AGA Indianapolis Chapter Members:
I want to thank you for the opportunity to serve as your AGA Indianapolis Chapter President the past 2 years. I value the importance of AGA and other professional organizations like it, which is why I volunteered to serve. The AGA’s Advance, Grow & Accelerate is vital to helping our professionals with career development and forging new networking relationships, while providing better support to the entities we work for and giving back to our community.
During my first year as President, I was proud to accept the Gold Chapter award at the AGA National PDT on behalf our Chapter. During my second year, I challenged our Board and Committees to attain the next level. They developed a great plan and with their hard work and dedication (and great participation by our members along the way), I was extremely excited to accept the Platinum Chapter award on behalf of our Chapter at this year’s AGA National PDT! This accomplishment was only possible with these members volunteering their precious time to further our great AGA Indianapolis Chapter supporting you, our members. So, I want to personally thank each of them for their service to AGA and for all you for being AGA Indianapolis chapter members.
In closing, I want to welcome Mrs. Katherine (Katie) Gambill as our new AGA Indianapolis Chapter President. I know she and the new Board and Committee members will do a great job continuing to move our Chapter forward and improving support to our members! As part of the “forging new networking relationships” aspect I noted above, one of my parting challenges to Katie and the Board/Committee members, is to consider having more in-person/hybrid gatherings as those are a critical foundation to AGA and its members. I really think the time and environment is right to do that as more and more of us are more comfortable being in person and the pandemic national emergency has largely ended. Best wishes to all and look forward to seeing you soon at an upcoming AGA Indianapolis event!
Rick Davis
AGA Indianapolis Chapter President 2021-2023

It is that time of year again. Not only have Central Indiana students recently started another school year, but we have also begun another Program Year for the AGA. This makes it a perfect time to celebrate the accomplishments of last year and to look forward to what we can accomplish this year.
Under Mr. Hullinger’s leadership and with your tremendous support, we accomplished all four of his goals: 1. Perform value-added community service, 2. Increase membership, 3. Increase event participation, and 4. Maintain Platinum chapter status. Congratulations and thank you very much!
Looking ahead to this year, I plan for us to continue to focus on those same 4 goals. I know that will again be a lot to aim for a volunteer organization to achieve, so we will engage the membership individually and as a whole to ensure our community service activities align to your beliefs and desires. I also want to ensure the events are important to you and your families and that you are interested in helping to improve the quality of lives in our community. I look forward to getting your feedback in the near future.
I wish you and our Indianapolis AGA Chapter continued success!
AGA Indianapolis Chapter President 2017-2021