Leadership Meeting Minutes
October 13, 2017
Attendees: Jacquelyn Hallcarrillo, John Kanya, Haley Proszek, Tony Harris, Michael Hoffman, Terrance Flowers, Jason Stitt, Sharon Buggele.
Upcoming Event: Wednesday, November 8, 2017.
Joint Luncheon with ASMC.
Speaker: Ms. Audrey Davis, DFAS Deputy Director.
Possible Upcoming Event: December 6.
Possibly reschedule Tom Hack in December.
Jackie will contact Tom.
Possible Upcoming Event: January.
Winter party social possibly at Bar Louie. AGA tentatively to buy appetizers and members buy their own drinks.
Possible Upcoming Event: February or another month.
Resume writing possibly at NASA.
Possible Upcoming Event: March.
Interview clinic.
Possible Upcoming Event: May.
Coast Guard hosting an event.
Engagement Discussion: involving AGA members with other Cleveland federal government agencies such as the Veteran's Hospital and the Coast Guard. Agencies would host an event for AGA to engage them with the other members.
Meeting Location Discussion: Metro Parks or Public Library could be used for meeting spaces, since they are free. Rocky River is one such meeting space within Metro Parks.
Volunteer Opportunity Discussion: Planting a garden in a city concrete container for flowers. Maintenance done by local government. No ongoing maintenance.
Media Outreach Discussion: Use other methods of engagement with AGA members such as Skype.
Next meeting: Friday, November 10, 2017.