Our Story

AGA was founded as the Federal Government Accountants Association (FGAA) by Robert W. King and a group of federal government accountants on Sept. 14, 1950. AGA expanded in 1975 to include state and local government finance professionals. At that time, the organization's name was changed to the Association of Government Accountants (AGA). In 2022 the organization's name was changed to AGA

AGA Through the Decades

We are pleased to present AGA’s history. These items were taken from more than 60 years of publications, beginning with The Federal Accountant and ending with Government Financial Management Topics

Sept. 14, 1950

The Federal Government Accountants Association (FGAA) is founded on the initiative of Robert W. King and group of federal accountants.

January 1952

Association holds first symposium for government officials, accountants and auditors.

Fall 1952

Denver Chapter becomes second FGAA chapter on Oct. 31.

373 attend the second annual symposium on Nov. 12, 1952.

September 1953

Membership Statistics
326 as of June 30, 1951
396 as of June 30, 1952
938 as of June 30, 1953 (due largely to the formation of eight chapters from New York to Tokyo)

Oct. 29 1956

Minneapolis/St. Paul Charter No. 19 approved by Executive Committee with 64 applications

Association office located in Room 505, 1145 19th St NW, Washington, D.C.

Nov. 12, 1956

1,050 attend 6th FGAA Symposium. Elmer S. Frazier serves as Chair of Committee on arrangements.December 1956

Nov. 14, 1956

Dallas Chapter, Charter No. 20, has 36 initial members.

Tokyo Chapter votes to award annual $100 scholarship to Japanese student.

Early Community Service: “Many FGAA members use their financial skills in voluntary community enterprises such as churches, citizens' associations, health and welfare organizations and the like, either in financial operations or in auditing the work of others. May others do likewise—and if you are, or have been performing work of this kind, please send us word."

January 1957

Nearly 200 professional accountants working for the government in the Panama Canal Zone plan to establish FGAA Canal Zone Chapter.

J.M. Merrill Jr., Chair of new FGAA Membership Status Committee, was recently appointed by President Robert King to study the question of FGAA associate memberships.

Education Committee issues 4,200 copies of "Opportunities for Accountants in the Federal Government."

Chair of Education Committee is Paul L. Appleman.

New Editorial Committee formed with Edwin J.B. Lewis as chair.

A recent Finance Newsletter distributed by the U.S. Post Office Department to its Regional Controllers states: "In these changing times, it is most important that we keep abreast of the latest changes and developments in accounting and auditing. Regional controllers, and their staffs who are eligible, will find participation in local chapters of the Federal Government Accountants Association, and the National Association of Cost Accountants, highly rewarding."

February 1957

Issued membership brochure "FGAA—Its Purposes and Programs"

Paul A. Hagen serves as first president of Minneapolis/St Paul chapter

Early member get a member campaign – Atlanta Chapter offers $10 to members securing the most applications from December through April.

March 1957

Robert King signs membership certificate No. 2210 on Oct. 10, 1956. By the first week of Mach 1957, he had signed No. 2600.

Interest shown in forming San Antonio, Seattle, Salt Lake City and Baltimore Chapters.

Executive Committee grants charter No. 21 to Canal Zone Chapter.

April 1957

300 people attend local technical symposium sponsored by Denver Chapter.

New York symposium in May expected to draw 600.

Ben C. White named chair of National Chapters Committee.

May 1957

The Federal Accountant's new format debuts to rave reviews.

June 1957

William A. Newman Jr., General Accounting Office, elected as 1957-1958 national president.

Two new chapters formed: No. 22 to Seattle (known as Puget Sound Chapter) and No. 23 to Salt Lake City.

Early interest in member affinity programs—10 percent of total FGAA membership expressed interest in professional association insurance program.

September 1957

Seventh Annual National Symposium to be held on October 8, 1957 at Department of Commerce Auditorium. "Federal Accounting and Budgeting—A New Look." Chair of Symposium Committee is Elmer S. Frazier. "Ladies are especially welcome at the dinner."

Fourth Annual chapters’ conference to be held on October 7.

Charter No. 24 goes to Frankfurt A/M Germany Chapter.

President Newman names committee chairmen—Editorial, Edwin J.B. Lewis, - Chapters, James L. Robbins; Bylaws, John C. Cooper Jr.; National Membership, James R. Hock

October 1957

Membership plan—"For every duly qualified active or associate member who applies for and is received into membership during the period of November 1 through December 20, 1957, the national office will return to that member's chapter the sum of $2.”

Charter No. 25 goes to San Antonio. Eddie Cox serves as president with 34 members.

Charter petition received from Bridgeport, CT. Other chapters being discussed in Omaha, NB; Columbus, OH; San Diego, CA, etc.

Membership certificate No. 3019 signed by President Newman. More than 800 members have been added since October of 1956.

“As of January 1, 1958, the subscription rate of The Federal Accountant will increase to $4 per year (fiscal year basis) and $1.25 per copy. This will pertain to non-member subscribers. All FGAA members will continue to receive the journal at no added cost.”

November 1957

What does an FGAA member get for his $7.50 that goes to the National Office? "…It makes possible the operation of a genuine, professional National Office to handle any matter that may come up in the interest of the Association’s membership.”

December 1957

Bridgeport Chapter being formed with charter No. 26 with 29 members. E.R. Willats serves as president.

January 1958

"The FGAA is to be commended for providing various means of keeping federal key financial people posted on significant developments in this area. I can assure you that our member employees, and others, who have attended the symposiums, round-table discussions and meetings, have derived many benefits and have broadened their accounting horizons as a result thereof." —D. Otis Beasly, administrative assistant to the Secretary of Interior

Philadelphia leads member program. More than 150 new members in FGAA in November through December.

February 1958

FGAA Group Income Protection and Catastrophe Hospitalization Program is now in effect. For all present and future AGA members who are qualified, the low-cost, non-cancelable FGAA policies remain available. You may deem this subject of special interest in view of the following statement by President Eisenhower (from his budget message): "Last year, I recommended a program of hospitalization and medical insurance for government employees. In view of the priority given to recommended pay adjustments, I propose that this health insurance program be postponed."

March 1958

Charter No. 27 goes to Omaha

Charter No. 26 goes to Bridgeport

Total membership nears 3,000.

Eighth Annual National FGAA Symposium set for November 17 and 18, 1958. For the first time, exhibits are planned. "Management – and Electronic Data Processing,” Shoreham Hotel

April – May 1958

21 booths engaged by prominent equipment manufacturers for display at Eighth Annual Symposium: IBM, National Cash Register, Addressograph, Datamatic and General Electric.

Charter No. 28 goes to Baltimore with 40 members. Joseph F. Giza serves as first president.

U.S. information Agency lists openings for qualified candidates—The U.S. Information Agency has requested the assistance of GAA in recruiting auditasdfasdfasfors with base pay from $6,390 to $8,990 yearly. These are located in Washington, but candidates must be willing to travel 75 percent of the time in the United States and overseas.

National Committee on Chapter Participation completes the drafting of a uniform set of bylaws for chapters, approved by National Executive Committee on October 7, 1957.

June 1958

Harry J. Trainor elected as FGAA National President.

Pay increase given to federal employees—10 percent to federal officials and employees in executive, legislative and judicial branches excluding postal field service and wage board employees, also includes increase from $16,000 to $17,500 the existing maximum salary rate of the general schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended (among other changes)

L.H. La Motte, President of the Office Equipment Manufacturers Institute, national organization of all the major office machines, equipment and furniture concerns, will be a featured speaker at the Eighth Annual National FGAA Symposium.

September 1958

Under new vertical committee structure chairmen of corresponding chapter committees are automatically named to corresponding national committees.

Columbus, OH earns charter No. 29 with 30 members. William H. Pattan is first president

Toledo, OH earns charter No. 30 with 31 members, William Tolliver Jr. serves as president

638 active members and 108 associates entered FGAA during FY58.

Total of 746 was 43 more than the 703 added during FY57.

Message from the President Trainor of FGAA:
“Dear Fellow Member:
It is my duty to inform you that FGAA faces a serious financial problem. Reports sent out by President Newman in January and June of FY58 made it clear that our cash position has been declining sharply in spite of the addition of new members. As matters stand now, the Association is headed into a dead-end street."

Advocates dues increase to $12.50 from current $7.50 will be sufficient to assure a sound long-range FGAA program.

National Office enjoys free rent, free use of equipment and local phone service. Has part-time executive secretary/treasurer with part-time secretary to correspond and keep track of more than 3,000 members. Plan to begin employing full-time director on July 1, 1959 if possible.

October 1958

FGAA invited to attend American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) annual convention in October. Recognition by AICPA and American Accounting Association must be counted as important accomplishment.

American Society of Military Comptrollers holds second National Conference with 26 chapters

November 1958

800 attend Eighth Annual Symposium; 300 more who didn't register attend. Event covered by The Washington Post. More than $1 million worth of new business machines demonstrated for the first time.

NEC debates dues increase. Immediate Past President Newman warns that $2.50 increase would enable association to "hold its own" while a $5 increase would establish firm basis for future operations Edwin Lewis, speaking for his Washington DC Chapter, says more justification for dues increase is needed. Other chapters support $2.50 increase. Action deferred, President Trainor notes that further clarification of situation is needed.

Symposium policy—First to be held outside Washington, D.C. (NY/1960) President is authorized by NEC to appoint committee to work with NY Chapter to work out financial and other arrangements for next symposium.

Charter No. 31 goes to Anchorage Chapter with 15 members. First president is Col. Wendell E. Carter, U.S. Air Force.

December 1958

Symposium date changes from autumn to spring in accord with NEC decision that "it's preferable to hold the symposium toward the end of the fiscal year, as a culmination of the year's activities, rather than at the beginning when a new group of officers has just commenced work."

Several FGAA chapters were not represented at national symposium and annual NEC meeting in Washington because requests for travel orders were turned down. Little uniformity between agencies on travel policies. Addressing this issue would be important duty of full-time FGAA director.

January 1959

Highlights of continuous improvement in the federal government's far-flung financial management operations were contained in the Tenth Annual Progress Report under the joint program to improve accounting in the federal government, signed and issued this month by Secretary of the Treasury Robert B. Anderson, Director of the Budget Maurice H. Stans, and Comptroller General Joseph Campbell. Report showed improvements resulting in many millions of dollars in savings to the American taxpayers. The basic aims set forth in the national and chapter bylaws of FGAA broadly parallel those of the Joint Improvement Program.

10 reasons to belong to FGAA compiled by Philadelphia Chapter.

February 1959

Four changes to bylaws approved—

  • Empowers NEC to admit into active membership those recommended by chapter executive committees even if not employees of federal government.
  • Enables chapters to vote as units on matters referred to them by the NEC.
  • Limits national office in the association to active members who are federal employees.
  • Most important—revised the method of amending the bylaws.

Dallas membership goal of 100 for 1959 has been exceeded (now 132) and since July 1, 1958, 33 1/3 percent expansion. San Antonio, which began with 38 members in Sept of 1957, has grown to more than 90.

Eighth Annual Symposium numbers – 963 people signed registration cards, 212 were FGAA members, 200 more were in attendance but did not register. Letters of invitation to subscribe to the Federal Government Accountants Association extended to the 663 nonmembers.

March 1959

National Membership Committee chairman Joseph Hock reports majority of chapters are doing a good job of recruiting new members. Total membership has more than doubled in the last two years and now exceeds 3,200.

President Trainor appoints Joseph G. Barkan of New York, second vice president of Association, as general chairman of ninth symposium to be held in New York in May of 1960. Edwin F. Adams appointed co-chairman.

April 1959

Further discussion of dues increase at National Financial Planning Committee on March 16, 1959. "Unless dues are increased by at least a modest amount, it will be a long time, if ever, before the association can meet its obligations of professional service to its members," President Trainor said.

Corrective action is needed because:

  • FGAA has no cash assets.
  • No borrowing power.
  • Income gained by the addition of new members is accruing at far too slow a rate to offset higher costs of operations as members are acquired increased postage rates and funds needed for an office.
  • Efforts to receive financial assistance through a foundation grant have proved unsuccessful.
  • Attempts to create revenue through advertising do not show promise.
  • Question of a dues increase will be submitted to chapters for a vote later this month.

Laurence W. Acker and Clark L. Simpson, both of Washington are
candidates for National President

May 1959

Leland P. Draney succeeds Col. Carter as president of Anchorage chapter.
FGAA brochure "Opportunities for Accountants in the Federal Government" to be revised and re-issued.
National Office receiving record number of national election ballots.

June 1959

Laurence W. Acker elected FY60 president. He is the Deputy Chief of Army Audit Agency.

September 1959

FGAA of Central New York Chapter forms with 25 new members. Hans J. Pechner serves as first president.

Karney A. Brasfield appointed by President Laurence W. Acker to chair new Long-Range Planning Committee. Interesting to note that one of the questions the committee was asked to study was the name of the organization. "Is the term 'accountant' too narrow and does it handicap the organization?” Study to be completed by January 1, 1960.

October 1959

Rome–Syracuse–Utica Chapter, Charter No. 32 with 30 members formed.

Required reading: "I want to compliment your Association on the excellent articles in the September 1959 issue of The Federal Accountant.

We in the Air Force are just getting started in the development phase of cost-based budgets and operating budget… I intend to use this as required reading for my office. It is the clearest discussion on the subject found thus far." – Excerpt from a letter signed by Col. J.P. DuFour, USAF, Chief Systems and Procedures Group, Directorate of Budget, Comptroller

November 1959

First symposium outside of Washington, D.C. slated for New York, May 1960

December/January 1960

Joint Improvement Program name changes to the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program.

