Joining today is easier than ever!

AGA is the member organization for government financial professionals. We are committed to increasing government transparency and accountability. AGA leads and encourages change that benefits our field and all citizens. Our networking events, professional certification, publications and ongoing education help members build their skills and advance their careers.
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AGA offers membership to professionals in the public and private sectors whose interests include advancing government accountability at the federal, state, and local levels. Join AGA today through one of its largest chapters – over 300 members, still growing, and serving the metro Richmond area since 1972. AGA is NOT just for accountants. Our members include government financial professionals in the fields of accounting, auditing, budgeting, financial reporting, performance reporting, grants management, contract management, and information technology.
Continuing Education: Our primary mission is education and training; therefore, quality CPE is a major benefit. The chapter offers 46 hours per year and the cost and quality of our CPE is hard to beat. Members receive discounts that typically exceed the cost of annual membership.
Peer Networking: You can meet new colleagues continually and develop important networks of immeasurable value in getting your job done. You can learn how others handle situations like yours and prevent “reinventing the wheel” each time you are confronted with a new challenge.
Professional Certification: You can earn the prestigious Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM) designation. AGA Richmond is developing new incentives for you and others taking the exams.
Professional Development: You can refine your leadership skills through service on the Chapter Executive Committee, and other chapter leadership and support positions. AGA Richmond members have served in AGA Regional and National leadership positions, and you could fill one of those prestigious spots!
The Bottom Line: Key benefits of AGA Richmond include:
- Abundant low cost and high quality CPE throughout the year
- Discounts on training
- Networking opportunities
- Professional certification
- Leadership opportunities
- One of the largest and fastest growing AGA Chapters (300+)
- One of AGA’s first chapters and still going strong!
- Meeting the annual Board of Accountancy CPA ethics requirement.*
* AGA Richmond offers the Virginia-Specific Ethics Course to meet the annual, two-hour Virginia Board of Accountancy (BOA) ethics requirement. This course is held at the annual Professional Development Training (PDT) in December.