ERM Workshop 2021 - Sponsor Resources

Deliverables Deadlines:

March, 29:

  1. Complimentary Registrations (Ignore if you previously submitted participants' information)

April, 2:

  1. Welcome Video
  2. Breakout Facilitator Information
  3. Solutions Hall -- Resources, Commercial Video, POC, Banner
  4. ERMW24 - PowerPoint Template
  5. ERMW24 - Polling Spreadsheet

April, 9:

  1. Scavenger Hunt Challenge

*After these dates, we cannot guarantee your materials will be posted. Artwork and video files not meeting the guidelines will not be accepted.

Complimentary Registrations:

  • Up to 5 attendees. Download the form here and email it to
  • ​All registered attendees will receive the “Know Before You Attend” email a few days prior to the training

Welcome Video:

  • Record a 1-minute personalized video of one of your company representative welcoming ERM attendees; talk about your products/services and how they can provide solutions to government financial management professionals (.mp4 format is recommended)
  • Upload video file here by April, 2, save it under your “Company name ERM2021”. No sign-in required.
  • Video will be played during session breaks.
  • Please click here for guidelines and tips on videos, artwork and resources

Facilitating a Virtual Breakout:

  • Please email the name of the person who will be facilitating your assigned breakout to by April, 2. Please note this person should be registered to attend the event as part of your complimentary registrations.
  • A calendar invite will be sent to the "designated table facilitator" to attend a prep meeting via Zoom. Platform Navigation Instructions and facilitator guidelines will be provided during this meeting on Thursday, April, 8, at 8am.
  • Table facilitators are encouraged to use the “ERM Virtual Backgrounds (please download Background 1 or Background 2) . Note: Table facilitators leading the breakout discussions can use their own company’s virtual background.

Virtual Solutions Hall Resources & Chat:

Booth Setup— AGA will setup your virtual booth. Please send following items no later than April, 2 to and

  • Company name
  • Company description (100 words max)
  • Company website link
  • Company address & phone #
  • Point of contact's full name, job title, and email address
  • Company links of Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin for social media icons
  • Resources-- Maximum of three (3) downloadable files (PDF, YouTube video links, url links)
  • Branded banner artwork in .PNG, .JPG, or .GIF format, size of 1280px X 220px* (see a sample here)
  • Commercial Video (.mp4 format only) — Upload video file here and save it as "Your Company Name ERM2021”.This video will auto-play when a visitor enters your booth (as long as the visitor’s auto-play is not disabled). Please note this commercial video is different from the "Welcome video".
  • Please review the guidelines and tips on videos, artwork and resources.

Live Group Chat – Attendees will have the opportunity to chat with sponsors throughout the day. On the day of the event, your AGA Login will be required to enter the virtual solutions hall and access the chatroom.

  • All registered attendees including your personnel assigned to monitor the chat room will be logging in by using their AGA Login. Please email me If representatives assigned to monitor your chat room need their AGA login info.
  • An alert will sound when a new chat message is received.

Important Notes:

  • ERM Virtual Solutions Hall will remain accessible to attendees until June 14, 2021.
  • It’s recommended that you allow pop-up windows in your browser for the solutions hall
  • The Live Chat function will be available during training hours only. We kindly ask that at least one company representative be available to chat, especially during session breaks. Please see the agenda for break times
  • Reports of who visited your booth, who downloaded my resources & chat logs will be provided by AGA after the event.
  • Please review the guidelines and tips on videos, artwork and resources.
  • Watch this sample video on how to navigate the Virtual Solutions Hall

Promotion – Please use the hashtag #ERM21 and @agacgfm in Facebook to promote your participation. Feel free to use the suggested posts below or use your own words: Sponsor SM Image

Facilitator Guide

Preparation Report

2023 ERMW Summary Report

Pre-event Attendee List

Final Attendee List

  • We are proud to sponsor @agacgfm #ERM21!
  • Register now and join at @agacgfm #ERM21!
  • Visit our booth at the @agacgfm #ERM21 Solutions Hall and chat with us

Virtual Scavenger Hunt

  • Attendees will play a virtual scavenger hunt in the Solutions Hall. The goal is to find nuggets of information in your virtual booth profile and ask questions around that information. This allows attendees to read and review your profile that they may not have looked at on their own. Each person that plays will be entered in a raffle to win Amazon gift cards.
  • Include specific questions or important information that can be found in your booth profile. Sample questions: "How fast does Company A's product go when at full speed?" or "How many colors does Company B's product come in?"
  • Another way to encourage attendees to visit your chatroom, is by providing us with a secret code (numbers or words) that you will be giving out to attendees visiting your booth. Sample question: "What was the code word that was given to you in "Company A's" chatroom?"
  • Please send your two questions to no later than Friday, April 9.

Pre- and post-event registration mailing list in excel format— to be sent by AGA on March 31 & April 19.

Questions— Please contact Monica Cordova at

June 6 | Washington, DC
5.5 CPEs

Registration and Fees

All Other
AGA Members
Early Bird
Early Bird
General Admission
Government Member
Private Member
Government Non-member
Private Non-member
Government Member
Private Member
Government Non-member
Private Non-member