Accountability Committee

I. Purpose

AGA’s Accountability Committee promotes transparency and accountability throughout all segments of government. The Committee encourages federal, state and local government entities to publish high quality, informative Citizen Centric Reports (CCR), helping governments communicate better with their citizens. The committee also encourages AGA chapters to produce CCRs for their members and potential members and to promote citizen-centric reporting as a valuable accountability and communications tool.

II. Functions and Responsibilities 

  1. Serve as an active participate in scheduled meetings as identified by the Accountability Committee chair.
  2. Increase participation in AGA’s CCR program among:
    • governmental entities, such as federal, state, local, tribal
    • chapters
  3. Encourage members to take an active role in producing a CCR for their AGA chapter or community, agency or government
  4. Assist chapters in CCR development, sharing best practices
  5. Promote use of the CCR as a valuable method of communication through speaking engagements, articles, outreach to governments, chapter promotion, etc.
  6. Serve as CCR Reviewers for AGA’s Certificate of Excellence in Citizen Centric Reporting; connect with other accountability professionals and chapter contacts to broaden pool of reviewers
  7. Share ideas and collaborate about new ways to utilize the CCR as a tool to further promote accountability, providing linkages to on-line information, reports, and data sources
  8. Support the Government Finance Case Challenge by:
    1. Identifying contacts at universities/colleges for the purpose of meeting with instructors, speaking to and inspiring students to encourage participation in AGA’s Government Case Challenge
    2. Participating as a judge/reviewer for the Case Challenge
  9. Increase awareness of AGA as a thought leader in citizen centric reporting and promoting government transparency and accountability

III. Composition

The Accountability Committee is a standing committee of AGA and reports to the National Governing Board (NGB).

The National President shall appoint the committee’s chair and members in accordance with AGA Bylaws. The committee shall consist of six to nine members (including the chair). Committee members shall be appointed for a two-year term and may be reappointed for an additional two-year term. Terms of membership will be staggered to facilitate transition and provide for continuity of knowledge and experience. No member shall serve more than two consecutive terms. The chair shall be appointed for a one-year term and may be reappointed for additional terms in that capacity. At least one member of the committee will be from academia. Consideration shall be given to the geographic and demographic profile of the membership in making committee appointments.  A staff member from AGA national office will support this Committee.

Members who are involved with AGA, regularly attend local or chapter events, are active in the government FM community and able to network and mentor are also encouraged to participate on this Committee.  Experience in developing or reviewing CCRs is recommended (but not mandatory) for members.

IV. Meetings

The committee meets by conference call as needed at least four times a year, and more frequently if responsibilities warrant, as decided by the chair. Committee efforts shall be coordinated through email communications between calls.