Letter from the President
My name is Heather Gillenwater, the AGA Charleston, WV Chapter president for the 24-25 term. I’m so excited & look forward to serving in this capacity!
I currently work for the WV Adjutant General’s Office, as a Military Authority Operations Manager II. I have a combined 19 years of accounting/finance experience in the state & private sectors.
What I love most about AGA is the people! Since I joined AGA in 2020, I have had the opportunity to meet some of the most amazing & respected professionals, who have been instrumental in my professional growth. I have had the opportunity to serve on the Board as CGFM chair, help lead the CGFM Governmental Environment study group, serve as president-elect, and now in capacity of chapter president! Through these experiences AGA has helped me grow as a professional and an individual, by increasing my confidence and by developing leadership skills. AGA’s primary focus is training & education! Our Charleston Chapter offers quality training events throughout the year on relevant government topics & we bring it locally for the Charleston area! The reason we do this as a chapter, is so that we can help our state, federal & local government members/attendees to become the best version of themselves, and in turn become better public servants & effective government financial managers. It is an honor to serve as president, I look forward to continuing the outstanding work of our past presidents, and hopefully finding new ways to help serve our community.
Heather Gillenwater
2024-2025 Chapter President