CPE Credit Masthead

CPE Credit

NLT offers 14 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours. CPE certificate for both in person and virtual participants will be available within two weeks post-training. An email notification will be sent stating that the certificate is ready to be downloaded from My AGA under "My CPEs." 

NASBA's CPE calculation
50 minute session = 1 CPE
75 minute session = 1.50 CPE

Prerequisites/Learning Objectives

Program level: Intermediate

Prerequisite: This program is suitable for participants who are at least mid-level within an organization; have knowledge, skills and ability commensurate with that level; and have operational and/or supervisory responsibilities

Advance preparation: None required

Delivery method: Group Internet Based (virtual participant)

Learning objective: Participants will learn best practices and gather solutions to shared challenges from top financial management leaders and industry experts. AGA's goal is to help you excel as leaders in today’s competitive market.  

CPE Tracking Process

AGA adheres to the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) standards for CPE programs, which require an attendance verification process for all training events. 

In-person Participation (Washington, D.C.) 

During each session, volunteers will remain at the entrances and exits to scan attendees either in OR out to verify attendance.

For in-person attendees, your name badge is imprinted with a unique barcode. Name badges will be scanned at random times for each session as you enter or exit. AGA will use the process to tally your attendance and create your CPE certificate. CPE certificates will be available online to print within two weeks after the training. Only registrants who are paid in full will be eligible for CPE hours.

Virtual Participant (from Your Home/Office)

During virtual sessions, you will be required to click on a series of alertness checks that appear at random times. When these alertness check boxes appear, you will have a short period of time to click on the “Continue Viewing” button. To receive CPE credit, you must pass a number of alertness checks, see below.  

1 CPE credit = passing 3 alertness checks 
1.5 CPE credit = passing 5 alertness checks
2 CPE credit = passing 6 alertness checks

Announcing the pop-up alertness checks to fellow attendees in the chat box during a session is against NASBA policy and may cause you to become ineligible to earn the CPE credit.

developing and training government financial leaders

February 19–20 | Washington, D.C.
14 CPEs

Registration and Fees

Early bird deadline – Jan. 31, 2025
Online Registration
AGA Members
Early Bird
Early Bird
General Admission
Government Member
Private Member
Government Non-member
Private Non-member
Government Member
Private Member
Government Non-member
Private Non-member

Session Recordings

Recordings of all sessions will be available at least two business weeks after the training and accessible to all attendees. Please note: Recordings do not offer CPE credits. You must participate in the live-streaming or in-person sessions in real time to receive credits. Please refer to the CPE tracking process above for instructions.

CPE Retrieval

CPE certificates will be available to print online within two weeks of the closing event of the training. When certificates are ready, attendees will receive an email with instructions to download them.

Should you have any questions, please contact education@agacgfm.org. If you need help accessing your AGA account log-in information, please contact agamembers@agacgfm.org or call 800.242.7211, ext: 301.

Please note:  CPE certificates are available only to attendees who have paid the balance for the training event in full.

CGFM CPE Requirements and NASBA Certification


CPE hours earned during this event can be used to fulfill CGFM CPE requirements. To learn more about the CGFM certification, contact AGA's Office of Professional Certification.

NASBA Registry

AGA is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.orgNational Registry of CPE Sponsor ID: 104201

CPE Field of Study

To help you decide which presentations to attend, each session on the agenda will be marked to indicate the target audience — Federal; State & Local; or All — and the CPE Field of Study (FOS). CPE FOS are as follows:

  • Accounting: ACC
  • Accounting (Governmental): ACCG
  • Auditing: AUD
  • Auditing (Governmental): AUDG
  • Behavioral Ethics: BETH
  • Business Law: BLAW
  • Business Management & Organization: BMO
  • Communications and Marketing: COMS
  • Computer Software & Applications: CS
  • Economics: ECO
  • Finance: FIN
  • Information Technology: IT
  • Management Services: MGMT
  • Personal Development: PD
  • Personnel/Human Resources: HR
  • Production: PRD
  • Regulatory Ethics: REGETH
  • Specialized Knowledge: SK 
  • Statistics: STAT
  • Taxes: TAX


CPE for Speaker’s Preparation Time:

Speakers, instructors and discussion leaders may be eligible for CPE credit for their preparation and presentation time to the extent the activities maintain or improve their professional competence, and meet the requirements of applicable CPE standards/policies.  Speakers are responsible for tracking/documenting their own preparation time. AGA is not able to add preparation time to the speaker’s CPE certificate.

In accordance with NASBA standards, speakers who present a learning activity for the first time may receive CPE credit for actual preparation time, up to two times the number of CPE credits to which participants would be entitled, in addition to the time for presentation, subject to regulations and maximums established by the boards of accountancy. CGFM CPE policies have a similar provision for speakers, as long as the CPEs are applicable towards CGFM and are within the 40-hour maximum number of CPE hours granted to an individual as a speaker or course developer for any two-year period. For more information/guidance, please refer to CGFM CPE policiesNASBA standards or another applicable entity.

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