Jana Sjoquist (President) Jackie Hall-Carrillo (Past President)
Jene Phillipy (Treasurer-elect) Ron Gedeon (Prof Certification)
Agenda Items:
Meeting Notes:
- Leadership Board – Jana S. identified proposals that have been made for open positions. Both Jackie H-C and Jana S. will contact those members who have identified their willingness to be on the Board. Updates to the positions should be available at the next meeting.
- AGA/ASMC Picnic – Jana S. noted votes were requested for proposed date/location and reminded the Board that AGA has the lead this year.
- CCR preparation and past year expenses – Jana S. asked Jene if she and Michael could begin work on expenses and revenues for the CCR. Everyone agreed that we need to start the CCR sooner.
- Charity donations for the upcoming events – Jana S. will send a message to the Board for votes on charity donations for upcoming events.
- CGFM study guide purchase – Ron G. said he has been working with Michael to purchase the two sets of study guides for DFAS and NASA.
- Chapter Bylaws – Jana S. has been working on updating the current version into the revised template and will try to provide before the next meeting.
- Program recognition spreadsheet – Jana S noted that she had received input from Jackie, but needs others to provide their input before the due date of May 31st.
- Website Updates: Discussed the following events and updates to the Chapter website.
- Other Items:
- Recognized the awards the Chapter has received: CCR Certificate of Excellence for the 2nd year in row and also a Bronze award for meeting a certain level of milestones in the recognition program. Kudos to the Board for their perseverance!
- Reminded the Board that they have the ability to also contact AGA members through use of the AGA webmail. Jana S. will provide instructions that Michael H. had provided earlier last year.
- Jackie H-C reminded everyone about the Indians game and signup. She also brought up a meet and greet with the incoming/outgoing Board members.