Fraud' 24 Speaker & Moderator Resource Center

Deliverable Deadlines:

  • Friday, Aug. 30 – Submit speaker/moderator registration form, bio and headshot
  • Thursday, Sept. 5 – Session materials (PowerPoint slides, polling spreadsheet)

Guidelines for Inviting Speakers

  • Educational Value & Program Diversity — We encourage session coordinators to assemble speakers from a variety of organizations that represent diverse points of view. We suggest each session include a mix of presenters from different organizations and government levels (state, local and federal), gender, career specialties, and race/ethnicities. Only government-sector professionals may particpate in a panel of speakers; private-sector members may only moderate or faciliate a session (except in instances described below).

  • Private-Sector Speakers — Very recent former federal Senior Executive Service (SES) members or equivalent state and local senior executives, now in private or commercial practice, may participate in Fraud'24 sessions as panel speakers; however, participation is subject to approval by AGA. Please send your speaker requests to Jerome Bruce.

If you need suggestions for speakers to include in your session or have questions about the types of speakers to seek out, feel free to reach out to Jerome Bruce before issuing an invitation to someone.

In-person Speakers/Moderator Registration Info:

All speakers and moderators are required to register for the event. AGA needs to make sure we have the correct contact information and a name badge prepared for each person upon arrival. Please download and complete the speaker/ moderator registration form and e-mail it to by Friday, Aug.30.

Registration Fees for Speakers & Moderators:

My session(s) only


Entire day of my session(s)

Comp ($350-$400 standard rate)
Full conference (14 CPE, 2 days of training, meals, solutions hall)     $375 ($550 - $725 standard rate)

Registration Form

Important Note: While leveraging virtual speakers may provide additional speaker options, remote speaking involves higher production costs and logistical complexities; therefore, we earnestly discourage this option for Fraud'24 speakers, and attendees will question why they came in-person if speakers are presenting virtually!

Because we are aware that unavoidable circumstances arise that make remote speaking the only option, requests for remote speaking should be based on valid reasons. Each request must be submitted to Jerome Bruce, subject to approval and a different speaker registration structure may apply. Please note that session moderators are required to present in person; no remote option will be in place for moderators.

Bios & Headshot/Attire/Audiovisual:

  • Bio & Headshot — Send a 40–100 word bio in sentence form (no bullets or resumes) and a high-resolution headshot in .jpg/.jpeg format to Monica Cordova at your earliest convenience.
  • Attire — Business casual attire is appropriate for all speakers and moderators. Jackets and collared shirts are suggested for men (no ties required) or shirts with corporate logos. Since no tables will be in front of our speakers, we suggest no skirts above the knee for ladies.
  • Room Set-up & Audiovisual Each room is equipped with basic A/V such as a projector/screen, microphones, and a laptop loaded with presentation slides. There will be A/V staff available at the back for any troubleshooting. Moderators are required to use their own device to monitor the Q&A, please read "presentation materials and engagement tools" section for detailed information on Q&A.
  • Moderator Responsibilities & Best Practices:

As the moderator, you will serve as a discussion facilitator. You will introduce speakers, keep time, and facilitate the audience Q&A portion of the presentation. Please make sure to review the "moderator best practices".

  • Arrive at the session room at least 10 minutes before the start of the presentation. This will allow you to greet the speakers at the front of the room and connect with the audiovisual technicians.
  • If you plan to use PowerPoint, the presentations will be loaded onto the laptop located in the session room and saved as “session ID_ All Speakers/Speaker last name.” When you arrive in the room, please open the PowerPoint, if it’s not opened already, and verify that it is ready to go. AV technicians will be available to assist with audiovisual equipment as needed.
  • Moderators are required to use their own device (cell phone or tablet) to view attendees’ questions. Please visit your "app store" and download the Fraud'24 app or go to and select your session number to see the questions submitted by the audience, ranked by popularity. For more tips on how our Q&A works, check out the Presentation Materials & Engagement Tools section posted below.