February 1960

Joseph G. Barken of New York and Raymond Einhorn of Washington, D.C., were chosen as nominees for national president.

350 new members approved by National Membership Committee from July 1, 1959 through July 15, 1960

March 1960

Charter No. 33 goes to Huntsville, AL with John L. Edgar serving as president.

"Prospects for collaboration by FGAA representatives with the U.S. Civil Service Commission in a much-needed study of classification standards relative to financial management personnel are regarded as the result of a resolution recently adopted by the Association Executive Committee.”

May 1960

Record attendance predicted for Ninth Annual FGAA National Symposium at New York, May 23-24

June 1960

1,400 crowded into the main ballroom of New York's Statler Hilton Hotel. John A. Beckett, Assistant Director, Bureau of the Budget, who delivered the keynote address, thrilled the big opening-day audience by reading a special message from President Eisenhower. The Chief Executive commended FGAA for staging the symposium and sent wishes for success in future activities of the Association.

Four past presidents at symposium: Robert W. King, Walter F. Frese, T. Jack Gary, Andrew Barr.

Raymond Einhorn elected National President. 56 percent of all members cast ballots.

July 1960

Charter No. 34 goes to Harrisburg, PA with 17 members, Harry G. Yocum, serves as temporary chairman.

FGAA Symposium makes newsreels in all RKO theaters in Manhattan and the Loew's Palace, Ambassador & Ontario Theaters in Washington.

August 1960

FGAA of Washington will be responsible for the September meeting of the Financial Management Roundtable, a monthly forum held in the GAO Auditorium on management subjects. The September meeting will feature a panel discussion of financial systems.

FGAA/AICPA survey indicates there are 1,795 CPAs in federal service.

Charter No. 35 goes to Mobile Chapter with 42 members

Charter No. 36 goes to Fort Worth with 12 members, Wendell F. Barnhart serves as president.

September 1960

FGAA forms special committee on relationships with universities, Frank Higginbotham, chairman

Largest FGAA budget adopted. Total income for FY 61 is estimated at $45,000 compared with $35,000 last year. Largest portion coming from $37,000 in anticipated dues compared to $34,000 in FY 60. Expenditures are expected to be a minimum of $41,500, compared to actual outlay of $41,500, compared to actual outlay of $31,400 last year. Budget is designed to support President Einhorn's three-point theme of greater chapter participation in FGAA programs, greater emphasis on education and more intensive research activity.

American Accounting Association extends privileges of AAA membership to all FGAA members.

October 1960

Charter No. 37 goes to Virginia Peninsula, with Thomas E. Inman as president and 31 members.

Charter No. 38 goes to Paris with 16 members and G.H. Herman serving as president."Changing Dimensions of Financial Management" chosen as theme of 10th Annual National FGAA Symposium May 18-20, 1961.

Honorary membership granted to Maurice H. Stans, Director, Bureau of the Budget.

January 1961

Debut of Government Financial Management TOPICS newsletter.

For the first time, computer programs utilizing plain English have been successfully interchanged between data processing systems of different manufacturers, according to an announcement b the Radio Corporation of America and Remington Rand.

Editorial committee makes student rate of $2.50 available for The Federal Accountant.

March 1961

Nominees for National Office announced—President Joseph G. Barken of New York and Gordon G. Crowder of Washington, D.C.

April 1961

Headline: "Computers Expected to Save Navy $5 Million Yearly in Fuel Bills"

May 1961

Unprecedented event—both candidates for National President were compelled to withdraw when they left federal service. President Einhorn requested outside legal advice. Decision made to reopen nominations for president soliciting names from chapters. Executive Committee will vote.

July 1961

Robert S. LaPorte serves as acting president. He was elected First Vice President so he will be acting until Executive Committee chooses new president from nominees submitted by chapters. LaPorte, of New Orleans, and James A. Robbins of Washington, D.C. have been nominated.

August 1961

11th Annual FGAA Symposium slated for Philadelphia, May 28–29, 1962.

September 1961

James Robbins elected National President. He is Deputy Chief of Army Audit Agency. Robert S. LaPorte withdrew and supported Robbins' candidacy

November 1961

New and improved Journal to debut in December in cooperation with The George Washington University.

FGAA representatives met with State Board of Examiners in New Jersey last month to try to get accreditation for certain types of government experience to qualify for taking the CPA examination.

President Robbins sets goal of 5,000 members by end of fiscal year.

December 1961

30 federal employees in Phoenix submit petition for charter.

January 1962

FGAA membership opened to affiliate members—new category established by bylaws to include those who express interest in FGAA but are not employed by federal government and those who are federal employees who contribute actively but whose work or education background would otherwise fail to qualify them for active or associate membership.

February 1962

Donald W. Bacon of Boston and Joseph R. Hock of Washington, D.C. are nominees for FY 1963 National President

Charter No. 40 goes to Phoenix on Dec. 11, 1961, with 30 members. Jack W. Still elected first president.

23 new members seek charter for Hawaii Chapter.

March 1962

Symposium Chairman Gordon G. Crowder announces four major workshops tied to theme "New Concepts of Financial Management – Government and Industry."

National Author Award re-instituted by Editorial Committee—must be FGAA member to compete for recognition of outstanding articles published in The Federal Accountant. Originally established by NEC in 1954.

Charter No. 41 goes to Hawaii with Ken Doolin serving as president.

Charter No. 42 goes to Pittsburgh.

April 1962

Chapter interest shown in Tidewater, VA.

May 1962

FGAA continues support of Financial Management Institute in cooperation with U.S. Civil Service Commission. Targeted to financial managers of the future.

The Honorable David E. Bell, director of the Bureau of the Budget, has been elected honorary FGAA member.

Charter No. 43 goes to Tidewater, VA at Norfolk. William H. Morris Jr. serves as president.

July 1962

Donald W. Bacon elected FGAA FY 1963 National President. He is Regional Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Boston Region, and first member residing outside of Washington, D.C. to be elected National President. Before his term began, he was called back to Washington by IRS.

Charter No. 44 goes to Oklahoma City. Henry G. Pansza serves as president.

Charter No. 45 goes to New Mexico with Donald N. Sliwicki serving as president.

More than 1,000 attend 11th Annual Symposium.

Record FGAA budget recommended for FY 63—income $42,612 in dues, $4,000 in publication advertising and sales and $2,400 from symposium and other sources for a total of $49,012. Major expenses include $22,850 for The Federal Accountant. Other operations bring total expenses to $51,976. NEC debates matter of incurring $3,000 deficit and recommends incoming officers consider dues increase to achieve balanced FY 63 budget.

The Oklahoma City Chapter is chartered as the Association's 39th Chapter.

August–September 1962

President Bacon signifies FGAA's interest in taking an active part in a proposed new council on Collegiate Accreditation in Accounting.

Immediate Past President Robbins testifies before Congress supporting administration’s federal salary reform initiatives.

Charter No. 46 goes to Houston with 15 new members. Robert H. Voigt serves as first president.

December 1962

FGAA joins in study of professional pay rates, invited to high-level Washington conference by chairman of U.S. Civil Service Commission.

AICPA study notes trend toward more accounting in government.

January 1963

Third Vice President Louis Teitelbaum reports on association finances. Association at important fork in the road – one leads to growth and the other leads to a "dead end." Advocates dues increase.

12th Annual National FGAA Symposium to be held June 3-5, general chairman W. Fletcher Lutz, Jr.

All FGAA members urged to boost subscription sales of Journal.

March 1963

Candidates chosen for FY64—Joseph R. Hock, Washington, D.C., President

Charter No. 47 goes to Cape Canaveral with 50 new members, Bill Lemley is elected president.

May 1963

FGAA National Policy Advisory Board decides to study government accounting principles.

June–July 1963

Joseph R. Hock, Comptroller, US Maritime Administration, takes office as National President.

President Kennedy sends greetings.

Past National President Andrew Barr elected to Accounting Hall of Fame.

More than 800 attend symposium. New York chosen for 1964 event.

Executive Committee votes against dues increase this year, but approves $5 increase (to $15) on July 1, 1964.

August–September 1963

Charter No. 48 goes to Syracuse with 45 members. Arthur A. Fallon serves as president.

October 1963

U.S. Forest Service urges use of The Federal Accountant for education and training purposes.

First symposium registration form in TOPICS.

November 1963

FGAA chapters compete in membership contest—$100 will go to highest percent of new members and $400 to chapter with highest percent of reinstatements.

President Hock's Long-Range Planning Committee, chaired by W. Fletcher Lutz, examines FGAA's structure. Asks if name should change. In a letter to all chapter presidents Lutz states: "We need to know immediately how the individual members of your chapter feel about the future of FGAA.”

December 1963

General Chairman Benjamin Gold announces that 13th Annual National FGAA Symposium, to be held in June 1964, will take place on the grounds of the World Fair, which opens in April.

January 1964

FGAA chapter in Florida changes its name to honor slain President Kennedy—FGAA of Cape Kennedy.

Boston Chapter speaker Gen. James M. Gavin reflects on his recent attendance at Kennedy funeral.

Nominees for FY 65 announced—Archie M. Rankin, Denver, James L. Thompson, Washington, D.C., for president.

Five special workshops to be held at 13th symposium—Automation Data Processing, Statistical Sampling, Operational Audits, Report Writing and Management Controls. Theme is "Financial Management Problems in Government Contracts and Regulation."

Charter No. 49 goes to Sacramento with 40 members. Carl W. Koerner serves as president.

President Hock reports that FGAA membership is more than 5,000 with 49 chapters in U.S. and abroad.

February 1964

Federal agencies show growing interest in FGAA National Symposium. James F. Kelly, Comptroller, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, notes that theme of 13th symposium “ . . . is certainly a timely topic and the exchange of ideas and concepts will be of immense benefits to all of us concerned with this aspect of government.”

March 1964

Dues increase urged by FGAA policy board.

April 1964

FGAA symposium competes with World Fair for hotel space in New York.

FGAA sponsors Federal Financial Management Information Center and increasing number of federal agencies are furnishing valuable reports, bulletins, speeches, charts and related materials to the center.

May 1964

Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr., Undersecretary of Commerce, will address 13th FGAA symposium.

Charter No. 50 goes to FGAA of Rochester; F.I. Foose elected president.

President Stanley F. Meese of the FGAA of Anchorage reports that all members escaped the Alaskan earthquake unharmed, "but we will have a time getting started again" – no meeting place, all restaurants closed. "We will be rebuilding again stronger and better than ever," he states.

June 1964

Proposal for $2.50 dues increase submitted to chapters after $5 hike is defeated.

July 1964

New National President James L. Thompson Jr. seeks more active participation by chapters in the management of the National Association by naming three national committee chairs outside the Washington, D.C. area.

$2.50 dues increase approved.

Robert W. King, the founder and first president of FGAA, dies of a heart attack on May 25.

October 1964

The 1965 National FGAA Symposium to be held in the new Washington Hilton Hotel, the newest and finest hotel establishment in the nation, is now nearing completion. Symposium chairman is Frank Higginbotham.

November 1964

Special efforts are being made by a top-level FGAA committee to achieve progress in gaining recognition of federal experience as qualifying for CPA certification.

Andrew Barr, Chief Accountant of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and past National President of FGAA, was one of two winners of the CPA Gold Medal Award for distinguished service by the AICPA.

January 1965

Charter No. 51 goes to FGAA of Central Georgia with 36 members. Col. A.J. Almand, U.S. Air Force, serves as president.

February 1965

FY66 National officers nominated—Marshall Crossman, Washington. D.C., David Neuman of Baltimore, for president.

March 1965

John W. Macy Jr., chairman of the Civil Service Commission, will open the 14th Annual National FGAA Symposium on June 16.

FGAA bylaws now provide for retired and "at-large" members.

FGAA President Thompson stresses that FGAA membership is now open to people not in government, such as state financial management officials, industry accountants and private practitioners. They can join as affiliate members.

May 1965

FGAA of Central New Jersey earns charter No. 52 with 42 new members.

June 1965

Representative Jack Brooks of Texas to be closing symposium speaker.

July 1965

David Neuman, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, former Baltimore Chapter President, takes office as National President.

Membership problems reported: Acquisition of new members during FY65 followed an average growth rate of former years, the total being 654. However, for the first time, there was a greater loss of members, 704, than acquisition. Some member reinstatement resulted in a slight net gain for the year. June of 1964, total was 5,276; June of 1965, total was 5,288.

September 1965

High praise has been accorded to FGAA by Sargent Shriver, Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity, as a result of FGAA's decision to volunteer professional advisory services to project Head Start. Like other programs in the war against poverty, much of the project Head Start work will be performed by volunteer community groups. President Neuman urged that each chapter establish a committee to make necessary contacts and arrange for voluntary advisory services such as setting up a proper accounting system, method of reporting, etc.

October 1965

Charter No. 53 to FGAA goes to Missoula, MT. H.A. Edd serves as chapter president.

November 1965

Charter No. 54 goes to FGAA of Indianapolis with 17 new members. James Hamilton serves as president.

January 1966

Members are requested to provide the National Office with their newly established zip codes.

February 1966

FY67 nominees for national president are W. Fletcher Lutz and Bernard B. Lynn.

Planning under way for 15th Annual Symposium in Minneapolis.

Charter No. 55 goes to FGAA of Madison with 19 members; John A. Gesell, president.

Charter No. 56 goes to FGAA of Miami; Joseph S. Trovato serves as first president.

Charter No. 57 goes to FGAA of Quad Cities, IL, with 73 charter new members. Wayne Banks serves as first president.

March 1966

Month of February made history for FGAA with three new chapters installed, the most inducted in any one month in the Association's history. More new members (180) than in any previous month in the Association's 15-year history.

