The AGA Seattle Chapter has several community service events each year, including a toy drive at the December training event, and a food or toiletries drive at the January training event. We are currently looking at other volunteer opportunities, and we will post any additional ones here. If you have a community service event you think might be of interest to our Chapter or our chapter members, please contact our community service chair at .
Current and Upcoming Community Service
Tax prep campaign
The Seattle AGA Board is proud to promote this great volunteer opportunity with the United Way of King County: Free Tax Preparation Campaign. Over the past few years, the Free Tax Preparation Campaign has helped thousands of families file their taxes and get connected to resources because of volunteers. This unique volunteer opportunity is a great way to get involved and give back to your community because it has a direct impact on families and individuals. With a number of changes anticipated to this year’s tax code, volunteers, especially those with accounting knowledge, are needed now more than ever!
Sound Generations
Future giving and service campaigns will benefit Sound Generations among others. AGA Seattle will set-up a giving page on Sound Generations website and announce the campaign. Sound Generations promotes the emotional, social and physical well-being of older adults through a network of community connections and services. They provide Seattle's Meals on Wheels program and many other worthy endeavors for your support.