Welcome to the homepage of the AGA Ozarks Chapter. We are a local chapter of a nationally recognized member organization with a focus on government financial management professionals, non-profits, and more. We lead and encourage change that benefits our field and all citizens. We provide training events, continuing professional education, professional certification (CGFM), and networking opportunities to help members build skills and advance their careers.
The Chapter Executive Committee (CEC) has been hard at work planning another year to provide you with educational events, CPE, and networking opportunities. It is sure to be a great year! We are providing one virtual, two hybrid, and five in-person events with a total of 21 CPE. Watch your emails for more information to come.
If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to me or any CEC member. We value your feedback and want to encourage involvement with all our members.
I am looking forward to seeing you at our events!