One of "tightest" elections of FGAA national officers in years. Petition made to add Smith Blair Jr. to list of candidates.

April 1966

FGAA will join forces with other top professional organizations in the Accounting Careers Council.

Charter No. 58 goes to El Paso with H.L. "Buck" Weaver serving as first president.

June 1966

Two new chapters take FY66 to eight new chapters, a new record for any single year. No. 59 goes to FGAA of San Bernardino-Riverside and No. 60 goes to FGAA of Austin.

Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General of the U.S., will be the guest speaker at the annual banquet at the close of the 15th symposium.

Five workshops offered at Symposium—Automatic Data Processing in the IRS, Analytical Techniques, Developing Management in the Financial Field, Organization and Presentation of Oral and Written Reports, Case Studies in ADP.

July–August 1966

W. Fletcher Lutz elected FY67 president. Lutz makes chapter involvement the keynote of his administration.

15th Annual Symposium in Minneapolis a “smash success.”

Edwin J. B. Lewis, professor of accounting at The George Washington University and executive editor of The Federal Accountant, is winner of the first Robert W. King Award, FGAA’s highest honor in recognition of service to FGAA.

FGAA’s National Office at 1523 L St., NW, Washington, D.C., 20005, is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Office manager is Claudia McQueeney.

September 1966

FGAA explores steps for collaboration with state, local financial managers.

Association’s Executive Committee decides at annual meeting in June to “build the foundation for active collaboration with accountants, auditors and related financial officials of state and local government.”

Charter No. 61 goes to FGAA of Long Island. Bernard Cooper serves as president.

October 1966

Congress passes a law recognizing for the first time government accounting and auditing experience necessary to quality for the CPA certificate in the nation’s capital. The act was long sought by FGAA leaders. President Lutz calls the act a “milestone in the professional advancement for hundreds of federal accountants and auditors.”

December 1966

National Office opens a “referral file” so that employers may have access to the names of members about to retire or who wish to work outside of government.

National Policy Advisory Board approves first official FGAA lapel pin.

January 1967

First copies of “Opportunities for Accountants in Federal Financial Management” were reviewed by National Policy Advisory Board.

“Partners in Decision-Making Process—Federal State and Local Governments,” is theme of 16th annual National FGAA Symposium scheduled for June 14–16, 1967 in Washington, D.C.

FGAA certificate No. 10,000 awarded to Gary W. Summers, who graduated in June of 1966 from Golden Gate College, San Francisco.

February 1967

Use of communications circuits for time-sharing computerized services are likely to be liberalized as the result of a study under way by the Federal Communication Commission.

April 1967

Col. Shirley Shelton, general chairman of the 16th Annual National FGAA Symposium, announced Rep. Glenard P. Liscomb, Congressman from California, will deliver the keynote address.

FY68 nominees for national office announced—William H. Nolan, Washington, D.C.; George J. Penick, Philadelphia, PA; and Benjamin F. Robinson, Washington, D.C., for president.

May 1967

Martin C. Powers, national executive secretary/treasurer, emphasizes membership benefits.

FGAA of Western Colorado formed with Clyde Conte, president.

FGAA of Western New York formed with Roy Thayer, president.

June 1967

Seminars planned for 16th Annual FGAA National Symposium include Report Writing for Modern Management, Planning, Programming and Budgeting Systems and The Financial Manager, Principles of Financial Management, Trends in Regulatory Accounting etc.

July–August 1967

George J. Penick, Philadelphia Regional manager of DCAA, elected National President.

More than 1,000 attend annual symposium.

September 1967

FGAA starts major campaign to increase national membership base by at least 1,200 names. Awards will be given to the chapter with the highest percentage increase in new members, the chapter gaining the largest number of reinstatements and the chapter demonstrating the most novel, imaginative and effective means of increasing member enrollments.

FY 68 budget of income and expenditures reach $84,000.

FGAA of Hartford formed with 40 new members. Joseph Cherry serves as first president.

October 1967

FGAA to sponsor nationwide program in time-shared computer applications for accountants and auditors.

November 1967

Irving J. Sandler, member of FGAA of Washington, won DCAA award for best article published in a professional publication. “Dial for Computer Audit Assistance” printed in The Federal Accountant.

December 1967

Controversy developing over two new petitions to form FGAA chapter in the Washington area. Study into situation recommended by past national presidents after their October meeting.

Recognition of certain federal experience as qualifying in Pennsylvania for the CPA examination is acclaimed as another milestone toward achievement of professional status by government accountants.

November issue of the Reader’s Digest calls the U.S. General Accounting Office “the taxpayer’s best friend.”

Membership chairman Harry Levine urges greater effort to reach the goal of 7,000 by the end of the fiscal year. At the end of October, Levine reports 401 new members, 79 memberships reinstated and 129 dropouts.

Net increase of 351 members brings a total of 6,220, the highest level in FGAA history.

January 1968

Program completed for FGAA 1968 National Exposition and Seminar, Feb. 28–March 2.

February 1968

National Office nominees announced—first year for positions of President-Elect and Regional Vice President (RVP). These bylaws changes approved by the Association Executive Committee and ratified by the chapters have also eliminated the positions of first, second and third vice presidents and replaced them with five RVPs. President nominees are Nathan Cutler of Washington, D.C., former president of FGAA of New York; and Leon H. Greess of the Washington, D.C. Chapter. President-Elect nominees are John K. Hall of Oklahoma City and Bernard B. Lynn of Washington, D.C.

Task force recommends that new chapters within an urban area can be admitted and that members living or working within the area be permitted to join whichever chapter they wish; that programs and activities of chapters in an urban area be coordinated by a council organization headed by the RVP; and that authority by vested in him to resolve any differences that might arise.

FGAA of Northern New Jersey formed. Leslie Leiper serves as president.

Dr. Howard Wright, CPA, chairman of the division of accounting at the University of Maryland, and a charter member of FGAA, has been named editor of The Federal Accountant.

April 1968

Net increase of 897 new members as of Feb. 29, 1968. Still have work to do to get current number of 6,736 to 7,000 to meet this year’s goal.

Nonfederal members question—Should FGAA accept into active membership qualified accounting and auditing personnel from the states, counties and municipalities? The National Policy Board has been considering the question and is the subject of a study by a special committee.

May 1968

FGAA National Office reorganization studied by National Policy Board, suggests possibility of Executive Secretary-Treasurer, or perhaps executive director, be established as a full-time assignment, effective July 1. FGAA’s current Executive Secretary-Treasurer Martin C. Powers is available to the Association only on a part-time basis. Salary contemplated is about $17,000 a year.

National President George J. Penick urges salary gap between government and private sector must be closed.

June 1968

FGAA’s National Education Committee reports on success of the time-shared computer workshop program, which now involves some 1,200 participants in 28 chapter locations.

President George J. Penick files declaration on behalf of FGAA calling for a classification system for financial positions in the federal government to permit classification of each job on its merits, aside from salary limitations which may otherwise exist. FGAA declaration filed with Rep. James M. Hanley, chairman, House Subcommittee on Position Classification.

July–August 1968

Nathan Cutler elected National President and Bernard Lynn is President-Elect. William J. Powell, RVP-Capital; Russell B. Kelley, RVP NE; Theodore A. Hoffman, RVP SW; Howard C. White, RVP North Central; Trenton D. Boyd, RVP Western.

Montgomery/Prince Georges County Chapter formed with C.J. Stratton as president.

Northern Virginia Chapter formed with Joseph Welsch as president.

Denver Made it Great in ’68,” considered an excellent symposium.

September 1968

Executive Committee approves expansion of Executive Secretary-Treasurer to that of a full-time Executive Director in FY69. Authorized part-time directors of research and education and clerical assistant with eventual conversion to full-time research and education directors.

October 1968

FGAA National Policy Board approves more FGAA involvement in determination of policy decisions. Board agreed to participate, if called upon, in the current investigation by the GAO of the feasibility of establishing uniform cost accounting standards for defense contracts. The board’s action marked the beginning of a new Association policy to become deliberately involved in discussions and undertakings having to do with the development of government accounting and financial management policy.

November 1968

18th Annual National FGAA Symposium to be held June 9-11 in Washington. John W. Huttel is general director.
Northern Virginia Chapter membership tops 100.

December 1968

FGAA’s National Policy Board, in its most significant and ambitious project, will develop a code of standards and ethics for government accounting, auditing and financial management activities.

Montgomery/Prince Georges County Chapter doubles in size from 65 in June of 1968 to 125 less than six months later.

January 1969

For the first time in the nearly 200-year history of the U.S. government, audit executives from key federal agencies have met and created an informal Federal Auditing Council, fostered by FGAA, which hosted the group’s initial meeting Dec. 16. Of the 48 top auditors present, more than half are FGAA members.

February 1969

Arthur L. Litke, chief accountant, Federal Power Commission, appointed by National President Cutler to head a special committee on ascertaining the feasibility of creating, under FGAA auspices, a Federal Financial Management Standards Board.

Nominees for FY70: President-Elect Sidney S. Baurmash, Washington, D.C., and Ellsworth H. Morse Jr., Washington, D.C.

Former National President James A. Robbins is appointed Association’s first full-time executive director.

40 FGAA members from the Madison, Austin, Indianapolis, Chicago, Baltimore and Washington chapters advocate opening active membership in the Association to any qualified financial management personnel in state and local governments. The members’ proposal was contained in a formal petition requesting a revision in the FGAA bylaws. Some members of the National Policy Board noted that a major difficulty is the term ‘qualified persons’ because professional standards vary greatly from state to state. Association’s Executive Committee will vote on the bylaws change in the near future.

March 1969

Theme of 18th Annual FGAA Symposium is “Expanding Roles in Financial Management—Professional Approaches—New Systems Technologies.” Sessions include “The Financial Management Scene in 1969,” “Financial Management and the Behavioral Sciences” and “Tax Audits in the Computer Age.”

April 1969

Comptroller General Elmer B. Staats to deliver keynote at symposium.

President Cutler and Eugene Nettles, chairman of the Committee on Government Agency Relations, meet with top staffers of the Joint Economic Committee and the Senate Banking and Currency Committee to explain FGAA’s programs and purposes and to offer the Association’s assistance in the way of advice, information and other help.

Achievement of the Year Award approved by the National Policy Board. Nominees will consist of individuals who have received awards from local AGA chapters.

More and more chapters are holding educational events, which help to advance FGAA’s educational goals.

May 1969

22,000 government financial managers, private-industry accountants and others concerned with financial control are invited to attend the symposium.

National Membership Committee votes to suspend dues for civilians called into military service. No reinstatement fees or charges for back dues will be assessed.

Proposal to amend the FGAA bylaws to admit state and local financial managers was defeated in a close vote of the Association’s Executive Board (34 vote to defeat, 26 vote in favor). Several of the chapter presidents who voted against the change commented that many qualified federal employees have not yet joined FGAA and that membership recruitment efforts should be concentrated toward them before the Association widens its scope to include state and local members. It was also noted that state and local officials are entitled to join, participate and hold chapter office as affiliate members.

President Cutler announces creation of National Standards Board, which will develop a body of principles and standards for governmental financial management as guidelines for FGAA members. First major tasks will be to develop a Code of Ethics and a body of education standards, both for FGAA members.

The FGAA National Office has moved to larger, more useful quarters at Room 904, 1730 M St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20036. Phone is 202.833.8118.

During April, the total paid membership in FGAA climbed above the 7,000 mark, an all-time record.

June-July 1969

New officers have been elected: Bernard B. Lynn, DCAA, Washington, D.C. Chapter is President and Ellsworth H. Morse Jr., GAO, Washington, D.C. Chapter, is President-Elect.

President Cutler tells the U.S. Civil Service Commissions chairman that immediate steps must be taken to increase the salary structure for financial management personnel in the federal government, who are leaving government in droves for the private sector.

Paid attendance at the symposium tops 900.

Association’s Executive Committee notes fiscal year 1969 successes—establishment of the FGAA Standards Board, formation of the Federal Audit Executives Council and cooperation in the GAO study of the feasibility of uniform cost accounting standards. The committee voted to replace the Policy Board with a smaller Advisory Council, consisting of the National President, Immediate Past National President, President-Elect, the RVPs and the Executive Vice President. The fiscal year 1970 budget was approved and the committee sanctioned a deficit of $17,500 to be covered by reserve funds. Finally, a $5 dues increase was approved (pending approval by a majority of the chapters) and would be effective July 1, 1970.

September 1969

President Lynn announces change of symposium location for 1970 from Oklahoma City to Miami Beach. Physical expansion of facilities in Oklahoma City would not be completed on time.

Fletcher Lutz, chairman of the Membership Committee, calls for “Membership Improvement Campaign” with a goal of a net increase of 1,408 new FGAA members, which would take membership over 8,000.

Esther B. Campbell, a member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter, becomes the first woman to serve on the National Membership Committee.

November 1969

FGAA spearheads the creation of the Committee of Governmental Financial Management Associations, composed of Associations at the federal, state and local levels.

Every member’s participation will count in a chapter competition program being instituted by the Association’s National Chapters Committee. Monthly points will be awarded for chapter and member activities.

January 1970

Six bylaws amendments approved by chapters: Increase of $5 in national dues for all membership classes, effective July 1, 1970. Military leaves of absence and suspension of dues for members called into the armed forces. Establish a Long-Range Planning Committee as a standing committee. Require follow-up implementation of committee recommendations as approved by the Executive Committee. Create a National Advisory Council to replace the former Policy Board. Increase the number of Regional Vice Presidents from five to nine.

After many years of waiting, along with diligent efforts to demonstrate its “credentials,” FGAA has been admitted to full membership in the Summit Council, which is comprised of AICPA, AAA, IIA, FEI and the National Association of Accountants. The council meets periodically to address issues of mutual concern.

