AGA Leadership Meeting Minutes
Friday, November 09, 2018
- Sjoquist (President) Jackie Hall-Carrillo (Past-President)
- Stitt (President-Elect) Ron Gedeon
- Walling (Outreach Chair) Annette Schmunk (Webmaster)
- Philippy (Treasurer-Elect) Balwinder Beasley (Education Chair)
- Buggele via email (Community Service Chair)
Agenda Items:
Agenda items distributed prior to meeting:
Due to telecon issues, a new telecon number will be sent to board members. Sharon participated through email and phone with Jackie H-C.
Charity contributions were discussed for the past and upcoming events of AGA participation. Board discussed amounts, a motion was made by Jason and unanimously approved $100 donations to St Jude, Coast Guard Foundation, and the Ronald McDonald House.
Revised draft CCR was provided to Board members prior to the meeting. Board members were asked to review for updates and other changes. Jana S. stated she would like to publish by end of November. 1st page correction on text box and names for 2018 April PDT were updated prior to resending to the Board.
Michael Hoffman submitted the IRS 990 form on November 1. Confirmation was provided to AGA National.
Draft survey had been distributed prior to the meeting. A few items were discussed; Jana S. will update and send around for approval prior to being sent to members.
Fall/Winter Volunteer/Participation Events:
Ronald McDonald House: Sharon B. will schedule around Thanksgiving. Details to follow and website will be updated. She also sent that AGA is on the schedule for either the day before or after Valentine's Day in 2019 is on Thursday, February 14 for an Arts/Craft activity. We will need to decide.
Sharon B. identified the US Coast Guard tour is scheduled for Thursday, November 29. Social event following the tour has been reserved at the Nuevo Modern Mexican & Tequila Bar. Information will be updated on the Chapter website; message and flyer will be sent to members to register by 11/25.
Jana S. said she had registered as AGA Ringers Team Captain for the Jingle Bell Run on Sunday, December 9, at Legacy Village in Lyndhurst. A message will be sent to Annette S. to post on the website along with a flyer.
Jackie H.-C. did not have a Winter Social update at the Punch Bowl Social Cleveland for a during January.
Discussed a Chapter survey following meeting to identify members wanting to assist in various training or events. Following the meeting, Jackie sent a survey that had been drafted in the past. We will need to revise slightly before sending. Would like to send in conjunction with the telecon as a discussion item.
Discussed possible training that could be brought to Cleveland or made available as virtual: CGFM, CDFM, Appropriations Law. If classes were made available, would likely charge a discounted rate to ensure commitment and attendance.
To Do from last Meeting:
Other Items:
Budget and importance were discussed. Jana S. drafted program year 2019 Budget spreadsheet and sent to the Board for review and updates. The initial amounts were used for the draft CCR Finances section.
Jason S. updated the Board on status of Board member position description information document. He had reached out to National. They were working, but he hasn’t received any new information. Will follow-up on this and continue to work.
Jene P. to follow-up with Michael H. to check status of CD investment discussed and approved during the October 12 meeting.
Briefly discussed the annual 2019 PDT, 2020 PDT, and 2019 picnic. Will need to start looking for planning committee leads for the picnic and the 2020 PDT.
- telecon meeting was discussed. Proposal is to hold a telecon by early December. An agenda will be developed and information posted on the website.