Our Chapter

The Montgomery/Prince George's County Chapter of AGA is a diverse group of financial managers, accountants, and auditors. Members come from CPA firms, federal, state and local government. Meetings provide a opportunity for members to share information with others interested in financial topics. Each dinner meeting has a guest speaker that discusses a topic related to accounting, auditing or financial management issues. Additionally, the dinner meetings provide an opportunity for networking.

All members of the AGA serve the public interest in accordance with the highest ethical principles. As such, our members abide by the following code of ethics and professional conduct: AGA Code of Ethics.

Chapter Meetings

The chapter holds monthly meetings from September through May. Meetings usually occur on the second Wednesday of each month.  See our Virtual Meetings section for more details on our next meeting.

Upcoming Events

MPGC Chapter December Ethics Workshop

Date:  December 10, 2024
Location: Virtual

Please joins us for an Ethics Workshop on Tuesday, December 10 from 8:30 AM  - 12:30 PM with Clare Levison from Inspired Responsibility.  You can earn 4 CPE credits in Regulatory Ethics for attending. All the details including pricing and registration can be found on our Virtual Meetings Page.

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