February 1970

FGAA of Saigon formed.

March 1970

Ellsworth H. Morse Jr., current President-Elect, will become president in fiscal year 1971. Candidates for fiscal year 1971 President-Elect are Sidney S. Baurmash, a member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter, and Harry Levine, a member of the Philadelphia Chapter.

May 1970

Vice Admiral H.G. Rickover, USN, world-renowned authority on the production and use of atomic power, will present the keynote address at the 19th Annual National FGAA Symposium on June 18 in Miami Beach.

June 1970

For the first time in its history, FGAA membership has topped the 7,000 mark. Membership as of April 30 was 7,275.

October 1970

The Financial Management Standards Board has completed a draft of the FGAA Code of Ethics.

George J. Penick, a Past National President, died suddenly at 59. He was the first FGAA National President to live outside the Washington, D.C. area.

November–December 1970

Charter No. 71 goes to FGAA Peninsula-Palo Alto Chapter, with 60 new members and William J. Mannion as the first president.

Charter No. 72 goes to the Guam Chapter, with 35 members and Floyd W. Fagg as the first president.

The National Office is moving to Crystal City in Arlington, VA, in early 1971. The new address will be Suite 120, 727 South 23rd St., Arlington, VA 22202. Phone: 703.684.6931.

January 1971

As of November 30, net membership total was 6,141, considerably below the July 1 figure of 7,275. Of concern are the 1,496 who have not yet paid their dues for this year and are soon to be dropped.

Esther Campbell is now the chair of the National Membership Committee, first woman that has been mentioned in Topics as chair of a national committee.

President Morse seeks members interested in preparing a 25th Anniversary history of the Association, which has grown to 7,500 members with 62 active chapters since its inception.

February 1971

Candidates for fiscal year 1972 President-Elect are Eugene T. Nettles, a member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter, and Arthur L. Litke, also a member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter.

April 1971

20th Annual National Symposium in Washington, D.C. plans coming together.

FGAA has been asked by Volunteers for International Technical Assistance, Inc. (VITA) to conduct seminars on bookkeeping systems for several small minority businesses in the Washington area. The Civil Service Commission referred VITA to FGAA.

August 1971

Sidney S. Baurmash inducted as FGAA National President.

20th Annual Symposium attracts 914 registrants from 67 federal agencies.

In a major shift in policy on symposium sites, FGAA’s Executive Committee has voted to end the previous pattern of returning to Washington every other year for the annual meeting.

September 1971

Association’s Executive Committee will vote by September 30 on the question of admitting state and local members to active membership in FGAA.

Membership certificate number 15,000 goes to Edmund E. Slattery Jr., DCAA, a member of the Philadelphia Chapter.

October 1971

The Association’s Executive Committee has approved (with a vote of 51 to 21) in principle, the admission of state and local officials to active FGAA membership.

FGAA’s Code of Ethics has been reproduced in a format suitable for framing and display and will be furnished to individual members upon request.

December 1971

FGAA of Central Germany petition signed by 16 current members and 30 prospective members, receives charter no. 73. The chapter would mark the reestablishment of an active FGAA chapter in Europe, with the former Paris and Frankfort Chapters having been defunct for several years.

21st Annual National Symposium to be held in Los Angeles, June 21-23, 1972.

January 1972

Fiscal year 1973 candidates for President-Elect Zane Geier, a member of the Atlanta Chapter, and Joseph P. Welsch, a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter.

February 1972

Nominations “from the floor” yield two additional candidates for National President-Elect: Harry Levine, a member of the Philadelphia Chapter, and Robert B. Lewis, a member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter.

June 1972

Harry Levine named President-Elect for fiscal year 1974.

FGAA backs mandatory continuing education programs for federal accountants.

August 1972

Arthur Litke becomes National President.

Executive Committee meets in Los Angeles, votes to hold 1975 Symposium in Miami Beach and deals with the impending retirement of Executive Director James A. Robbins (who is also a Past National President).

Nearly 700 attend the symposium in Los Angeles, 150 travel on a chartered flight from Washington, D.C.

September 1972

Dr. Lennis M. Knighton of Brigham Young University reports that the FGAA-underwritten textbook on governmental financial management is now 50 percent complete.

October 1972

Financial Accounting Foundation seeks FGAA assistance in making nominations for appointments to the Financial Accounting Standards Board and Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council, both generated by AICPA’s Report of the Study on Establishment of Accounting Principles, and will replace the Accounting Principles Board.

December-January 1973

Search is under way for a replacement for executive director. James Robbins’ resignation is effective August 31, 1973.

February 1973

President Litke forms an ad hoc committee to review goals and objectives of FGAA as listed in the bylaws. John Grady of the Interstate Commerce Commission is named chairman.

President-Elect candidates are John Cooley, a member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter, and Chris Peratino, a member of the Montgomery/Prince Georges County Chapter.

FGAA sponsors a post-symposium vacation to Spain for anyone interested.

March 1973

National President Arthur Litke, John Lordan, chair of FGAA’s Financial Standards Board, Past National President Ellsworth H. Morse; Past National President Andrew Barr have all been named to the new Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council.

Lennis Knighton sets December as the target to complete the long-awaited government financial management textbook.

April 1973

Association’s planning board considers hiring full-time education director in the National Office. Suggestion has been marked by controversy.

FGAA and AICPA to offer joint series of workshops on operational auditing.

May 1973

Membership certificate number 17,000 goes to David A. Hanna of Colorado. Active membership as of April 30, 1973 was 7,290. The goal is 7,500 by April 30, 1974.

FGAA to honor departing Executive Vice President James A. Robbins with a dinner in June.

June–July 1973

Kenneth R. Ketcham, an association management executive, is tapped to succeed Robbins as executive vice president. More than 125 applicants were considered.

John Cooley is elected President-Elect.

Richmond, VA chapter formed with charter members. Wayne Clements is president. The chapter, the first to be located in a state capital city, is 50-50 split of federal and state officials.

President-Elect Levine expresses concern over the wave of new certifications in the accounting profession.

August 1973

The 22nd Annual National Symposium sets records with 1,200 registrants at the Washington, D.C. event.

Harry Levine becomes National President.

National Executive Board rejects dues increase proposed by the Association’s Planning Board.

Symposium keynote address given by Richard C. Gerstenberg, a lifelong friend of outgoing Executive Vice President James A. Robbins. Revenue sharing subject at the federal, state and local levels is the highlight of the symposium.

September 1973

Central Missouri Chapter forming, to be called the Mid-Missouri Chapter. Majority of the charter members will be coming from state government. Personnel in the state auditor’s office are pursuing the charter. Forty of the 50 charter members are from state government.

FGAA renegotiates second year of contract with Office of Minority Business Enterprise to train minority businessmen through training programs in 10 cities across the country. FGAA chapters do the training.

Robbins vacates executive vice president’s post on August 14, after holding the position since it was created as a full-time National Office job in 1969. Ketchum comes on board after a month of training with Robbins.

October 1973

National President Levine takes a stand on federal/private pay comparability by testifying before the President’s Advisory Committee on Pay.

Martin Powers, AGA’s first paid staffer, who was the part-time secretary/treasurer, died. Worked for FGAA for 13 years from when the Association went national in 1956 to when Robbins became the first full-time executive vice president in 1969.

November 1973

Lennis Knighton nears completion on the government financial management textbook.

In a bold move to place FGAA at the forefront of public service and enhance the professional image of the Association, every key agency executive in the federal government has been invited to call on FGAA whenever professional financial management assistance or advice is needed.

December–January 1974

A survey gauging member interest in a certification program is included in TOPICS.

National Office considers the formation of a speaker’s bureau to aid local chapters in finding speakers for their events.

February 1974

Chris S. Peratino, a member of the Montgomery/Prince Georges County Chapter, and Maurice Pujol, a member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter, are the nominees for President-Elect.

President Levine supports the creation of a full-time director of education and research in the National Office.

National Awards Committee considers new national award to recognize a nominee who has made the greatest contribution to an FGAA chapter. it would be called the Chapter Service Award.

National Chapter Activities Committee launches the One-On-One Program asking every member to bring in at least one new member. Can we double our membership to 15,000?

March 1974

Plans coming together for the 23rd Annual Symposium in Dallas on June 19–21, 1974.

FGAA hosts the Summit Group, which consists of the six major accounting organizations.

April 1974

Professional Auditors Created in GAO Program: A recently announced upward mobility program at the General Accounting Office would establish the equivalent of a para-professional group in the audit skill while at the same time offer the opportunity for lower-level employees to move out of dead-ended clerical and technical positions.

Another state capital-based chapter is welcomed—FGAA of Baton Rouge. Ronald G. Close is president and there are 40 charter members, many of whom are state employees. This reflects a growing interest in FGAA on the part of state and local people since the Association moved to admit them to full membership. This is the third state-capital based chapter admitted in the past year.

May 1974

Ad hoc committee on certification issues its report.

June 1974

John Cooley becomes National President.

Jackson, Mississippi Chapter chartered with 29 members.

Chris Peratino named fiscal year 1976 President-Elect.

August 1974

23rd Annual National Symposium attracts nearly 700 paid registrants in Dallas.

Search is launched for an FGAA education director.

September 1974

OMBE program enters its third year of providing training to minority businessmen in 10 cities across the country.

Building membership through direct mail is considered.

FGAA and eight accounting associations with major interest in government financial management are forming the Consortium of Government Financial Management Associations to explore areas of common interest.

Peter Drucker, who many consider to be the star of the professional management boom in American industry, to address combined meeting of FGAA’s Washington, D.C. Chapter, the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program and the American Society for Public Administration.

New chapter forming in West Palm Beach, FLA.

National Education and Training Committee has sponsored three highly successful seminars exploring the Congressional Budget and Improvement Control Act of 1974.

President Cooley commends President Ford for calling for improvements in productivity from the large and growing portion of the gross national product expended by federal, state and local governments. FGAA and the American Society of Military Comptrollers are co-sponsoring a workshop on productivity.

Ad hoc committee formed to explore the feasibility of purchasing an FGAA building to house the National Office at some point in the future. The Association now leases space in Crystal City, which is in Arlington, VA.

November 1974

Front page of TOPICS is devoted to noting the growth of women among the ranks of government financial managers.

President Cooley discusses the idea of changing FGAA’s name.

Federal fiscal year start moves from the previously hallowed date of July 1 to October 1.

December 1974

Dr. J. Arthur Smith, former assistant comptroller of the Army for Economic Policy and International Programs, has been named FGAA education director.

1975 Special Symposium Issue
Silver Symposium of the Federal Government Accountants Association, held at the Carillon Hotel in Miami Beach, FL. Observing “Twenty-Five Years of Progress Toward Improving Government…Looking Back to 1950—Looking Ahead to 2000—Looking at Today’s Issues in Historical Perspective…”

Keynoter is Elmer B. Staats, comptroller general of the United States.

Members of the FGAA National Executive Board have approved $15 increase in national dues, taking dues from $17.50 to $22.50 for regular members, effective July 1, 1975.

FGAA member Joyce E. Charles asks President Cooley to acknowledge International Women’s Year. Charles points out that FGAA membership includes many women—including several in key leadership roles. But she states that there is a need for more women in the profession, and more specifically, more women FGAA members. Cooley urges chapters to emphasize this concept in its membership drives and programs.

National Executive Board receives proposal from National Bylaws Committee recommending that the Association enter its second quarter-century with brand new name: the Association of Government Accountants. After a lengthy study under chairman Fletcher Lutz, the recommendation reflects a poll of the National Executive Board done in December of 1974, in which an overwhelming majority favored a name change. One key consideration, Lutz said, was a strongly expressed consensus that the word “federal” be removed from the name to reflect the Association’s broadening membership base.

March 1975

As of January 31, 1975, there were 7,637 members.

Fiscal year 1977 presidential candidates are Elwood A. Platt, CIA, a member of the Montgomery/Prince Georges County Chapter; and Donald Scantlebury, CPA, CIA, a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter.

Executive Vice President (executive director) Ketchum says signs are abundant that FGAA is at a critical evolutionary period at its 25th Anniversary. Three signs confirm his point: the proposal to change FGAA’s name; the extensive education program that is now just beginning in earnest; and the presentations before the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy to obtain recognition of government accounting experience toward a CPA certificate.

May 1975

President Cooley appoints a committee to select a new executive vice president to replace Ketchum, whose term expires July 31, 1975.

NEC to be formed.

Name change seems likely.

New FGAA force: women and state/local members.

FGAA building plans advance.

June 1975

Alice M. Rivlin, director of the new Congressional Budget Office, becomes first woman to be honorary member of FGAA.

July 1: It’s AGA!

By a vote of better than four to one, FGAA’s National Executive Board has approved “Association of Government Accountants” as the Association’s new name, effective July 1. Ballots on the name change were due May 10, but the strong tide favoring the changeover was obvious from the very first returns, and further reflected the overwhelming sentiment expressed for a change of some sort in a National Executive Board vote taken earlier this year. And so, a sentimental and devoted tribute of farewell to FGAA, and a rousing salute to AGA!

April 15—membership number was 8,011. April set an all-time high of 374 new members in one month.

Committee seeking new executive vice president/executive director plans to make a decision by June 26.

West Palm Beach Chapter welcomed with 30 new members. Charles M. Hipp, president.

Members are asked to help redesign a new masthead for the national newsletter, Federal Financial Management TOPICS. Question of whether to remove the federal dome on the masthead, which has been there since 1961. The new name of the Association makes the name of the newsletter and quarterly journal obsolete. The Publications Committee has tentatively decided to change the name of the journal to “Government Accounting” as of September of 1975.

