A guide to the NM Chapter website from the NM Chapter President for 2024 Program Year:

Welcome to the AGA New Mexico website! I am Mauricia “Reese” Chavarria-Quam, and I am serving as the new President of the New Mexico Chapter of AGA for this program year.
To the left are links for the following. Please feel free to reach out with any questions - email us at nmagacgfm@gmail.com!
- Chapter Awards - where you will find recognition for accomplishments of our very hard working Chapter Executive Committee members (CEC)!
- Chapter Newsletter - where you will find current and past copies of our newsletters which is one of the main sources of information on how you can join in furthering the profession as well as get information on upcoming webinars, trainings and social events and information on membership and other benefits available to you as NM Chapter and AGA members!
- Chapter Bylaws - govern the chapter and the CEC
- Chapter Sponsors - our key partners in providing quality education and training to our members. Thank you Sponsors! We adore you.
- Chapter Leadership - major players in the NM Chapter CEC. Yes - we have room for more! To volunteer please email us at nmagacgfm@gmail.com for more information.
- Chapter News - details on what is going on with the NM Chapter and future events
- Chapter Citizen Centric Report - an annual summary of everything NM Chapter and AGA
- Chapter Minutes - approved minutes so you can see that we are hard at work meeting regularly to provide benefits to YOU the member!
- Chapter Agreed Upon Procedures Report - fiscal accountability
- Photo Gallery - pictures, pictures, pictures!