Please be patient with us while we update our website.
July 26, 2024
Chapter just received Platinum Award!!
AGA webinar on May 8, 2024 on Fraud/Analytics. Please send your one word evaluation-excellent, good, fair, or poor to
IRS is hiring!!! Can forward information upon request.
Hope who attended the March 6 Wednesday's webinar on RPA/AI enjoyed it.
Please feel free to send me your comments at
Successful FIT on December 6!
About 60 people attended.
We sent out emails to members on the 3 AGA webinars the chapter purchased for its members. We are limited to 30 attendees per webinar; first come first serve. Contact Frank Moy
Congratuation to Byran Stewart on being honored by Eastern Illinois University Saturday as a distinguished alumni along with nine others in 2023. Byran Stewart is a long time AGA Chicago chapter member and is a member of the chapter's board. Will be sending out details in an email in the next few days to all members.
Here is the official announcement from Eastern Illinois University:
Byran Stewart Class of 1980
Stewart’s career in finance spans over 30 years, having invested millions and managed billions of public and private dollars. An expert in state and local government, he served under two governors, including fellow alumnus Jim Edgar; two mayors; and an Illinois senate president. Stewart was the first African American treasurer of Maywood, Ill.; first African American director of appropriations for a former state senate president; and first African American CFO of the Illinois Department of Transportation. In 2008 Byran was appointed Treasurer of the Finance Executive International (FEI) Chicago Chapter, the preeminent association for financial executives. Stewart has received numerous award s and recognition for his work, including the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. Alumni Man of the Year and the Association of Government Accountants-Chicago Chapter Year of Service Award. Currently, Stewart is semi-retired as CEO of Stewart Group, which advises companies, governments, non-profits, conglomerates and investors on fiscal matters.
The 2023 recipients will be honored during a dinner and awards ceremony on October 7, 2023 at Eastern Ilinois University located in Charleston Illinois. The distinguished alumni award is the most prestigious award bestowed by the Alumni Association. Congratulations Byran!!!!
The Chicago Chapters of the AGA and IIA are partnering on joint training Fall into Training on December 6, 2023 afternoon!
Have a wonderful autumn.
The State of Illinois on November 3, 2022 filed our amendment to change the name of our chapter from Association of Government Accountants -Chicago Chapter to AGA Chicago Chapter!
Please note the Chicago Chapter received the Platinum Award for 2022!!
Name Change! The Association of Government Accountants is no more. Instead it is now officially AGA.
Our chapter is now AGA Chicago Chapter.
Flash: We had 15 members attend the FIT. Thanks for your support! Anbody who attended are encouraged to fill out the evaluations and please contact Franklin Moy ( to provide comments. Thanks everyone for supporting the AGA Chicago Chapter!
First of the 2 FIT Days on 10-18, 75 people signed up!
The second day of FIT was Thursday! Hope everyone enjoyed the speakers.
“Fall into Training” Membership Appreciation
Don’t miss out on the IIA GAC & AGA Chicago Chapters, “Fall into Training” webinar on-line series. Join us on an educational journey to acquire new skills and learning tools that are part of the ongoing changes in auditing and accounting professions. Whether you are new in your career or have been in your profession for a period of time, the speakers will provide knowledge that is relevant to your profession and essential to your professional credentials.
Event Dates: October 18 & 20, 2022 from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm (CT)
Event Title: AGA/IIA GAC Chicago Fall into Training
Event Location: Virtual (links to be provided closer to event)
Recommended CPEs: 6 (6 CPE credits may be earned if registrant attends all sessions. Partial CPE credits, in increments of 1/2 credit hour, will be given based upon attendance less than 6 hours)
Cost: $20.00 Members/$30.00 Non-Members
Click here to Register!
