To retain the CGFM certification, all CGFMs must adhere to the AGA’s Code of Ethics. In addition, to continue using the CGFM designation after their name, CGFMs must be in an active status.
Requirements for maintaining the CGFM certification in an active status are as follows:
- pay the CGFM renewal fee by the due date every year;
- complete at least 80 hours of continuing professional education every two years in government financial management or related technical subjects (within the designated two-year CPE cycle); and
- maintain and, if requested by AGA, provide detailed information on CPE hours completed.
The 80 CPE hours must be completed within the CGFM’s two-year CPE cycle. The first CPE cycle starts on Jan. 1 of the year following the one when the CGFM designation was earned. For example, if the CGFM was awarded any time in 2020, the first CPE cycle starts on Jan. 1, 2021 and ends on Dec. 31, 2022. See Calendar of CPE cycles for a schedule of CPE cycles. Note: Any hours earned during the year the CGFM is awarded do not count toward the first CPE cycle.
The CPE requirements apply to all active CGFMs, whether employed or not, and whether employed full- or part-time by a government or other organization. Active CGFMs must complete a minimum of 80 CPE hours every two years to maintain their CGFM certification. While there is no minimum number of hours required to be earned each year, CGFMs are encouraged to earn CPE hours throughout their two-year cycle.
Ethics training: The Professional Certification Board (PCB) has set forth an ethics component to be included in CPE requirements of a minimum of four hours of ethics training in each CPE cycle. While there is no annual ethics training requirement, CGFMs are encouraged to earn two CPE hours in ethics per year. The PCB does not prescribe where an individual must obtain this training, so there is some flexibility in meeting this requirement. It must be clear from the title of the training or the field of study that this training is related to ethics. This requirement is effective for all CPE cycles that start after 12/31/2020.
CGFMs do not need to submit supporting documentation of the CPE hours at the time of renewal. The payment itself serves as the CGFM's affirmation of his or her compliance with the CPE requirements. CGFMs are required to maintain supporting documentation on CPE hours earned for a minimum of three years and provide it to AGA upon request. The CPE documentation requirements are described in section 16 of this publication. This documentation may be requested by AGA as part of the annual audit of a random sample of CGFMs.
If a CGFM fails to meet the requirements to maintain the CGFM in an active status, the CGFM becomes inactive. See Maintaining CGFM Certification for additional information on annual CGFM renewal and inactive status.