Presidents Message

The 20-21 Chapter year is moving quickly and ends in May. If you are interested in serving on the Chapter’s CEC (Chapter Executive Committee) as either an officer or program director/co-director please contact Frank Faughn–President Elect, any current CEC member or myself. The CEC is a supportive group and the time commitment is very manageable. CEC member contact information can always be found in the newsletter or on the Chapter’s website.

There are still key positions open for next program year;


Co-Director – Education PDT

Co-Director – Communications - Website

Director – Accountability & Outreach

Director – Chapter Meetings

Director – CGFM – Professional Certification

Director – Community Service

April is normally when the Chapter votes on the new program year’s slate of officers and directors at the Chapter meeting. We will be using email voting in May for the 21-22 Program Year.

It is AGA membership renewal time. Recently AGA National sent out emails and letters with membership reminder information. The info includes the log in information needed to renew online. The Lincoln Chapter doesn’t have a Chapter membership cost. If an approval is required prior to processing your renewal, an invoice can be printed out. The State’s PCard can be used to renew your membership online.

Membership renewal time is a great time to think about the value and benefits of an AGA membership – the various Tool Kits that are available, Free CPE’s, free member only Webinars that include free CPE’s and Training Registration discounts at the National and Local Levels, free publications, a Career Center, Networking and Leadership opportunities at the Local and National Levels. As always AGA membership is a great value and you are a part of a top national professional organization. COVID has changed many things, but AGA has continued to provide great value with various virtual events.

The CEC continues to look at other virtual training opportunities. Please contact Tim, Frank, or me if you have suggestions regarding training topics and/or speakers.

Ann Martinez, 20-21 Chapter President