Applying the IPPF in the Public Sector
FOIA Refresher
HR Challenges in the Public Sector
Why Risk Management Matters
Field of Study: Government Auditing
Instructional Delivery: Group Internet Based
Prerequisites: None
Program Level Knowledge: BASIC
Advanced Preparation: NONE
Attendance Policy
We use a product called “Conference i/o” that will allow attendee to “check-in” to this seminar when it begins and “check-out” of the seminar when it is finished (or if you arrive late/leave early) to earn your CPE credits. All attendees must use the Conferences i/o url to log their attendance in order to obtain CPE credits (you do not need to download any software to use this product). If you can not access the url or have restrictions on your device for the use of urls, please contact the Chapter Registrar at
Also, throughout the training, attendees will be asked polling questions to verify they are engaged in seminar. All polling questions must be answered to obtain CPE credits. We suggest you disable pop-up blockers on your device to allow for viewing/answering of polling questions. If you have problems viewing/answering the polling questions or have restrictions on your device that don’t allow you to view/answer polling questions, please contact the Chapter Registrar at
Cancellation Policy
NOTICE of Cancellation/ Refund Policy: Due to costs incurred for seminars, cancellations for the will only be accepted if notice of cancellation is received by the IIA Chicago’s Registrar via e-mail or phone by October 16, 2022. The IIA e-mail is and phone number is (773) 319-4149. Paid registrations cancelled by the deadline will be refunded and outstanding payment registrations will be closed. Paid and outstanding payment registration will not be refunded or closed after the deadline. Please be aware of this policy when arranging plans to attend seminars. We look forward to meeting your educational needs. For more information regarding refund, complaints, and/or program cancellation policies, please contact Rachel Means at
National Registry Statement: The IIA Chicago Chapter is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
We are again a Platinum Chapter per email notification from AGA on June 16, 2022!
Attention Students and Young Professionals!
- The Chicago Chapter promotes and encourages students and young professionals to join and participate in AGA programs (mentorship, scholarships and training).
- The Chicago Chapter participates in college/university fairs and/or speaks to students about careers in government and/or invites instructors/students to an educational event.
Please contact Frank Moy for more information! Call him at 847-468-4954.
, 2022
At the May 16 meeting Raul Nieto went over the ins and outs of the CGFM. Please contact Raul or myself if you have any questions on the CGFM program.
Topic: AGA Chicago CGFM Study Group meeting
Time: May 16, 2022 noon Chicago time
Join Zoom Meeting
A successful Spring into Training event with the IIA! Thanks everyone. Also like your feedback if you attended. We are now planning the Fall into Training event with the IIA. Please volunteer to help. Call Frank Moy at 847 468 4954 or email him at
Increase your professionalism. Become a CGFM!
Here is more information on the Spring into Training event with the IIA. The notice came out! Agenda sent out.
Spring Into Training
The IIA Chicago Government Advisory Committee & the AGA Chicago Chapter are proud to again offer its “Spring into Training” Virtual Seminars. Join us on a learning journey as we learn new skills and acquire learning tools that are part of the ongoing changes in the public sector & government auditing and accounting professions.
Event Title: AGA and IIA GAC Chicago Chapter - Spring into Training
Event Dates: April 26th and 28th from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm (CT)
Event Location: Virtual (Zoom links to be provided closer to event)
Recommended CPEs: 6
Fields of Study: Government Auditing, Behavorial Ethics
Event Cost: $20 AGA/IIA Members/ $30 Non-Members
We encourage all chapter members to seek professional development and credentials. This will increase your professionalism, increase your knowledge and make you more useful to your employer.
The AGA offers a well recognized professional certification, the CGFM. Get involved and get the certification like Frank Moy did!
Please go the AGACGFM website for more information. This month only, the AGA is providing a no cost voucher to take the CGFM examination. Please contact Raul Nieto ( or Frank Moy ( for more CGFM information.
What is CGFM?
Certified Government Financial Manager® (CGFM®) is a professional certification awarded by AGA, demonstrating competency in governmental accounting, auditing, financial reporting, internal controls and budgeting at the federal, state and local levels.
CGFM is a respected credential that recognizes the specialized knowledge and experience needed to be an effective government financial manager.
Being a CGFM allows you to expand your career opportunities and distinguishes you from others in your field!
