Leadership Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2018
Attendees: Jacquelyn Hallcarrillo, Jason Stitt, Sharon Buggele, Jana Sjoquist, James Gant
Bar Louie Social Event
Thursday, January 25
4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Sharon Buggele will contact Bar Louie to schedule the party for Thursday, January 25 from around 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. AGA to buy 2 or 3 appetizers for around 20 people. Members buy their own drinks. It will be open to non-members. Jacquelyn Hallcarrillo will make up a poster and forward to Michael Hoffman to send via email blast to AGA members. Posters will be put up in the DFAS building by vending machines and/or work areas.
Community Service Event
Community service event mid February with craft or entertainment at Ronald McDonald House, University Circle. Sharon Buggele will contact Ronald McDonald House about the an event in February. No funds will potentially come from AGA. However, Jacquelyn Hallcarrillo previously stated AGA would assist will minimal costs of crafts around $20. There was previous discussion on the possibility of doing an interactive event with the kids.
Interview Clinic
Discussion on doing a speaker with a panel discussion of supervisors from DFAS and NASA for what they are looking for in an interviewee. Tony Harris was going to talk with Vickie from HR at NASA about her possible involvement. However, it was stated that NASA HR would be more involved with the resume reviewing not interviewing. Discussion instead came up with potential interviewees of: Jason, Sharon, Jana, and John and potential interviewers of: Jackie, Karen, Vickie, and James.
Tentatively in April.
Previous discussion stated that if the prospective names for positions are posted early, it will earn the AGA chapter points. James Gant will lookup roles and responsibilities. Jacquelyn Hallcarrillo mentioned that she will request Michael Hoffman to send out AGA leadership roles and responsibilities in an email blast to AGA members with information on upcoming elections. This election email would include a request for self nominations with return responses by February 15.
Local AGA Spring Conference
Haley Proszek is taking the lead on the event to get speakers, etc. Haley will setup a weekly recurring meeting with volunteers assisting her.
Sectional Leaders Meeting
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 3-5, Baltimore
AGA to send 2 people. Jackie Hallcarrillo previously stated it would be good to send Jana Sjoquist as the president coming in. Jana is planning on going. Jackie did not go last year. Jackie is potentially planning on attending. These would be our 2 people.
Potential Event
Reception for Public Service Recognition Week
Discussion on having punch and cookies. Sharon Buggele will respond to contact for Public Service Recognition Week and update leadership at the next meeting with further information.
National AGA 2018 Professional Development Training
July 22-25
AGA to send 2 people. Traditionally, 1 person from NASA and 1 person from DFAS are sent. Discussion open to those interested.
Recurring Leadership Meetings are scheduled for the 2nd Friday of the month. Our next meeting will be: Friday, February 9, 2018 at 1 p.m. 614-701-4444 or 855-719-6909 226500#