Many governments struggle to communicate the business of government to residents, particularly when presenting information about how taxpayers' money is allocated and spent. Traditionally, financial information has been presented in forms only fully understood by trained accountants — reams of information, which, though vital, have little meaning for the average person.

AGA's Citizen-Centric Reporting (CCR) initiative is intended to foster innovative means of communication between governments and their citizenry. AGA believes government financial information should be provided to citizens in ways that are clear and understandable, updated regularly and often, broadly delivered, easy to locate, honest and accurate. As the owners of government, citizens have a right to this information.

CCRs detail government finances in a visually appealing, clear and understandable four-page document that includes community information such as population figures, regional characteristics and government goals for the community; a performance report on key missions and service; detailed cost and revenue information; and a look at the year ahead.

Lincoln Chapter CCR 2020