Moderator Best Practices

Presentation Materials & Engagement Tools:

  • Slide Design & Template — We strongly encourage all speakers to use the Fraud'24 PowerPoint template provided at the link below and follow the slide design guidelines.

Presentation slides are posted for attendees to view and to print before the training. By submitting your slides to AGA, you agree to their publication unless otherwise specified.

To maintain consistency, combine all speaker slides into one PowerPoint deck in the order in which they will be presented. Send the final slide deck to Monica Cordova (with your polling spreadsheet, if applicable) on or before Sept. 5.


  • Polling — As the moderator, you will have access to the same screen view as the audience. AGA will administer polling and build your questions and results slides into your presentation, so everything is set-up and ready for you.

  1. Complete the polling spreadsheet (linked below) with your questions. Include a blank PowerPointslide in your presentation for each polling question so AGA can embed each pollin its correct place.
  2. For more information on the types of polling in your presentation, please click on the image below.


Polling & Team
Battle Spreadsheet


  • Team Battle! — Team Battle is a quiz-style game in which groups of attendees compete against one another to answer questions quickly and correctly. If you would like to incorporate Team Battle into your presentation, please follow the instructions below.
  1. Include one blank slide in your presentation where you want to begin the battle.
  2. Complete the Team Battle spreadsheet with your questions and answers. Please indicate in your spreadsheet which answer is the correct one!

IMPORTANT: Once you have inserted the blank slide into your final PowerPoint presentation, email all three documents (final slide deck and completed polling/Team Battle spreadsheet ) to no later than Sept. 5.

  • Social Q&A — Social Q&A allows attendees to ask the panelists questions anonymously in real-time during a session, using the chatroom on their player screen. Attendees can see the questions other people ask and upvote questions they want speakers to address. This feature will be used in all sessions. Please watch the Social Q&A tutorial video below or click here to a quick read.

Social Media Tips

The official hashtag for Fraud' 24 is #FRAUD24. View updates, conversations, photos and more by clicking on the hashtag in social media posts.

For Use on Twitter

  • I’m speaking at @agacgfm #FRAUD24! Add my session to your schedule: [Insert Your Unique Session Link]
  • Register now to join me at @agacgfm #FRAUD24. Don’t forget to add me to your schedule: [Insert Your Unique Session Link]
  • I can’t wait to speak at @agacgfm #FRAUD24! Learn more about my session and add it to your schedule. [Insert Your Unique Session Link]
  • Planning my #FRAUD24 session [insert session number] what do you want to know about [insert topic]?

For Use on Facebook

  • Join me at (tag @AGACGFM) #FRAUD24! I’ll be presenting [Insert Session Title], [Insert Your Unique Session Link].
  • Looking forward to speaking at (tag @AGACGFM)’s #FRAUD24. Learn more about my session [Insert Your Unique Session Link].
  • So excited to be speaking at (tag @AGACGFM)’s #FRAUD24. Register and learn more about my session [Insert Session Title], [Insert Your Unique Session Link].

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Non-Commercial Content Policy/Code of Conduct

The training may not be used as a platform for commercial sales, self-promotion, or as a forum to criticize competitors. Presenters must share information in an educational and non-commercial manner that is not specific to a product or service. Presenters also must refrain from overt statements, harsh language, partisan political views, and/or pointed humor that disparages the rightful dignity and social equity of any individual or group. Click button below to review code of conduct for private sector moderators/presenters.

Code of Conduct for Private Sector

No-Recording Policy

AGA prohibits unauthorized recording or broadcasting (video or audio) of any AGA event. This policy includes both in-person and virtual events.


Please contact Monica Cordova for all speaker and moderator inquiries at


focusing on internal controls and minimizing fraud, waste and abuse

September 19–20 | Washington, DC
14 CPEs

Registration and Fees

Early bird deadline – Aug. 23, 2024
All Other
AGA Members
Early Bird
Early Bird
General Admission
Government Member
Private Member
Government Non-member
Private Non-member
Government Member
Private Member
Government Non-member
Private Non-member