Board members present: Jackie Hall-Carrillo, John Kanya, Haley Proszek, Tony Harris, Brittany Schmidt, James Gant, Terrence Flowers
Summer Picnic
- Picnic will be August 12th, starting at 1:00 PM at NASA Glenn Research Center Picnic Grounds. Brittany will set up a meeting with ASMC.
- Possible dessert competition
- Hotdogs and burgers provided by ASMC/AGA (same as last year)
- Ask attendees to bring a side dish / dessert
- Plan a luncheon at NASA in October. Brittany is looking into dates.
Community Service
- Women’s shelter, zoo walk. Looking for other opportunities. Jackie is going to reach out to members that work for non-profits, maybe we can partner with them.
- Possible back to school college scholarship for one of our members. Maybe $500?
- Encourage more college students to join.
- Send monthly “What’s up in Cleveland AGA” emails