Welcome new members: Ravinder Sethi, Kimberly Carrillo-Walker and Satish Parikh!
We are licensed by State of Illinois as Public Accountant CE Sponsor (License number is 158.000315.)

Career Oppontunity!
Our firm, Randi Frank Consulting, LLC has been hired by the City of New Haven in CT to assist with their recruitment for their next Controller – Finance Director - CFO Position. This is a high-level executive position for a Finance Profession, and Executive Manager as listed in the attached Profile. Please share this advertisement and Profile with your network ASAP since resumes are being reviewed immediately and shared with the city quickly. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions on the position. Please submit resumes immediately to Thank you.
Wishing everyone a great year ahead in 2022!
We submitted out member centric report for the 2020-2021 chapter year. Much thanks to Richard (Rick) Urbanowski for putting together this comprehensive report.
Checked out our Achievements in Chapter Excellence (ACE) Award Platinum Chapter July 2021 plaque!
Chicago Chapter Stand-alone Community Service Event:
nhancing your knowledge of tax laws and participating in this community service event!
This page will continue to be updated everyday. Please feel free to contact me at
Please support the AGA!
To all our valued members. Please renew your AGA membership if you have not already done so. We need you to keep the chapter going and vibrant! Please contact David C. Acerra <> for information on the ethics board or other AGA boards.

Tell us the training you want! We are here for you! Please do your best to recruit students, the government needs a skilled workforce in the coming years! Let us do our part!
Hope everyone is well! Looking forward to seeing all members in the next year! Tell us what training you need and want. We are again NASBA certified. We also have Zoom license.
Everybody please help us recruit new members!
Any suggestions on improving the chapter please email
In the next few days we will post feedback from chapter members who attended the AGA webinars and the IIA conference. Remember for Chicago Chapter members the chapter already paid for selected webinars, so your membership gains you access at no additional cost. The AGA webinars generally offer 2 NASBA certified CPEs! It is a benefit of membership! Also we will keep you apprised of training (sometimes free) offered by other AGA chapters across the country. Also, we will keep you informed of Audit Forums, which are sponsored by the GAO and local governments. They also offer CPEs and access to outstanding speakers.
My message of the day is a quote: The busy bee has no time for sorrow. Please stay active! Go out enjoy the weather, spring is coming! Go for a bike ride!
Please welcome Byran Stewart to the Chicago Chapter's executive committee! Mr. Stewart is an accomplished financial management executive. See below for Mr. Stewart's impressive credentials.
As part of a national AGA initiative, we need your help in recruiting student members This year AGA national is offering complimentary virtural memberships to students. They can sign up at and join the Chicago Chapter. This is great step in professional development and making contacts for career opportunities!
Mr. Byran Stewart
An expert on state and local government, corporate finance, anM nonprofits. Byran J. Stewart has served as the chief executive officer of his own company, the Stewart Group since 2007, where he advises governments, conglomerates, nonprofits and individuals on fiscal matters. He also works in private equity since 2017. He began his professional career as a freight analyst for Mobil Oil Corporation, now Exxon Mobil Corporation in 1981, remaining in this position for three years before serving as Treasurer for the Village of Maywood, Illinois from 1985 to 1990. He then served as an internal auditor for the Illinois Department of Rehabilitation Services from 1992 to 1995 and Director of Appropriations for the Illinois Senate Minority Leader in 1995 and later a management consultant for Robert Half Inc. from 1996 to 2000.
Continuing on his professional path, Mr. Stewart served as a risk analyst for Comark/Insight from 2000 to 2003 and credit analyst for the National Association of Credit Managers from 2003 to 2005. Following this, he served the Illinois Department of Transportation as Deputy Director and Chief Financial Officer from 2005 to 2007. Additionally, he has served as a Board Director for four separate organizations.
Prior to embarking on his professional path, Mr. Stewart pursued a formal education at Triton College in River Grove, Illinois, where he earned an Associate of Science in 1977. He went on to attend Eastern Illinois University, obtaining a Bachelor of Science in business majoring in finance in 1980. In addition, Mr. Stewart is a Certified Illinois Municipal Treasurer and Certified Government Financial Manager.