July 1975

Nathan Cutler, former director of audits for the Department of Transportation, has been selected as AGA’s new executive vice president. He was the fiscal year 1969 National President.

Members slip into easy use of “AGA” following the change of the Association’s name.

Chris Peratino becomes National President.

Donald L. Scantlebury, a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter, is named President-Elect for fiscal year 1977.

August 1975

June tops April with 402 new members in one month.

National Executive Board approves reorganization of governing body and record high budget of $368,219 for fiscal year 1976. In approving the reorganization, the NEB changed its own name to National Board of Directors, enlarged its size from 80 to 190, adding chapter presidents-elect, Regional Vice Presidents-elect and all Past National Presidents to its ranks. It also established a 10-member National Executive Committee, which will act for the NBD in implementing Association policies. The NEC formation was somewhat controversial. Proponents argued that it would absorb the burden of day-to-day policy decisions previously laid solely on the National President. The NEC consists of the National President, National President-Elect, Immediate Past National President, Executive Vice President and six members at-large.

Miami Symposium attracts 750 registrants.

National Education Committee announces in Miami that its contract with Dr. Lennis Knighton to write a governmental accounting textbook is concluded. Textbook to be published in the spring.

Cutler takes a page from President Ford’s book by pledging to be judged in his new job not by the promises he makes but by the promises he keeps.

October 1975

Association plans to purchase a National Office building and hire a Washington real estate firm.

Plans for the 1976 Symposium in Philadelphia shift into high gear.

NEC holds first meeting. Among other business, it decides against reissuance of new membership certificates to those who joined before the July 1, 1975 name change. Decide to charge a minimal fee for anyone wanting a new AGA certificate. Also, the NEC approved changing the name of The Federal Accountant to The Government Accountants Journal, effective with March 1976 issue.

November 1975

AGA education program kicks into high gear by taking educational opportunities to the membership in the field. The training package includes five-day Application of ADP to Operating Accounts; three-day Computer Seminar for Financial Personnel; two-day Seminar on Functional Accounting; one-day Workshop on Systems Analysis Through Flow Charting; two days on Program Budgeting Analysis and two days on Program Evaluation.

Title of TOPICS is changed to Financial Management TOPICS, removing the word federal until a new name is decided upon.

December-January 1976

Newsletter name is changed to Government Financial Management TOPICS.

NEC, at its second meeting, moves to adopt a national/chapter “charter” relationship with chapters officially recognized as separate, noncorporate entities. Approves the name The Government Accountants Journal, (effective with the March 1976 issue), with the subtitle of “Financial Management in the Public Sector.” NEC approves charters for El Paso/Las Cruces & Tuscon Chapters.

February 1976

Thirty AGA members to attend top-level White House meeting to explain Association’s programs and objectives to officials.

NEC approves the publication of the history of FGAA’s first 25 years.

Gerald Murphy, a member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter, employed by the Treasury Department, has been nominated as President-Elect. Murphy and the RVP-elect nominees were named as sole candidates under the single-slate selection process that most professional organizations now follow.

March 1976

Elwood Platt, a member of the Montgomery/Prince Georges County Chapter, has been nominated to face Gerald Murphy, the National Nominating Committee’s single-slate candidate.

AGA chapter-level course in Operational Auditing—Basic, is scheduled in eight AGA chapter cities through August.

April 1976

AGA welcomes Northwest Florida Chapter with 30 new members. Frederick A. Brady is the organizer.

May 1976

A Treasury Department report accuses federal and state program managers, as well as auditors and other officials at both levels of deliberately sabotaging efforts to give states more responsibility for conducting audits of federally assisted grant programs. Result is a patchwork of confusing audit responsibilities, with an inevitable duplication of effort and waste of manpower and money.

Huntsville Chapter changes name to North Alabama. The Cape Canaveral Chapter has also changed its name recently to the Space Coast Chapter.

In symposium advertising, there is a noticeable shift from “Bring the Ladies” to “Family Events” as more and more women professionals join the AGA ranks.

June 1976

National Research Board takes the place of the Research Committee. Past National President John Cooley is named chairman.

NEC works with Lennis Knighton to complete government financial management textbook sponsored by AGA.

OMBE Program continues with 30 chapters participating and 42 courses offered. AGA signs fiscal year 1977 contract with the Department of Commerce.

North Carolina Triangle Chapter is forming in Raleigh, NC area with 47 new members. Chapter is largely state- and local-oriented.

Wagoner serves as president. Charter No. 86 is issued.

Association’s Employment Referral Service continues to generate much interest. NBD to address administration of service.

July–August 1976

National President Chris Peratino caps year’s successes—May 31, 1976, membership was 8,683, which is 285 more than the same date last year. Five new AGA chapters were chartered: Tuscon, El Paso/Las Cruces, Puerto Rico, Northwest Florida and North Carolina Triangle. The AGA education director developed 10 short courses and seven state boards of accountancy and state societies have moved to accept AGA-sponsored courses for CPE. In addition, AGA doubled the content of Topics, published a 25-year history of FGAA, and hired a real estate agent, architect and builder to adapt the site on 20th Street, between L and M Streets in Washington, D.C. for a National Office building. AGA met with AICPA to discuss problems AGA members are having in gaining recognition for their government experience to qualify for the CPA. Special Achievement Award was initiated to recognize mid-level and younger professionals in the Association.

Gerald Murphy elected President-Elect.

Madison Chapter changes its name to Southern Wisconsin.

Robert S. LaPorte is designated a Past National President after serving in the position for a brief time in 1961 (when he was First Vice President) when both candidates for National President were forced to withdraw from the race.

The Cost Accounting Standards Board considers proposal to have AGA perform an objective study to evaluate the effectiveness and implementation of Cost Accounting Standards.

Peratino accuses Elwood Platt Jr. of ethics violation for forming an “Independent Nominating Committee” to object to the single-slate strategy and to support his candidacy against Murphy. He also made inflammatory statements about the Association’s motives in approving the single slate strategy. He apologized and the matter was dropped.

September 1976

NEC takes up an ongoing dispute over equitable distribution of Symposium income between the national organization and the host chapters. The big question is whether direct time and associated overhead of National Office staff spent on the Symposium should be charged against the income figure prior to applying the 90-10 split formula approved by the NBD in June. Matter to be brought to the NBD at next year’s meeting.

Hawaii Chapter welcomed with Kip Jones as president and 32 members. Mid-Florida Chapter (located in Orlando) is formed with 24 new members and six transfers. James M. Snyder is president.

Sweeping fiscal year 1977 education program reflects wide variety of member interests and needs.

AGA terminates languishing textbook project. Author Lennis Knighton returns AGA investment.

Silver Anniversary history is published, “From Birth to Maturity: The First Twenty-Five Years of the Federal Government Accountants Association.”

October 1976

AGA makes headway in its steady, uphill effort to eliminate discrimination against government accountants who are pursuing the CPA certificate. Recent action in two states, plus the favorable discussion climate between AGA, the AICPA and NASBA have contributed to AGA’s positive outlook. Allen Reynolds, chairman of the AGA subcommittee on relations with the AICPA, summarizes AGA’s position as follows:

  • not to seek blanket acceptance of government experience, but to seek removal of impediments which result in blanket rejection.
  • to overcome practices which subject the government auditor to stricter judgments on experience than apply to his colleagues in public accounting.

AGA takes strong position on federal pay. As in the past, the Association has taken no issue with specific rates or percentages recommended. Rather, the comments have centered on perceived flaws in the system which appear to have worked against the financial management careerist. AGA “deplores” the continuing freeze on upper-level salary increases, and expressed the Association’s continuing concern over the resulting detrimental effect on retaining top-level professionals in government. AGA’s Employment Referral Service is expected to expand significantly in scope with the upcoming mailing of a special brochure describing the service to potential users.

November 1976

AGA sets goal of 10,000 members with start of MORE campaign (Membership Offers Relevant Education). New incentives for members who sponsor the most new members and chapters that show the highest percentage membership increase.|

26th Annual National Symposium scheduled for June 27–29, 1977 at the Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.

December 1976

To support the activities of the new National Research Board, the NEC instructs the director of education to devote some of his time to research initiatives.

Treasury Department releases a prototype report, “United States Government Consolidated Financial Statements.”

January 1977

MORE program is on target. Had 8,715 members when the program began on July 1, 1976 and now have 560 new members. However, even with the new members, the membership number at press time was 8,190 since many members had not yet paid their dues. MORE acronym expanded to say: Membership Obligations Rest on Everyone.

AGA issues research project “Review Guide for Federal Grantees’ Financial Management Systems.”

February 1977

NEC relinquishes all rights to the ill-fated textbook when it receives $14,000 check from author Lennis Knighton, who pledges to pursue the project on his own.

Membership number now at 8,409.

AGA seminars on Zero Base Budgeting are in hot demand. Fourteen chapters have indicated an interest in hosting the ZBB seminars and 11 dates are confirmed.

Arthur Schoenhaut, executive secretary of the Cost Accounting Standards Board, has been nominated president-elect. He is a member of the Montgomery/PG County Chapter.

National Chapter Activities Committee has undertaken a number of projects including standardizing the chapter competition program and offering assistance to weaker chapters.

Legislation was introduced to create Inspectors General in many federal agencies. These positions of unprecedented power are executive level, presidential appointees. Tom Morris was appointed to the first inspector general position created at the Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

March 1977

Schoenhaut named President-Elect for FY 1979.

Government accountants who have often criticized the CPA examination because it does not test competence in the government financial process, finally have a chance to do something about it. Through a project of AGA’s National Subcommittee on Relations with AICPA, AGA members are being invited to submit questions in the government accounting/auditing area for possible inclusion in the Uniform CPA Examination.

Washington, D.C. Chapter’s offering of Zero Base Budgeting seminar attracts 1,400, believed to be the largest audience ever for an AGA event.

April 1977

June 30 will mark the fifth anniversary of the AGA/OMBE program.

March membership number hovers around 8,800, which exceeds last June’s high mark of 8,715, but there is still much to be done to meet the 10,000 member goal by June 30.

May 1977

Executive Vice President Nathan Cutler testifies before the House Subcommittee on Employee Ethics and Utilization, chaired by Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder of Colorado. Cutler was commenting on a bill to establish a Commission on Ethics and Financial Disclosure for federal employees. AGA was invited to offer comment because in the words of Schroeder “representing whom they do represent—and considering that accountants are privy to a great deal of the policy-making in government—they (AGA members) may be especially hard hit by the disclosures that HR 3829 would require.” Cutler emphasized AGA’s commitment to the highest ethical standards for government employees and noted that AGA supports “reasonable financial disclosure designed to prevent conflict of interest and to enhance the government employees’ image and public confidence in their work.”

President Scantlebury announces the imminent resignations from the National Office staff of Nathan Cutler, executive vice president, and Dr. Arthur Smith, first director of education. Cutler plans to move to Florida and Smith will head up a private consulting firm. Scantlebury forms a selection committee to replace Cutler.

The Civil Service Commission has lent both general and specific support to AGA’s National Symposium, as well as other activities of professional associations that relate to an employee’s job. The CSC said in a letter to President Scantlebury that it “recognizes that symposia of the Association of Government Accountants provide worthwhile training for government employees engaged in financial management activities…we readily endorse the Association’s 26th annual symposium…the nature of your programs at this symposium will help meet the training needs of federal employees and can be attended under the Government Employees Training Act.”

Past National President Harry Levine proposes research project to improve the quality of financial management in hospitals. The Philadelphia Chapter has agreed to sponsor the research.

2,700 AGA members to receive questionnaire asking their views on the standards promulgated by the Cost Accounting Standards Board.

June 1977

Secretary of the Treasury W. Michael Blumenthal is made an honorary AGA member.

Symposium program now stretches nearly an entire week, from Sunday to Wednesday, with ZBB sessions planned for Thursday and Friday. Congressman Jack Brooks from Texas to be the keynote speaker. Senator Edmund Muskie, chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, will deliver the keynote address at the two-day ZBB seminar.

Percentage of women in the accounting profession was recently calculated at 22 percent while the percentage in government is only 8.8 percent. Our membership records do not identify the number of women in AGA. However, a sample survey of three large chapters identified 190 women, roughly 8 percent of the total in those chapters. In FY 1977, we have six women serving as chapter presidents (9 percent) and women occupy approximately 8 percent of the national committee positions. At our last symposium, 9 percent of those attending were women. So it appears that the percentage of women accountants participating in AGA is roughly equal to the percentage of women accountants in government.

They refer to this quote from Bahai: "The world of humanity has two wings: one is women and the other is men. Not until both wings are equal can the bird fly."

August 1977

26th Annual Symposium attracts more than 1,000 attendees and offers seven major addresses and five plenary sessions as well as 45 different workshops—the most extensive array of options ever offered. On to June 26–28, 1978 in San Francisco. Golden Gate in ‘ 78!

Gerald Murphy accepts the gavel from Donald Scantlebury.

National Education Board issue survey to determine continuing professional education needs of members.

Annual NBD meeting described as “low-key.” Observers felt that the brevity and relative blandness of the meeting was attributable to the advent, under a reorganization two years ago, of the National Executive Committee. NBD approved the fiscal year 1978 budget with $552,000 in projected revenues and $544,000 in projected expenses.

June Brown becomes the first woman appointed to the NEC.

Nathan Cutler steps down as executive vice president, stating “AGA and its predecessor, FGAA, have been a vital part of my life since the day I joined the Association twenty-four years ago. I cannot begin to tell you what AGA’s camaraderie, confidence and encouragement have meant to me over the years.” Dr. Mortimer Dittenhofer, a former government careerist and professor at American University, has been named the new executive vice president.

