Leadership Meeting Minutes
July 20, 2018
Attendees: James Gant,Jana Sjoquist, Lou Okunzzi, Sharon Buggele, Jene Phillipy, MichaelHoffman, Nancy Walling, Steve Morgunov, Annette Schmunk
Annual Picnic Status Update:
Saturday, August 4, 2018, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m
Wolf Canopy Picnic Area in the Huntington Reservation Metropark
28728 Wolf Picnic Area Dr., Bay Village, OH 44140
Annette to senda reminder for picnic late next week.
Next Board Meeting Scheduled:
Discussed time and day forLeadership Meetings – Will continue holding every other Friday @ 12 pm to NLT 1 pm. The next meeting isscheduled for August 3rd of 12 to 1 p.m. via Telecon - Ph 1-844-467-6272, passcode 969673#; a recurring meeting notice will be sent.
Reboot of AGA Newsletter:
Proposed by Steve Morgunov – he will send out a template for review and request for items. Will shoot for a September/October newsletter.
Community Outreach/Other Events:
Sharon Buggele discussed status of pending events,Tour of Coast Guard Cutter and Rainbow Babies – possible fall events
Jana Sjoquist brought up possible additional events, Metroparks, Cleveland Food Bank, and Cleveland Boys and Girls Club – Sharon will research
Steve mentioned ASMC does participate in Cleveland Food Bank and other homeless shelter activities – will look into whether AGA may be able to piggyback on those
Sharon mentioned she has a contact for a possible speaker to come in from a publishing organization – we’ll need to look at a possible timeframe
Annual April Training Conference:
Joint PDI ASMC/AGA need to start planning for the event
Lou Okunzzi will contact the ASMC POC about the planning – Michael Hoffman has a listing of venues other than theCity Club and will provide the information
AGA Positions:
Annette asked about position descriptions – Jana will start working on this for all positions, not just the officer positions.
Jana brought up concern on the positionTerrence Flowers is in and will follow-up. We may need to find another person or fill as a group.
Contact person to help and provide guidance on Officer Duties and Chapter Executive Committee responsibilities:
Louise Burnette, MPA
Chapter Services Manager < >
703.684.6931 ext. 317
James Gant discussed the status of the request for tax exemption designation – believes he is close to completing and will ensure the information is passed to Michael.
Jana asked about the April PDT Survey – Michael will follow-up and distribute.