Welcome to the AGA - New Mexico Chapter Website!

AGA New Mexico Chapter serves professionals in the government financial management community by providing quality education, fostering professional development and certification, and supporting standards and research to advance government accountability. The AGA New Mexico Chapter includes over 200 members that range from students and entry-level employees to senior executives and elected officials who work for government, post-secondary educational institutions, federal agencies, public accounting firms, and private industry. Our members are involved in various disciplines including accounting, auditing, budgeting, finance, contract management, program management, grants management and academia. Join the AGA New Mexico Chapter today and enjoy the benefits of being a member of one of the major professional organizations in New Mexico!

Meet our President for 2024 - Reese Chavarria-Quam

Hello AGA Members,

Welcome to the AGA New Mexico Chapter Website! I am Mauricia “Reese” Chavarria-Quam, and I am serving as the new President of the New Mexico Chapter of AGA for this program year. I have been an AGA member since 2012, and throughout the years, I have enjoyed everything that AGA has to offer to its members.


The AGA Chapter Executive Committee is planning several events to take place throughout the program year, and we are excited to share with you the various educational, social, and training opportunities that we have planned.  Please be on the lookout for more information as it becomes available. I would like to thank you for your time, and I look forward to seeing you throughout the program year!  




Chapter News

March 2024 CGFM Month in the State of NM

March 2024 CGFM Month - 30th Anniversary of the CGFM.  The National AGA office is offering a SPECIAL PROMOTION for a FREE exam.  Hurry!  This promotion will not last long!  Offer is from February 1st to March 31st.  See promotion link for full details:  TOGO Promotion Link

Introduction to CGFM Video

What is the CGFM exam?  What does it mean to be a CGFM?  What will it do for me professionally?  Click on the Introduction to CGFM Video link below to find out why this professional licensure is so important.

Introduction to CGFM - 1:12 minutes

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