September 1977

Program year gets under way with President Murphy pledging expansion of the education program (with Larry Olewine acting as education director on a part-time basis) and asks members to remember that the G in AGA’s name stands for all levels of government, and urges the Association to support its growing state and local base of members. He also backs a long-range planning effort. Dittenhofer’s top priority is an education program that serves all the members’ needs.

Members of AGA’s Committee on Cooperation with Other Organizations met with the Advisory Committee on Federal Pay to present the Association’s views on the proposed pay raises for federal employees.

Past President Levine’s research project into the finances of hospitals moves forward with the support of the Philadelphia Chapter. In addition, Lloyd Hara, a Seattle Chapter member and auditor of King County, WA has initiated a research project to determine the extent and characteristics of auditing in the nation’s counties.

October 1977

NEC considers the question of whether non-government-employed AGA members can hold national and chapter officer positions, particularly president’s posts. The National Bylaws Committee will develop a “white paper” on the pros and cons of this issue and will seek member opinions.

November 1977

Association adds two new chapters in state capitals—Trenton, NJ and Albany, NY. Trenton Chapter had 48 members in the charter group and Jim Dolan is the first president. The Albany petitioning group had 54 members and will be known as the New York Capital Chapter.

AGA explores the possibility of establishing a research foundation to study major accounting problems inherent in government operations and has prepared a prospectus to be used in soliciting financial support for the endeavor.

Three-fourths of AGA members who work with the issuing of the Cost Accounting Standards Board (CASB) feel that the standards have caused cost accounting practices to become more consistent. At the same time, half feel that the standards impose a significantly larger paperwork burden than did the Armed Services Procurement Regulations (ASPR) and the Federal Procurement Regulations (FPR), over which the standards take precedence. Forty-four percent of the respondents further said that the quality of guidance provided by the standards was no better, or worse, than that of ASPR and FPR. The Association’s study was undertaken by an ad hoc committee of AGA’s Financial Management Standards Board.

December 1977

Past National President Ellsworth H. Morse Jr. has died suddenly of a heart attack. Comptroller General Elmer Staats said of the longtime GAO employee: “His host of friends both in and outside the General Accounting Office will feel this loss deeply…” Morse was 64.

NEC appoints task forces to develop and implement ZBB research, one to work on state and local issues for President Murphy and a third to recommend revisions to the Code of Ethics.

The Harrisburg Chapter has changed its name to the Central Pennsylvania Chapter.

Member retention numbers are better this year with only 9.6 percent of the members failing to pay their dues on time as opposed to 14 percent in 1976, 13 percent in 1975, 17 percent in 1974 and 12 percent in 1973.

Executive Vice President Dittenhofer advises chapter officers that they should be bonded after a chapter officer mishandled thousands of dollars belonging to the chapter.

Municipal Finance Officers Association and AGA to hold first mutual training session.

January 1978

Frank Sato, deputy assistant secretary of defense (audit) and director of the Defense Audit Service, has been nominated to become AGA President-Elect. He is a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter.

Despite a sizable cut in the funding of this year’s contract, AGA will maintain approximately the same number of Office of Minority Business Enterprise Courses (OMBE) as last year.

Symposium plans are coming together for June 26–28 in San Francisco.

Dittenhofer addresses the question: Where do my dues go? He points out that last year AGA had to use some of its limited reserves to cover expenses and that publication expenses alone drained 61 percent of the revenue received from dues in 1977.

NEC authorizes formation of Ethics Board to review the code and alleged violations.

February 1978

AGA’s net membership figures at the end of January have surpassed last year’s June 30 end, with 9,097 active members. This is the earliest date that current membership has ever surpassed the past year’s high mark. New chapter activity is helping with membership growth: Springfield, IL was chartered in January and installations are scheduled for the Virgin Islands, Memphis and Little Rock. Other charter applications appear imminent from Lincoln/Omaha, Nebraska, Nashville and Frankfort, KY. The Springfield Chapter augments a growing number of AGA chapters in state capitals. The chapter’s 45 charter members include representation from the Illinois Office of Education and the Office of the Auditor General, among others. Thomas E. Erickson was elected to be the first president.

A recent sampling of opinion indicates that AGA members as a whole feel strongly that the Association’s National President should be an active government employee. The question was part of a poll taken to gauge AGA members’ thoughts on the fairness of the bylaws, which basically preclude non-government and retired members from holding the offices of national and chapter president as well as regional vice president.

Dittenhofer expresses concerns about the Association’s reserves, which have shrunk from $100,000 at the end of 1975 to just over $40,000 today. The July 1, 1975 $5 increase in dues has been offset by the upward creep in prices, which has affected every aspect of our operation. Notes that by American Society of Association Executives standards, AGA should have $180,000 in reserve or net worth equal to one year’s gross revenues. Dittenhofer seeks suggestions from members on how to help this growing problem.

March 1978

Sato confirmed as President-Elect.

Current President-Elect Art Schoenhaut and Dittenhofer hold advance planning meeting for incoming regional vice presidents in Kansas City. The first of its kind meeting continues to be a tradition today.

AGA initiates education newsletter—EduData went out to all members in March, with additional bi-monthly issues scheduled.

AGA’s earlier steps to form a Cash Management Task Force are validated by President Carter’s commitment to improving cash management in government.

End of February membership number is 9,372 active members, which is 750 more than last year. The Membership Committee plans to add new incentives to reach 10,000 by the end of the program year.

National Office is in the process of converting The Government Accountants Journal to a refereed professional journal, which will attract more contributions from academia because of the increased prestige associated with such a publication. The result should be more interest in government accounting and auditing on college campuses.

April 1978

As membership number hovers around 9,600, Membership Committee Chairwoman Audrey Dysland announces the “Wide Angle” membership focus for the remainder of the year—striving for diversity in the thrust toward new members, making sure that members look at ALL prospects for new members.

Thirty-seven outstanding workshops follow six individual tracks of specialization: federal/state/local auditing; federal/state/local accounting; professional self/development; automated data processing; financial management; industry relationships with federal financial management.

May 1978

Virgin Islands Chapter brings 39 charter members and the president is Darrell Fleming. The Memphis Chapter was given an original charter even though it has been chartered in 1960 but has been defunct for a number of years. The new group brings 31 charter members and Russell E. Elmore is the first president. The Central Arkansas Chapter in Little Rock brought 24 charter members and elected State Legislative Auditor Orvel M. Johnson as its first president.

The Office of Management and Budget has published the AGA Review Guide for Grantees’ Financial Management Systems for use by federal agencies last month. The guide was a major AGA research initiative and was presented to the administration by AGA’s Research Board, chaired by Past National President John Cooley.

The National Finance Committee recommends a three-step dues increase after an extensive review of AGA’s current financial picture and its future needs. The proposal includes an immediate (July 1) increase of $5 over the current $22.50 dues rate, with additional increases of $2.50 in each of the following two years. At press time, there was a 3-to-1 trend in support of the recommended increase among the National Board of Directors. A two-thirds margin is needed for the increase to pass.

AGA seeks a director of socio-economic activities in the National Office to oversee the OMBE program and other similar programs that may develop.

June 1978

The Association’s net membership figures pass the magic 10,000 mark in early May and an elated national membership committee was thinking that the 10,500 mark might be attainable by June 30. The unexpectedly high number of charter members brought onboard by the newly chartered Nashville Chapter helped the surge. Three factors aided the achievement of this mark: first was the very high membership retention from last year, second was the record of six new chapters installed by May 1and the third was the outstanding recruitment efforts of chapters and individual members throughout AGA.

Robert L. Turner, administrative officer with HUD’s Federal Insurance Administration in Washington, has been named AGA’s new director of education. Audrey Dysland, past president of the Washington, D.C. Chapter and recently retired from the treasury department, will join the staff as director of finance and services.

NEC approves a dues hike of $5 immediately and $2.50 for each of the following two years. Was approved by the NBD by a margin of nearly 3-to-1. President Murphy, who is also chair of the Long-Range Planning Board, recommends significant expansion in the size and scope of the board, including providing program assumptions for the Finance Committee’s five-year financial plan for the Association.

AGA was to meet again with representatives from five countries to discuss the formation of a consortium on Government Financial Management.

NEC decides to allow some nonaccountant specialties performing financial management functions to qualify for full AGA membership. Cited were such positions as program and management analysts, contract specialists, management auditors, ADP systems analysts, etc. No change in bylaws is deemed necessary to embrace the policy.

Editorial Board is formed for The Government Accountants Journal.

August 1978

Arthur Schoenhaut is now National President.

A year of records concludes: AGA membership (more than 10,000); chapters (83); most education events in one year, plus the first to be conducted in a foreign country (Mexico); the most OMBE courses (50) and graduates (1,200); and highest attendance at a symposium outside of Washington (862 in San Francisco).

Two new awards were presented at the symposium: for research accomplishment and for outstanding chapter newsletters.

Mrs. Ellsworth Morse Jr. accepts the Robert W. King Memorial Award, granted posthumously to her husband.

NBD approves fiscal year 1979 budget of $627,400 in revenue and total expenses of $602,929. AGA’s education program is expected to generate $257,500 in revenues, which for the first time will exceed dues income of $250,850. NBD has lengthy controversial discussion about the perennial question of how to split revenues from events sponsored jointly by local chapters and the National Office. Referred to the NEC for action.

AGA’s National Research Board issues study on the first year of Zero Base Budgeting in the federal government. The authors believe the administration tried to do too much during the first year of using ZBB. As a result, the overall benefits of ZBB were impaired.

September 1978

Although AGA believes the legislation establishing inspectors general in federal agencies to be significantly beneficial, it has detected some serious flaws in the original proposals and has expressed concern to the appropriate authorities.

The Association has provided detailed input to the President’s Pay Agent on the issue of federal pay scales.

The Washington Post publishes a review of the AGA National Research Board’s report on the first year of ZBB in the federal government, “sensationalizing” the problems identified by the report rather than the refinements suggested.

Richard Griffen Jr. joins the staff as Director of Socio-Economic Programs.

AGA and the Municipal Finance Officers Association sponsor two-day conference, Emerging Issues—Government Accounting and Auditing, in Detroit.

October 1978

AGA’s 84th chapter was installed in August. The Central Kentucky Chapter came with 49 new members. Ronald L. Cooper is the first president. While the group followed the recent trend of opting for a “geographical area” chapter name rather than identifying with a specific city, the chapter location actually encompasses a 50-mile radius around the state capital of Frankfort. The chapter’s membership rolls show a heavy concentration of state employees.

NEC moves to increase the number of regions from nine to 11, as of July 1. This is due to the disparity in the number of chapters per region, with some having as few as four chapters and others having as many as 15.
AGA continues its involvement in CARD—Council of Accounting Research Directors.

Robert Turner vacates National Office education director post to return to his previous employer. Registrar Susie Maruyama leaves her post as registrar after three years with AGA.

November 1978

Laurence E. Olewine, who served as acting director of education on a part-time basis for most of the past year, has been permanently named to the post.

WA "Bill" Broadus Jr., chair of AGA’s Subcommittee on Relations with the AICPA, appeared before the State of Board of Accountancy in Kentucky to speak out against a proposed amendment that would place additional requirements on state government accountants and auditors seeking CPA certificates.

Work has already begun on the national symposium, scheduled for June 18–20, 1979 in St. Louis.

Series of cost accounting standards workshops co-sponsored with the National Contract Management Association are conducted in 15 cities with more than 1,500 people attending.

December 1978

AGA’s Financial Management Standards Board explores ways to involve greater number of members in its deliberations on items that come before it for action.

Another state capital chapter forming in Des Moines, with 21 potential charter members.

Joint Financial Management Improvement Program celebrates 30th Anniversary.

National Office develops a chapter operations manual for officers and committees.

AGA urges caution in selecting new IGs. If the newly authorized inspectors and auditors general in federal departments and agencies are not selected in the “most professional and nonpartisan manner possible, the entire program could falter or be discredited at the outset. AGA recommends the establishment of an advisory body to consult on the qualifications of the nominees and to make recommendations to the President; and cautions against excess emphasis on investigative and prosecution experience over “auditors knowledgeable and experienced in control systems and other preventative measures.”

January 1979

Frederick Neuman, director, Defense Contract Audit Agency, has been nominated to become President-Elect of AGA.

The White House is close to naming the first 12 IGs. Congressman Jack Brooks, chairman of the Legislation and National Security Subcommittee of the House Committee on Government Operations, replied to letters to President Carter sent by AGA urging caution in selecting the new IGs. Brooks thanks the Association for its concern and contribution to the process.

NEC rejects any idea of creating an official “inactive chapter” status for AGA chapters and rejected a recommendation of the National Bylaws Committee that there be a near-automatic revocation of a chapter charter when the active membership falls below 10 members. In rejecting these suggestions, the NEC expressed its opinion that adequate means of treating weak chapters exist currently with AGA bylaws and established policy.

NEC votes to return the 1984 symposium to Washington.

Employment referral service continues to be a vital AGA program with 170 new applications on file as of November 1, 1978.

February 1979

AGA welcomed its 85th chapter in Des Moines in January with 21 charter members.

In response to an informal request from the Civil Service Commission, AGA’s Subcommittee on Relations with the Civil Commission has offered its definition of the major characteristics of a professional auditor.
Comptroller General Staats cites AGA study in his annual report to Congress on the Cost Accounting Standards Board progress.

For the first time, ads for the symposium are being placed in outside publications, including Management Accounting and the Journal of Accountancy.

March 1979

NEC encounters controversy with move by President Schoenhaut to relocate the 1981 symposium from Miami Beach, citing concern over whether the very small chapter in Miami could provide the necessary support and would make it difficult to defend returning to Miami Beach for the third time in 11 years. The NEC determined it had a moral obligation to follow the body’s original decision, citing concern also that the Association’s credibility could be impaired by an effort to get out of its contract with the Miami hotel.