Beyond his efforts within the industry, Mr. Stewart has contributed to numerous endeavors outside of his professional circles. He directed the food program of the Community Economic Development Association (CEDA) in Maywood, IL from 1985 to 1986 and as Treasurer for the MaywoodFest 1985 to 1986. Some years later, he served as Treasurer on the Board of Directors for Housing Helpers of Maywood from 2009 to 2011. Since 1986, Mr. Stewart has been a Deacon at the Second Baptist Church of Maywood. As Treasurer from 2008 to 2011 for the Chicago Chapter of the Financial Executive International (FEI) he was creative founder for the annual pageant entitled “CFO OF THE YEAR”. He was notably the first African American: 1) Treasurer of Maywood; 2) Director of Appropriations for a former the Illinois Senate President; and 3) Chief Financial Officer of the Illinois Department of Transportation.
In addition to his primary trade, Mr. Stewart remains affiliated with various organizations in relation to his areas of expertise. He has maintained involvement with the Association of Government Accountants. Over the years he has been a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), Illinois Municipal Treasurers Association (IMTA) – Chairman of the Publicity Committee, and the International Platform Speakers Association. Likewise, he has been a member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. Mu Mu Lambda Chapter Treasurer, and Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity.
In light of his exceptional undertakings, Mr. Stewart has accrued several accolades and honors throughout his impressive career. A Gold Brick Honoree of Operation Uplift Inc. in 2018, he was named among the Outstanding Young Men of America in 1983 and was named Alumni Man of the Year by Mu Mu Lambda Chapter and State of Illinois District of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. in 1989. Later on, he received the Ethics Speaker Award from the Illinois Department of Transportation in 2006 and a First African American Treasurer/Role Model proclamation in his name from the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Maywood, Illinois in 2013, also seeing the Chicago chapter of the Financial Executive International (FEI) named National Chapter of the Year in 2010. Mr. Stewart was selected for inclusion in the third edition of Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders in America and the 26th edition of Who’s Who in Finance and Industry, as well as three editions of Who’s Who in the World.
Most recently he was inducted into the 2019 Triton College Alumni Wall of Fame. The Triton College Distinguished Alumni Wall of Fame honors notable individuals who have walked the Triton’s halls throughout the college’s history and have contributed to their chosen profession and community. In recognizing the academic, personal and professional of Triton’s distinguished, current students and the campus community will be inspired by their accomplishments to strive for excellence.
The AGA Chicago Chapter is proud to announce that it is has awarded two scholarships for the spring
2020 semester. The Excellence in Accounting or Finance Award and the Leadership/ Community
Involvement Award are two scholarships offered by the AGA Chicago Chapter to current college
students (undergraduate or graduate students) in the field of Accounting and Finance studies. The awards
are restricted to students from Illinois or Greater Chicagoland Area institutions of higher education. The
AGA Chicago Chapter will be announcing another scholarship opportunity in the Fall of 2020.
Rabiya Salman, a student at the DePaul University, was awarded AGA’s Excellence in Accounting or
Finance Award. The scholarship recognizes outstanding college students in the field of accounting or
finance who have achieved positive academic records.
Olivia Celinski, also a student at DePaul University, was awarded AGA’s The Matthew Matczynski
Award in Leadership/ Community Involvement. The scholarship recognizes students in the field of
accounting or finance with strong leadership qualities and community service involvement.
The scholarship recipients each received $1,000 towards their tuition and a free AGA student
On behalf of the CEC Board, we want to congratulate these two individuals on their outstanding
academic achievements and wish them success in their future accounting careers.
For more information about the two awards, please contact Chanel Castaneda
( and
Tiffany N. McCoy, NCC Representative, Wendy Morton-Huddleston, AG National President-Elect and Adriane D. McCoy, Membership Director
2018 National Professional Development Training
2018 Bike Race for Charity
2018 IIA / AGA Fraud Symposium
2018 Professional Development Training