Welcome to the AGA Cleveland Chapter website!

AGA Cleveland Chapter has been around since 1954, serving professionals in the government financial management community by providing quality education, fostering professional development and certification, and supporting standards and research to advance government accountability.

We hold a multitude of trainings and events throughout the year, including affordable (and even FREE) CPEs, educational luncheons, social networking events, and an eight CPE all-day annual training seminar.

We invite you to check out our site!  And if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our Chapter President at president@agacleveland.org.

AGA is committed to increasing government accountability and transparency and has been instrumental in assisting with the development of accounting and auditing standards and in generating new concepts for the effective organization and administration of government financial management.

AGA is made up of more than 14,000 members, who include elected officials, senior executives, mid-level managers, entry-level employees and students, work in government financial management professions including accounting, auditing, budgeting, financial reporting, performance reporting, grants management, contract management and information systems.

  • State and Local Government Members – 42%
  • Federal Government Members – 28%
  • Private-Sector Members – 18%
  • Academics, Non-Profits, Students and Retirees – 12%


Our members connect to each other via chapters, leadership roles, networking at national events, and through social media. Join us and gain access to benefits including free, high-quality CPEs, discounts to national training events, and a subscription to the Journal of Government Financial Management.



Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Date:  July 9, 2024–March 31, 2025
Location: Various Locations

Upcoming National Events


AGA FY25 Webinar Schedule

Date:  December 4, 2024–May 28, 2025
Location: Online

AGA FY25 Webinar Schedule

Please select the areas of interest for which you would like to receive occasional email from us.