Dittenhofer urges chapters to properly plan their monthly meetings in advance to make them more valuable to members.

NEC agrees to develop a common body of knowledge for the profession.

April 1979

Three AGA leaders have among the first group of inspectors general: Frank Sato will go to the Department of Transportation; June Brown to the Department of the Interior; and Allen Reynolds to the Veterans Administration.

AGA will establish student financial management clubs at colleges and universities under the sponsorship of local chapters.

James A. Robbins, national president in fiscal year 1962 and the Association’s first full-time executive director, died March 14 at his home in Boca Raton, FL.

May 1979

A petitioning group in Pierre, SD will become AGA’s 86th chapter in June. The chapter will be known as AGA of Central South Dakota.

Association’s common body of knowledge study sparks interest throughout the profession.

AGA forms ad hoc committee on International Affairs under the leadership of Past National President Arthur Litke.

June 1979

New plan for symposium site selection divides the country into three sections based on the AGA member rolls, and will systematically rotate the symposium around the sections in proportion to the number of members in each section. The 1985 symposium would be the first to fall under this plan.

Membership as of April 30 is at an all-time high of 10,568, which surpasses last June’s year-end figure of 10,272 (the net figure dropped back to 9,555 on October 31 as a result of suspensions).

July–August 1979

Nearly 800 attend symposium in St. Louis with Senator Thomas F. Eagleton, Securities and Exchange Commission Commissioner Irving M. Pollack and Comptroller General Elmer B. Staats among the keynoters.

Frank S. Sato becomes National President.

NBD takes unprecedented action to revoke the charter of the Central Alabama (Birmingham) Chapter, which has been defunct for two years. The NBD approved a $2.50 dues increase as of September 1, 1979 and $2.50 more on July 1, 1980. There is still a $10 differential between full and associate member dues. The NBD also approved a budget that calls for $753,340 in expenditures and $820,050 in revenue.

September 1979

Establishment of committees or task forces on international affairs, legislative affairs and equal opportunity increase the Association’s profile in those areas.

Bismark-Mandan, North Dakota Chapter is welcomed with nearly 200 potential members. While the chapter is actually the Association’s 87th active chapter, it was granted charter No. 100.

As AGA enters its fifth year of operation under the current National Executive Committee (NEC) concept, it is clear that the Association has arrived at an effective means of governing its affairs.

Countdown is on for the 1980 symposium in Boston, slated for June 16-18.

NEC acts to create an Education and Research Institute.

The June 30, 1979 year-end net membership figure stood at 10,751,nearly 500 higher than the same date in 1978.

October 1979

NEC takes action to establish the new AGA Education and Research Foundation.

AGA continues to expand into state capitals with the chartering of the Greater Lansing Chapter in Michigan.

The NEC votes to revoke the West Palm Beach Chapter’s charter after several years of inactivity.

AGA has charged that Congress, in artificially keeping a “pay cap” on top federal salaries, is effectively negating the many advantages cited by that body when it created the Senior Executive Service.

November 1979

The Education and Research Foundation moved forward with a corporate charter granted by the state of Virginia and approval of the basic concept by the NBD.

New chapter formed in Colorado Springs—AGA of Pikes Peak, with 27 charter members. Francis L. Mickle Jr. is the first president.

December 1979

National Membership Committee sets 12,000 as goal for the year.

Tokyo group surprises National Office with a petition for a new chapter. In 1953, charter No. 6 went to the Tokyo Chapter, which folded in the mid-1960s when American presence in Japan dwindled. The new group boasts 22 charter members and Robert Lloyd is the first president.

Audrey Dysland leaves director of finance and services post in the National Office to take a position with the Institute for Public Administration.

January 1980

NEC gives final approval to the Education and Research Foundation. The NEC also revoked the charters of three inactive chapters (Missoula, Rochester and Syracuse) and placed the remaining members in the
At-Large membership category; designated formal duties for the RVPs; approved two new research projects and associated grants; and authorized action to secure a protective copyright on AGA’s official name and logo.

February 1980

Eleanor Clark and Joseph Donlon, both members of AGA’s Washington Chapter, will vie for the office of National President-Elect in the Association’s first member-wide balloting for national officers in four years. The single-slate strategy was abandoned when the Nominating Committee became deadlocked and was unable to settle on a single candidate for president. The even-numbered committee was bound to deadlock eventually and will be odd-numbered in the future.

Ethics Board produces Ethics Handbook, containing the Code of Ethics, pertinent extracts from the Association’s bylaws and newly approved Ethics Board policies and procedures.

Dittenhofer comments on Association’s finances, noting that the revenue excess has increased over the past few years, but that inflation is having the same effect on AGA that it is having on everyone else.

March 1980

NEC puts implementation of foundation on hold when it becomes clear that the organizational and operational relations between the foundation and its AGA parent entity will be complex. There is concern that AGA’s general financial health could be severely affected by the loss of the net revenues from the symposium, which would accrue to the foundation and could not legally be transferred to or used by AGA. Agree to examine alternative ways to structure the foundation.

AGA’s net membership figure of 10,856 at the end of January set a record as the earliest date that the current year’s membership surpassed the previous year’s high mark (10,751 on June 30).

April 1980

AGA’s new computer terminal in the National Office went fully online on April 1, and members can expect faster and more accurate membership records as a result. Technicians installed the system, including a keyboard and a CRT display, and hooked it into the computer at AGA’s service bureau in downtown Washington.

Membership surged past 11,000 for the first time in February.

Dittenhofer lauds this year’s membership-wide voting for National President-Elect and calls it “a healthy method of self-governance.”

Office of Minority Business Enterprise (OMBE) is replaced in the Department of Commerce by the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) and while Commerce indicates it does not intend to abandon the minority small business community, it seems clear that its level of support will be less than it has been in the past. How this will affect AGA’s grant to provide local training to minority business people is unknown.

May 1980

Orange County, CA Chapter to become AGA’s 87th active chapter, bringing 30 new members. Fred R. Lang to be first president.
AGA regains its nonprofit mailing privileges. Following a routine review of its objectives and programs by the Postal Service last year, AGA had its nonprofit mailing status, which had been in effect for more than 20 years, revoked by postal authorities. (The USPS maintained that AGA’s corporate charter and bylaws did not clearly establish the Association as falling into one of the qualifying categories: educational, charitable, religious, etc.). The ruling brought a sudden heavy burden down on AGA, increasing its bulk mailing costs by 117 percent overnight. The increase cost the Association thousands of dollars. The Education and Research Foundation was conceived in an attempt to qualify for nonprofit mailing rates through its purely educational status. The foundation ran into difficulties when members grew concerned about the overall financial effect for AGA. In exploring alternatives to the original foundation concept, the staff and members went back to the USPS with a strongly worded argument that AGA’s basic objectives were, in fact, educational and postal authorities eventually agreed. This meant, of course, that the largest single benefit of the foundation had been achieved through other means. An ad hoc committee studying the foundation was to make recommendations at the May NEC meeting.

Membership as of April 30 was at 11,309.

National Office seeks member demographic information to determine how many women members we have, how many are CPAs or other certifications and what is the median grade level in the membership today?

June 1980

NEC modifies the Education and Research Foundation. The foundation will serve as a conduit for the receipt, disbursement and administration of tax-deductible grants and donations for education and research purposes. The Association’s ongoing education program will revert to the control of the parent AGA organization as before.

Ellie Clark is elected President-Elect and will be the Association’s first female National President. She is associate director, management, for the National Technical Information Service.

July–August 1980

Nearly 800 registrants attend annual symposium in Boston. Sessions cover the gamut from auditor independence to developments in state/local accounting to a session on the growing issues surrounding the world energy problem.

NBD approves budget of $875,000 in projected revenues and $845,000 in projected expenses. Approves new national/chapter split for symposium revenues that solves the age-old question of whether to charge National Office expenses to run the symposium before or after calculating the chapter’s share. The NBD votes to charge the expenses before calculating the chapter’s share. All changes to the structure are effective with the 1985 symposium.

Mort Dittenhofer submits resignation as executive vice president. New National President Fred Neuman seeks candidates for the post, which Dittenhofer will vacate after three years.

September 1980

Search committee seeks replacement for Dittenhofer, who returns to academia with these words for AGA: “I have enjoyed my work with the chapters and their members , and I believe we have achieved some significant accomplishments in the last three years.”

MBDA training is put on hold as AGA seeks other sources of funding after a shift in the Department of Commerce’s priorities result in the agency’s failure to renew AGA’s grant.

Neuman sets theme of 1981 symposium in Miami as “Government Financial Management…A Professional and Proud Career.” Names Paul Carren as chairman and Nathan Cutler and co-chairman.

October 1980

President Neuman makes tracking and acting on legislation in the government financial management arena a major theme of his presidency.

NEC reverses earlier decision to prevent those who are not active government employees from holding elected national offices (president and regional vice president) stating that anyone who qualifies for full membership should be allowed to hold any AGA office. This opens the door, in particular, to private sector and retired members who wish to hold national office. Subject to NBD approval.

The NEC also approved a plan to continue the MBDA program in conjunction with the New School of Social Research in New York.

Congress fails to renew general revenue sharing.

The Cost Accounting Standards Board went out of business at the end of September, despite strong efforts by AGA and others to save it by transferring its authorities and functions to OMB.

New shorter formatted TOPICS debuts with brief news bullets and fewer pages.

November 1980

AGA’s Long-Range Planning Board hold unique overnight meeting to chart Association’s future.

John P. Abbadessa, former controller of the Atomic Energy Commission prior to his retirement from federal service, is named AGA’s new executive vice president as of January 1, 1981.

President Neuman presents the report of AGA’s Task Force on Federal Executive Reporting on Internal Control, “Executive Reporting on Internal Controls in Government—A Guide to Achieving Compliance with Financial Integrity Act of 1980,” to the comptroller general of the United States and OMB director.

NBD ratifies bylaws change to eliminate requirement that top AGA officers be active government employees. The Bylaws and Procedures Committee expedited the required changes in time for this year’s nominating procedures. Proponents of the move noted that the restriction was unfair to a large number of highly active members and pointed to the recent move by the AICPA to remove restrictions on nonpracticing CPAs holding certain positions within the Institute.

December 1980

Long-Range Planning Board sets goals, refines “who we are” and “where we want to be.” States that “AGA is a professional association of individuals engaged in government auditing, accounting, budgeting and information systems.” Goals include 10,000 AGA education student days by fiscal year 1986; 17,000 members by the end of fiscal year 1986; fund the foundation research program in an amount not to exceed $20,000 annually; decided not to pursue the purchase of a National Office building for the next five years; and decided not to change its fiscal year to match the federal calendar.

January 1981

NEC ratifies charter for chapter in American Samoa with 40 new members and Falema’o Pili as the first president.
The Office of Federal Procurement Policy has submitted to Congress its proposal for a Uniform Procurement System (UPS) to minimize the federal government’s regulatory impact on the commercial marketplace.

Hal Stugart to head new standing committee charged with identifying and endorsing AGA candidates for key government financial executive vacancies. The need arose when AGA was asked to name candidates to replace the retiring Comptroller General Elmer B. Staats.

AGA publishes monograph titled “Cash Management in the Federal Government.”

February 1981

John P. Abbaddessa begins duty as AGA’s fifth full-time executive vice president. He is a longtime member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter.

An Intergovernmental Committee for Single Audit Implementation has been organized and will look into the implementation of the single audit approach, make recommendations to resolve them and provide general assistance in the implementation of the single audit approach. Sponsored by JFMIP.

AGA plans testimonial dinner to honor Elmer B. Staats as he ends his 15-year term as comptroller general of the United States.

Past National President Arthur Schoenhaut presents the AGA position on internal control in government to a House subcommittee considering an amendment to the Inspector General Act of 1978 that would extend the concept of independent inspectors general to other major federal departments and agencies. AGA wholeheartedly endorses this concept.

March 1981

Frederic A. Heim Jr., a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter, is named President-Elect. He is deputy inspector general for audit at the Department of Commerce.

NEC makes sharp cuts in AGA’s operating budget for the current year to offset impending deficit at the end of the year. The loss of the MBDA grant and the revocation of the Association’s nonprofit mailing permit had combined to turn the Association’s financial picture around.

NEC recommends a dues increase of $5 per year effective on July 1, 1981 and sent the proposal to the NBD for consideration.
AGA sends letter to President Reagan strongly endorsing internal controls in government and urging effective implementation of the Inspector General Act.

President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency founded on March 26, to provide Administration leadership to the inspectors general.

April 1981

After two years of planning, the AGA National Task Force on Cash Management has received approval of the NEC for a state-of-the-art study of the cash management area.

AGA testifies on the Hill in support of The Federal Managers Accountability Act of 1981” which would, among other things, amend the Accounting and Auditing Act of 1950 to require public reporting on the adequacy of systems of internal accounting and administrative controls by heads of executive agencies.

Proposal to form a Governmental Accounting Standards Board is causing major controversy. The Financial Accounting Foundation expresses serious concern and reservations over the proposal. AGA members urged to become familiar with the issues involved.

Three prominent AGA members were among eight nominees to the post of comptroller general submitted by a special bipartisan congressional committee to President Reagan. The three are Charles Bowsher, Arthur Anderson & Co.; James F. Antonio, Missouri State Auditor; and Frank Sato, Department of Transportation and an AGA Past National President.

May 1981

NBD rejects $5 dues increase with a vote of 70 in favor and 71 opposed. A favorable vote of two-thirds would have been necessary to enact the increase. With this vote, the NBD rejected the recommendations of a special dues subcommittee, which conducted an in-depth analysis of the Association’s finances; the National Finance Committee; the National Executive Committee and the elected national officers.

