5/31/22 ACE Final Report for AGADC


Initiated a membership recruitment contest with the Fall Newsletter issued 10/6/21. Also initiated “Welcome to New Members” feature in the newsletters. Total Chapter membership at 5/1/22 (including 212 members who belong to multiple chapters) is 2,119. For ACE purposes, Chapter membership increased from 1,853 at 5/1/21 to 1,907 at 5/1/22 (Tier I). 100 points.


Annual survey results were shared with the CEC on May 7, 2022 (Tier I) and our 86% overall satisfaction rate exceeded 80% (Tier II & III). Members said they appreciated the return to in-person events. The Chapter sponsored or co-sponsored 24 in-person training and networking events during the year. 500 points.

100 point Awards Bonus: We submitted 3 NLT award nominations and one PDT Volunteer of the Year nomination. 100 points.


Chapter made the transition from hosting 100% virtual trainings in FY 21 to hosting virtual and hybrid trainings in FY 22. Virtual 1 hour CPE training luncheons were provided on 9/14/21, 10/13.21, 1/11/22 and 2/9/22. Hybrid luncheons were provided on 12/7/21, 3/23/22, 4/19/22 and 5/17/22. Chapter also paid for 60 attendees at all 12 AGA National webinars.

Chapter earned 500 points: (1) by providing or co-sponsoring CPE hours for members through our 8 monthly luncheons and our 2 Day Annual Training Program (Tier 1), (2) Covering a wide-breadth of topics (see our website) including emerging technologies i.e. RPA at February luncheon and emerging technologies session at Annual Training (Tier 2), and (3) including networking and/or social time at 4 of our 8 monthly luncheons and throughout the 2 Day 16 CPE hour Annual Training event (Tier 3).


Chapter achieved Tier I AND Tier 3 goals of maintaining AND exceeding avg meeting attendance as follows:

  9/21 luncheon meeting had 202 attendees vs. 116 for 9/20.

10/21 luncheon meeting had 179 attendees vs. 122 in 2020.

12/7 luncheon meeting had 172 attendees vs. 100 in 2021.

1/11 luncheon meeting had 222 attendees vs. 93 in 2021.

2/9 luncheon meeting had 220 attendees vs. 208 in 2021.

3/23 luncheon meeting had 216 attendees vs. 211 in 2021.

4/19 luncheon meeting had 174 attendees vs. 159 in 2021.

5/17 luncheon meeting had 187 attendees vs. 141 in 2021

Chapter also achieved Tier II goal of offering events beyond the current membership base by emailing the following Chapters prior to each luncheon with an invitation for their members to earn free CPE via virtual attendance at our trainings: Dallas (Carla Flores); Indianapolis (Richard Davis, LaTrice Akers); Cleveland (Tonya Hughes Scruggs, Michael Hoffman); Greater Columbus (Constance Sombaty, Linda Gover); Northern Virginia (Reza Mahbod, Katie Labadie). 500 points.


Earned 500 points by maintaining last year’s 90% meeting satisfaction rating AND exceeding this year’s stated 91% satisfaction goal as follows:

9/21 luncheon satisfaction was 99%

10/21 luncheon satisfaction was 98%

12/7 was 98%

1/11 was 99%

2/9 was 99%

3/23 was 99%

4/19 was 96.8%

5/17 was 100%


Conducted an Information session on CGFM at 4/19/22 luncheon (Tier I).

Chapter conducted CGFM exam & study guide reimbursement program which is promoted on our website and at our training events (Tier II).

Chapter co-sponsored a CGFM study group with the Northern VA chapter on 12/9/21 (Tier 3). 500 points


Chapter promotes CGFM on its website and in its newsletters, emails and social media. New CGFM’s are recognized in the newsletters (Tier I).

100 points

Bonus: obtained a CGFM Month proclamation for March 2022.

100 points


Kiger and Pavot are webmasters and Chapter leadership and events data on website is current (Tier I).

Quarterly newsletters issued 8/31/21, 10/6/21, 1/11/22 and 5/5/22 (Tier II).

Chapter’s social media committee actively operates our LinkedIn and Twitter accounts to promote chapter events and news (Tier III).

500 points


Chapter does a charity fundraising promotion concurrent with each monthly luncheon AND raised money for Toys for Tots in connection with the December 2021 holiday party (Tier I).

Chapter organized Wreaths Across America member service event at Arlington National Cemetery on 12/18/21 (Tier II).

Chapter made a $50 financial contribution for the annual PDT NCSF fundraiser (Tier III).

500 points

Over $800 has been raised for Unity Healthcare, Wreaths Across America, Toys for Tots, House of Ruth, the Black Women’s Health Imperative, and Autism Speaks National Capital chapter.


Chapter officers have proactively sought out and encouraged members for CEC positions AND increased size of CEC from 7 to 13 members in effort to develop more chapter leaders (TIER I).

CEC includes at least 1 YP (Kiger) AND over 25% of CEC have not served before (Kiger, Moreland, Okonkwo, Marshall, Shoustal and Amatie) (Tier II and III).

500 points


Chapter created 2 college internships so we have an accounting intern from the University of Minnesota and a technology intern from George Mason University helping out with Chapter operations (Tier I).

Chapter made on-campus presentations to GWU and American University students on 4/11/22 and 4/13/22, respectively, on careers in govt accounting, AGA, and CGFM. In addition, we provided complimentary Annual Training registrations to an AU professor and 2 of her college students and spoke with them at the event about participating in future AGA programs (Tier II).

Signed up American University instructor for e-professor membership (Tier III).

500 points

Chapter Total is 4,900 + 100 for October CCR Submission = 5,000

Platinum Requirement is 4,400