Welcome to the Tallahassee AGA Chapter!
I am privileged to hold the position of President for the 2023-2024 term at the Tallahassee, FL Chapter of the Association of Governmental Accountants (AGA). I take this moment to extend a welcome to all our new members, and I eagerly anticipate getting acquainted with each of you in the upcoming months. To all our returning members, I express my gratitude for your commitment and continued support of our association. I am proud to be a part of this AGA Chapter!
The focus of the organization is on increasing government financial performance and accountability. AGA membership is distributed among State and Local government; Federal government; private-sector; and academics, non-profits, students, and retirees. The Tallahassee AGA Chapter has the unique benefit of being located in the State of Florida’s Capitol City. This brings us a wide range of highly-skilled accounting and business professionals.
There is tremendous value in being a member of the Tallahassee chapter. There are multiple opportunities to earn CPE with free and reduced rates for members, engage with other finance professionals, mentor those who are new to the field, and enhance their financial management careers. We also provide ways for members to give back through community service.
As President this year, my focus will be increasing our group and community engagement. I encourage everyone to invite a friend or associate to at least one of our events, and as a follow-up, of course, invite them to join. It is my goal to get our current members more engaged in the Chapter activities, increase our student engagement, and increase engagement with our community partners. As we move ahead, it's important to keep in mind the impact of governmental financial management on our professions and the financial management sector overall, including the role played by AGA. If you are not already a member, consider joining today or attending one of our local events!
Best Regards,
John Beall, MBA, PMP
AGA Tallahassee Chapter President
Join or Renew Now*
*Remember to select "Tallahassee" as your local chapter.