national opportunities for professional development training and the training we will be hosting locally.

Our goal is also to build a community amongst chapter members and get to know each other. With this community, we can leverage the years of finance and accounting knowledge and experience that each of our members has. With the significant changes impacting the government finance and accounting landscape, we can use each other as a resource for questions and solutions for these changes.

The calendar of events through the end of the program year will focus on general membership and professional development training meetings both in person and virtual. We will also plan to have at least one social event. We will be requesting members to provide us with any work-related accomplishments to highlight in our chapter meetings. We will also highlight new and seasoned members at our general membership meetings. Please email me if you are interested in being highlighted at one of our meetings or if you have an accomplishment to share at

Looking forward to working with all of you!

- Layna Holmes-Butler, CGFM, CPA, MBA

President, AGA Philadelphia Chapter

Chapter News

AGA Philly Virtual General Membership Meeting - September 18!

The Philadelphia Chapter of the AGA will be hosting the next General Membership Meeting on Wednesday September 18, 2024, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m EST!


Introduce 2024-2025 board members and get to know new and seasoned chapter members.

Review the calendar of events for 2025.

Discuss member engagement and board leadership openings.

Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 839 0468 5103

Passcode: 034424


Webinar: Ethics

November 13 | 2:00–3:50 PM ET | 2 CPEs | FOS: BETH

Program Level: Overview
Prerequisite: None
Advance Preparation: None required
Field of Study: Behavioral Ethics (BETH)

Click Here to Learn More!

Click Here to Register Today!

Webinar: Internal Control

December 4 | 2:00–3:50 PM ET | 2 CPEs | FOS: AUDG

Program Level: Overview
Prerequisite: None
Advance Preparation: None required
Field of Study: Auditing - Governmental (AUDG)

Click Here to Learn More!

Click Here to Register Now!