From Chapter President Nick Garrard:

Dear Members, Colleagues, and Friends,

I would like to welcome everyone to the 2021-2022 AGA program year. I have had the pleasure to serve on the board since 2017 and am honored to continue my participation by serving as chapter president.

Last year, our chapter, like many across the world, made drastic changes to our plans due to COVID-19.  Our excellent team, led by Past-President and current NCC Rep Mathew Wenzel, reached, and even surpassed, its goals.  To name a few: Our community service initiative raised funds for food aid in the area; The membership and sponsorship teams kept our community connected and growing; Our certification directors made virtual materials available to candidates and held e-study sessions; By being proactive in identifying and training with a virtual platform, the Education and Meetings committee held high-quality events that reached hundreds of attendees; Young Professionals linked our current leaders with leaders of the future through happy hours and trivia.

We did all this in addition to the trials and tribulations that COVID-19 left us to deal with at home.  Incredible. 

The 2021-22 year will bring its own challenges.  There is reason to be optimistic about the possibility of in-person and/or hybrid events.  If you’re like me, you can’t wait to catch a game with our chapter members, participate in a hands-on community service project, or see some of our favorite industry speakers deliver a presentation in-person.  Switching to a hybrid model will be a transition just like going virtual was, and we plan on doing things with the safety and interest of everyone in mind. Guidance on this will come from National, State, and Local experts.  I know we have the team up whatever task.

Our board has worked hard this summer to establish our plans for the program year.  In fact, we already have several events fully planned.  Our first CPE-eligible education event is scheduled for Tuesday, September 14th. This event is free for all chapter members and available for just a small fee for non-chapter members. Keep checking the events tab on our website (AGA Montgomery/P.G. Chapter), and you can see all of the upcoming events, including meetings, workshops, community service programs, and early careers events. Events are added regularly, so check back often. Also, connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram for updates as well!

If you have comments, questions, or would like to learn more about how to become a member, get involved, or join the board, please don’t hesitate to contact me at

Thank you,

Nick Garrard

Montgomery/Prince George’s County (MPGC) Chapter President