CGFMs: Frequently Asked Questions

CPE Requirement FAQs

Please see the separate page on CPE Requirement FAQs.

Click on each question to view the answer.

Maintaining Your CGFM

To retain the designation, a CGFM holder must:

  1. Pay the applicable CGFM renewal fee by the due date every year.
  2. Adhere to the AGA Code of Ethics.
  3. Complete at least 80 hours of continuing professional education (CPE) every two years in government financial management topics or related technical subjects (within the designated two-year cycle), including 4 hours in ethics. See CPE Requirements and Calendar of CPE cycles for more information.
  4. Maintain and, if requested by AGA, provide detailed information on CPE hours completed. See Maintaining Certification for more information.

Your CGFM is now inactive. Please visit the Maintaining Certification page to find out how you can reactivate your certification.

Your first CPE cycle starts on Jan. 1 of the year following the one when your CGFM is earned. The date of receiving your designation is listed on your CGFM certificate. See Calendar of CPE Cycles for more information.

CGFMs must earn at least 80 hours of continuing professional education (CPE) every two years, including 4 hours in ethics. If CGFMs do not have 80 hours completed by the end of their two-year cycle, they can use the three months immediately following their cycle (January 1 - March 31) to make up any deficiency. Any CPE hours completed toward a deficiency in one cycle should be documented in their CPE records and may not be counted toward the requirements for the next two-year cycle. See CPE Requirements for more information.

You do not need to send any evidence of CPEs to AGA at the time you renew your certification. By submitting the renewal payment for your CGFM certification, you affirm your agreement and compliance with CPE requirements. CGFMs are required to maintain supporting documentation on CPE hours earned for a minimum of three years and provide it to AGA upon request.

Yes. At the beginning of each year (January-February) an AGA/CGFM renewal invoice will be sent. Contact AGA's Office of Professional Certification at 800.AGA.7211 if you have an address change or if you have not received an annual invoice by the end of February. Please note: It is the responsibility of each CGFM to pay the annual CGFM renewal fee, even if that individual did not receive an invoice from AGA.

Becoming a CGFM is separate from AGA membership. If you are a CGFM, it does not automatically mean that you are a member of AGA. Contact AGA at 800.AGA.7211 to get membership information, or visit the Membership section of the website.

Individuals who have permanently retired from AND are not working in the field of financial management can request an adjustment of their status to "retired" by contacting AGA’s Office of Professional Certification (by mail or e-mail at Please visit the Maintaining Certification page for more information on CGFM retired status.

CGFMs who have not completed the required number of CPE hours for any two-year CPE cycle will have the three months (Jan. 1 – March 31) immediately following the two-year cycle to make up the deficiency. Any CPE hours completed toward a deficiency in one CPE cycle must be documented in your CPE records and may not be counted toward the requirements for the next two-year cycle. Please visit CPE Requirements for more information on requesting extensions or waivers of CPE beyond the three-month grace period. For any additional questions, please contact the Office of Professional Certification at 800.AGA.7211 (703.684.6931) or