Message from the President
AGA Phoenix Chapter
October 2024
Hello Everyone! Welcome to your AGA Phoenix Chapter! We have had a few changes, to your Board of Directors, for this Fiscal Year. As your newly appointed president, I would like to take the time to introduce you to your Board Members. Brad Hubert is our Treasurer. Gergana Kovatcheva, our former President, is our Director at Large. Dorilene Davies-Venn is our Secretary. The other board members are Keith Orr, Daniela Kunova, Kelly Alkhoury, Jordan Dale, Paola Matson, Getzmany Aragon, Michal-Anne Miller, and Robert Harwood.
AGA National has changed their name from AGA, Association of Government Accountants, to simply, AGA. The Board of Directors is working on updating the name of our Chapter from AGA, Association of Government Accountants, Phoenix Chapter, to AGA, Phoenix Chapter. We will update the Chapter accordingly, once we have completely changed our name.
We are working on updating our Bylaws and publishing them to our website. We are also working on our Citizen Centric Report to provide to AGA National by month end. We have completed and published our Education plan for this Fiscal Year. There are some great speakers lined up for this year's training.
We have an upcoming webinar on Uniform Guidance and Grant Accounting, tomorrow October 16, 2024, 11am MST.
AGA National is having a Membership Challenge with each Chapter from September 2024 - February 2025, challenging to grow each chapter by at least 10%. If you know any of your colleagues that may be interested in joining AGA Phoenix, and / possibly becoming part of the Board, feel free to reach out to We look forward to having new members, and working alongside you on the Board.
Thank you for your continued support of our chapter!
Jennifer Way, MSA, MBA, MSL
AGA Phoenix Chapter President