Students and Young Professionals

Student Membership

Considering a career in government financial management? Want to meet government professionals in the federal, state, or local government levels?

Join AGA for FREE! Student membership in AGA provides you access to resources to develop your skills and expand your knowledge. Become a part of AGA to build professional connections and discover your future career while positively impacting your community and country.

To join AGA as an student member, you must be currently enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited higher education institution and not gainfully employed.

*AGA may annually request a transcript confirming your full-time student status, and reserves the right to decline membership if documentation of full-time student status is not provided upon request.

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Time for Graduation?

Continue your AGA experience through AGA’s transitional Early Career (EC) membership. Get inspired and continue to impact your community through AGA! call Call 800-AGA-7211 or email us to upgrade your membership today!

Young Professionals

Just starting your career in government financial management? AGA is here to support you!

For three years, you can enjoy AGA’s membership at $45 per yeara discounted rate since you are new to the workforce. Early Career membership in AGA gives you access to resources to develop your skills and expand your knowledge. Become a part of AGA to build professional connections, boost your job performance and advance your career while positively impacting your community and country.

Early Career Member Eligibility — $45/Year

To join AGA as an Early Career member, you must have fewer than three years of any full-time work experience.

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