AUGUST 31, 2018
Attendees: Jana Sjoquist, Jason Stitt, Jackie Hall-Carrillo, Jene Philippy, Nancy Walling, Ron Gedeon, Sharon Buggele, Annette Schmunk
Last year’s Chapter evaluation – Jackie to complete
Budget – Jana will work to establish an initial budget that can be approved
Recognition – Voted and approved $20 for initial batch of buttons to be used for recognition of group events (All attendees voted in agreement.); Jason had provided a certificate template also
Upcoming information events
Pens and brochures have been provided for the DFAS R&A Career Fair on 9/10
OFIC Career Fest – voted and approved $100 table reservation for the fair; several have offered assistance to volunteer (All attendees voted in agreement.)
Spring 2019 PDT – initial planning attendees are Jana, Jackie, Jason, and possibly Michael H; we need to review the 2018 PDT survey for possible volunteers
Chapter points update – Jana to complete initial points report; Nancy will undertake follow-on reports.
Fall volunteer events: Sharon to go ahead with setting dates for the Coast Guard event and Rainbow Babies volunteer event; she will look into the Cleveland Food Bank and Metroparks
Position description update – Jason is working and noted that AGA National is working on standard descriptions
Other group events: Members were asked to review for events that others could participate in and consider being the leader; Jana and Jackie have run/walk events in mind and will look into these