Chapter History Project

Our chapter is taking on a project to document the history of our chapter since it was founded in 1968. For more information on how our chapter was founded, click here.

Please see our Citizen Centric Reports and Certificates of Excellence for our chapter for the following program years:

Citizen Centric Reports   Certificates of Excellence
2023-2024   2019


View our yearbooks summarizing the events of during the following years:

2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013

For years 1968 to 1993, we have summarized the events of the chapter, Board members, awards received, etc. Click on the links below to view the summary by fiscal year.

1968-1969 1975-1976 1982-1983 1989-1990
1969-1970 1976-1977 1983-1984 1990-1991
1970-1971 1977-1978 1984-1985 1991-1992
1971-1972 1978-1979 1985-1986 1992-1993
1972-1973 1979-1980 1986-1987  
1973-1974 1980-1981 1987-1988  
1974-1975 1981-1982 1988-1989  

Click here for a listing of chapter presidents from 1968 to 2003. See below for the chapter presidents since 2003.

2003-04 Doreen Shute 2010-11 Andrew Lewis 2017-18 Jonathan DeBoer
2004-05 Lance Shawver
  2011-12 Alex Dickey
2018-19 Erica N. Williams
2005-06 Roger Pisha
  2012-13 Christine Tritsch
2019-2020 Freda Jackson
2006-07 Flora Milans 2013-14 Eric Rasmussen 2020-2021 Mathew Wenzel
2007-08 Denise Wu 2014-15 Carla Mewborn 2021-2022 Nicholas Garrard
2008-09 Yehuda Schmidt 2015-16 Marlon Perry 2022-2023 Kimberly Penn
2009-10 Angela Walters 2016-17 Corinne Dougherty 2023-2024 Claire Fitch