2021 Student Citizen-Centric Report Contest
Learn more about your state or local government and have the chance to be awarded a cash prize of $2,000. The Montgomery/Prince George’s County Chapter of the AGA is hosting its annual contest for teams of college students to create a Citizen-Centric Report (CCR) on a governmental entity in Maryland.
Contest details:
• Teams must include 2-4 students and may select any governmental entity in Maryland (e.g., State of Maryland, Montgomery County, Prince George’ County).
• Teams must register by March 1, 2021 via email to accountability@marylandaga.com; providing the school, names of team members, and the governmental entity selected.
• AGA National’s website has many resources to assist with the preparation of a CCR, including a variety of templates. You can find this information at http://www.agacgfm.org/citizen/. The information needed to draft the CCR is expected to be available online.
• Teams must submit their CCRs by March 31, 2021. Early submission is encouraged!
• Finalists will present their CCRs at a Montgomery/Prince George’s County AGA Chapter dinner meeting. Please have at least one team member who is in the DC/Maryland area and would be able to attend. These meetings also offer a great networking opportunity with local professionals.
• The winning team will be announced in May 2021 and will be awarded a $2,000 cash prize to be evenly divided among the team members.
For all the details and a flyer to share, please click here.
Prior winning submissions can be found here: