Leadership Meeting Minutes
May 11, 2018
Attendees: Jacquelyn Hallcarrillo, Jason Stitt, Sharon Buggele, Jene Chilppy, Jana Sjoquist, Michael Hoffman
AGA Spring PDT
Tuesday, April 24
Board members discussed success of our PDT. Several felt that having a speaker at lunch was distracting with food being passed out and silverware clicking on the plates, so we will consider that for the future. The food was fantastic, but it was noted that it was more expensive this year. Jacquelyn Hallcarrillo stated the profit from the event was around $2,700. Jackie will follow up about the CPE credits and the breakout sessions to see how the details of what type of credits should be listed for the participants on the certificates. Our PDT had breakout sessions that would cause each person's type of CPE credits to differ based on their choice of breakout session and the topic.
Sectional Leaders Meeting
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 3-5
Jana Sjoquist and Jason Stitt shared on personal takeaways from the meeting for sponsors and volunteers. Jason will follow up on the survey about the over 70 pages of documents that were requested to be printed, but that were not covered at the meeting. Jana also noted that there wasn't instruction on filling out the required fiscal yearend forms, which would have been helpful.
Reception AGA Booth for Public Service Recognition Week
Thursday, May 3
Sharon Buggele shared on the success of the booth. Lemonade was available for refreshment. Pens and other AGA freebees were handed out for recruiting of new AGA members.
New Leadership Orientation
May Teleconference and June Dinner
Discussion on doing a teleconference meeting in May with follow up dinner in June. Jana Sjoquist will follow up with Jacquelyn Hallcarrillo on Monday with a good day for the May teleconference. Discussion amongst all involved will take place at the teleconference for details on the June dinner.
Tour of Coast Guard Cutter
Sharon Buggele stated that the Coast Guard had been busy with ice on the lake and had not gotten back with her yet. It would tentatively be in the late afternoon. There would be a tour of the Coast Guard Cutter with a social hour across the street afterwards at the Nuevo Modern Mexican and Tequila Restaurant (i.e., address: 1000 E. 9th St., Cleveland, OH 44144; phone: (216) 737-1000). Sharon Buggele will follow up with Bradley, George, and Mr. Lindsey from the Coast Guard again. If it does not take place this fiscal year, we will schedule for the new fiscal year.
Community Service Event
Tentatively Week of May 20
Sharon Buggele will contact Ronald McDonald House with what dates are available and will email everyone to get volunteers to go. Discussion was on doing cleaning at Ronald McDonald House, University Circle tentatively the week of May 20th.
Recurring Leadership Meetings are scheduled for the 2nd Friday of the month. Our next meeting will be: Friday, June 8, 2018 at 1 p.m. 614-701-4444 or 855-719-6909 226500#