John P. Abbadessa has resigned as executive vice president after only three months on the job. The search committee that named him to the post has been reconvened to continue the search.

Bill introduced to require the federal government to prepare and publish annual consolidated financial statements using the accrual method of accounting. In presenting the legislation, Rep. Bill Young (R-FL) asserts that the government has no precise idea of where it stands financially because it does not compile such statements.

An AGA member has been expelled from the Association by the National Ethics Board after pleading guilty to two counts—false pretense and attempted false pretense—after he admitted to the willful preparation and presentation of false reports and untrue statements to a government agency.

June 1981

AGA’s Financial Management Standards Board members, testifying in hearings on the proposed Governmental Accounting Standards Board in Philadelphia in early May, opposed the formation of a fully separate and independent GASB as a solution which would aggravate rather than solve governmental accounting problems. Bert Bodenheimer, who chairs AGA’s prestigious board, said his group recommended the creation of a new body under the auspices of the Financial Accounting Foundation to develop governmental accounting standards.

U.S. Senator Jim Sasser of Tennessee will be the symposium keynoter in Miami Beach.

Membership as of June 30, 1981 was 11,894, up 64 members from last year’s end.

August 1981

Eleanor Clark becomes the first woman to be AGA National President.

NBD approves budget of $722,934 in projected revenue and $732,411 in projected expenses. Board members debate again the recent rejection of the dues increase and a motion to reconsider the request was defeated.

Charles A. Bowsher, CPA, is nominated by President Reagan to be the next comptroller general of the United States. In addition, the President has named 16 nominees to fill the inspector general positions he vacated last January. AGA’s Search for Government Financial Executives Committee made strong recommendations on behalf of Bowsher and the other AGA members nominated to these top posts.

Past National President Donald L. Scantlebury died June 18 after a heart attack in his Virginia home. Scantlebury was for many years the director of the Finance and General Management Studies Division of the U.S. General Accounting Office before being named last October to the newly created post of chief accountant at GAO. He was 53. At the time of his death, Scantlebury was the chair of the committee seeing a new executive vice president. Past National President Gerald Murphy takes over the post. National President Clark appoints Fletcher Lutz as interim executive vice president.

September 1981

President Clark establishes standing committee to again explore the question of a certification program in the government accounting area. Joseph Donlon will head the committee.

October 1981

W. Fletcher Lutz named executive vice president. He is a Past National President and has been an active AGA member since 1952.

For more than 30 years, the Association has conducted National Symposia at various locations around the country. And there is no question that the efforts have been rewarding to those who attended. However, as we move into the ‘80s, the term “symposium” just doesn’t seem to convey the true spirit and objectives of these annual gatherings. So, to reflect this changing environment, our annual meeting will now be called the Professional Development Conference (PDC). The first PDC will be in Denver on June 14–16, 1982.

The Financial Accounting Foundation, which had earlier opposed a separate Governmental Accounting Standards Board, has now indicated its support of the current GASB proposal that would establish a GASB under the oversight of the FAF. The FAF also agreed to the GASB organizing committee’s suggestion to expand the FAF board to include three governmental members.

December 1981

Executive Vice President W. Fletcher Lutz appeared before the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs in mid-November to testify on behalf of AGA in strong support of The Financial Integrity Act of 1981. Among other things, it would amend the Accounting and Auditing Act of 1950 to require public reporting on the adequacy of systems of internal accounting and administrative controls by heads of executive agencies.

AICPA reports that the number of its member CPAs in government is holding steady at 3.3 percent, which is fairly close to where it has been for the past 10 years. With the AICPA’s membership at 173,900 this year, that would put membership of government CPAs at 5,700.

January–February 1982

Susumu Uyeda, a member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter and currently the capital region vice president, has been named by the National Nominating Committee as its single-slate candidate for AGA President-Elect. He is executive director of the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program.

AGA honors new Comptroller General of the United States Charles A. Bowsher at a reception in Washington.

New committees established this year highlight AGA’s current thrust. These committees include the Certification Committee (chaired by Joe Donlon and Max Hirschhorn), Accountants in Accounting Positions Committee (chaired by Virginia Robinson), Small Business Assistance Committee and the Committee on Enhancement Programs for State and Local Members (chaired by Bob Ryan).

AGA has forwarded copies of its “Common Body of Knowledge (CBOK)” study to some 500-600 business schools and accounting departments in colleges and universities around the country.

Larry Olewine, who served as AGA’s education director for the past three and a half years, resigned February 1 and the search is under way to find a replacement.

March 1982

Nelson H. Shapiro, Montgomery-Prince Georges Chapter, has qualified by petition as a candidate for National President-Elect of AGA, and will face Susumu Uyeda, the National Nominating Committee’s candidate. Qualification of an additional candidate will require a membership vote.

The National Ethics Board has expelled a member who is accused of causing a shortage of funds when he was chapter president.

Seven years after moving to admit nonfederal members, AGA now has membership breakdown by employer category:
Federal—63 percent
State/local—21 percent
Private industry—11 percent
Retired & academia—5 percent

May 1982

New chapter chartered in Quantico, VA. The Virginia Battlefield Chapter was installed with 27 charter members, 20 of whom currently hold membership in other AGA chapters. James M. Bridges was installed as temporary president. In addition, four current members and 25 prospective members have banded together to form a chapter in southern Maine. Raymond G. Daigle is serving as chapter president.

AGA’s Financial Management Standards Board had a productive year, commenting on behalf of the Association on the following exposure drafts: International Federation of Accountants’ proposed audit guideline “Using the Work of an Internal Auditor;” The Financial Accounting Standards Board’s proposed statement “Accounting for the Sale or Purchase of Tax Benefits Through Lease Transactions;” and the AICPA’s “Proposed Statement of Auditing Standards—Reporting on Condensed Financial Statements and Selected Financial Data.”

Sen. Roth of Delaware has introduced a bill to create a statutory inspector general at the U.S. Department of Defense.

Denver PDC to focus on auditing, budgeting, information technology, accounting, self-development and management tracks.

June 1982

Susumu Uyeda is named President-Elect for fiscal year 1983.

The AGA regions will be realigned from 11 to 13 as of July 1, 1982.

The April 30 membership number was 11,954, which is a slight increase from last year. Other professional organizations have lost 20 to 40 percent of their members during these difficult economic times.

AICPA moves to support the single audit concept, but urges Congress to allow sufficient time to develop and analyze the advantages and disadvantages before passing any legislation mandating its use.

Who are the Big Eight accounting firms? Coopers & Lybrand; Touche Ross; Arthur Young; Arthur Andersen; Ernst & Whitney; Peat, Marwick; Deloitte, Haskins & Sells; and Price Waterhouse.

July–August 1982

PDC in Denver judged “outstanding in every way.” Well over 600 registrants came despite earlier concerns about low registration due to the poor economic climate and tight travel restrictions.

Frederic A. Heim Jr. accepts the gavel as National President, indicates his intention to establish the Board for Advancement of Financial Managers to promote the development of the profession and the Association Services Board to plan and direct all membership promotion/retention activities and chapter services. He also plans to further AGA’s support of the Government Accounting Standards Board, to obtain passage of the Financial Integrity Act and to speed implementation of the singe audit concept.

National Board of Directors approves a fiscal year 1983 budget that calls for balanced revenues and expenses of $566,000.

AGA’s education program will begin the fiscal year 1983 with sessions on the Prompt Payment Act as well as the Single Audit and Governmental Accounting.

September 1982

Association Services Board will be chaired by Harold Stugart and will consolidate the former committees that dealt with chapter activities, membership and employment referrals. Under the auspices of the board, President Heim suggests forming the following new committees: Chapter Competition, Chapter Assistance, Membership Acquisition, Membership Retention and Employment Referral. Wilbur D. Campbell will chair the other new board, the Financial Management Enhancement Board, which will be the coordinating advisory body for anything relating to the enhancement of financial management and financial managers.

OMB issues rules for implementing the Prompt Payment Act, which calls for a 15.5 percent interest penalty when an agency is more than 15 days late in making payments to contractors.

October 1982

NEC approves a charter of a new chapter in Saipan to be known as the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Chapter. The new chapter is located some 100 miles north of Guam in the Western Pacific Ocean and has 36 charter members.

The Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act of 1982 was signed into law by President Reagan in September. OMB notes that the act closely parallels the provisions of Circular A-123, “Internal Control Systems,” which:

  • Establishes standards for internal controls,
  • Requires agencies to make vulnerability assessments and internal control reviews,
  • Calls for internal reports on systems breakdowns.

The OMB further notes that the act requires more extensive reporting than required by A-123, and directs OMB to issue implementing guidelines. More than two years ago, an AGA task force, led by National President-Elect Susumu Uyeda studied the proposed legislation and issued a report on standards and procedures that could be followed if and when such legislation was passed.

Plans are coming together for the 1983 PDC in Chicago, which is set for June 20–22. This year’s theme of “Improving Accountability and Credibility in Government” is reflective of efforts under way that are intended to restore public confidence in government programs.

Sherry A. Crittenden has been named AGA’s Director of Education.

In cooperation with AGA, Central Michigan University has recently developed a Master of Arts degree in Management and Supervision with a concentration of Governmental Accounting.

November 1982

The education program includes seminars on Internal Controls and Single Audit One-Day Pilots.

December 1982

Harold L. Stugart, a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter, is the National Nominating Committee’s candidate for fiscal year 1984 President-Elect.

A blue ribbon ad hoc group will study and make possible recommendations for significant changes to AGA’s basic governing structure. The action comes from a concept advanced last year by the Long-Range Planning and Organization Board, which perceived a need for strengthening AGA’s organization to enable more continuity in the leadership and operations. The ad hoc group, called the Strategic Planning Council, will be chaired by Joseph P. Welch, who is the inspector general at the U.S. Department of Transportation and a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter.

The National Office moves to change its chapter communication strategy. Previously, National Office Memorandums (NOMs) were the primary means of communication and were sent to all NBD members. This resulted in a heavy flow of paper to the NBD and confusion over action vs. information items. Under the new system, NOMs will cover one subject only and will be identified as “Action” or “Information.”

January 1983

The NEC has approved the reactivation of the Association’s Education and Research Foundation retroactive to July 1, 1982.

NEC oversees automation of National Office; the Automated Data Processing Committee is reviewing two vendors’ systems

February 1983

Saipan Chapter officially chartered as of December with 38 charter members, Thomas B. Aldan is president.

National Association Services Board is reviewing charter application for a potential new chapter in the Republic of Korea; 22 charter members signed the petition. Martin M. Starling Jr. is acting as temporary president
AGA participates in National Intergovernmental Audit Forum, formed in the early 70s due to the need for better planning and cooperation among federal, state and local government audit organizations.

GAO successfully proves the need for better internal controls by extracting a fraudulent payment from a federal agency.

U.S. ranked No. 7 among major Western countries in the area of retail banking system efficiency.

March 1983

AGA joins other government employee groups in honoring the 100th anniversary of the U.S. Civil Service in January.

A proposed new amendment to OMB circular A-110 would require the ‘single audit’ concept to be used at universities, hospitals and other nonprofit organizations.

President Heim commissions research project to identify and catalog the significant financial management research conducted since World War II. Task force is led by Bob Pewanick.

National Chapter Assistance Committee, with David Roth as chair, identifies list of troubled chapters.

April 1983

Harold L. Stugart, selected by the National Nominating Committee as its single-slate candidate, is elected.

NEC votes to move the 1985 PDC from Hawaii to an alternate Section III location.

AICPA government sector membership holds at just over 3 percent, but since overall AICPA membership has grown, so has the actual number of CPAs in government, from 4,150 in 1976 to more than 6,000 in 1982.

May 1983

Albert H. Wohlers and Co. is named new administrator of AGA’s group insurance programs, term life, group personal liability.

AGA files with IRS for 501-© (3) status for the entire association and the application appears to be progressing favorably. While the Education and Research Foundation has had 501-© (3) status, the Association as a whole has been operating under 501-© (6), which doesn’t convey as favorable a status as © (3) does in relation to mail rates, tax deductible gifts etc. AGA is conforming certain documents as its Certificate of Incorporation to language more suitable to 501-© (3) designation. Hope to have it by the beginning of new fiscal year on July 1.

Student Chapter forms at Georgia State University, within the School of Accountancy. Fred Friedel, president, serves 25 members.

Illinois Sen. Alan J. Dixon will be the keynote speaker at the Chicago PDC.

GAO issues its 1982 annual report. National Defense Audits again led all others (192), followed by general government (116) and Energy (102). Financial Management and Information Systems placed a poor fourth, with 65 audits, which is still an improvement from last year when only 32 reports were issued.

June 1983

New PDC 1985 site: San Diego

President-Elect Uyeda projects combined AGA and Foundation expenses/revenues of just over $1 million for the coming fiscal year.

NEC terminates and revokes charter of SW Virginia (Roanoke area) Chapter.

Financial Accounting Foundation, with oversight of GASB, takes action to activate the new board by the end of the year.

A study released by Robert Half Institute notes that executives who lack basic ADP skills will soon be unable to compete. Five years ago, the study noted that 61 percent of all financial executive position requests included a preference for ADP skills with 29 percent insisting on it. Today those numbers are 85 and 46 percent respectively.
Ethics Board urges better internal controls in chapters “such discrepancies are especially critical and potentially embarrassing to an organization of professional accountants and auditors.”

Strategic Planning Council recommends changes in governance.

July–August 1983

Chicago PDC draws 700-plus registrants. President Uyeda accepts the gavel from outgoing President Heim. Uyeda urges effort to win a prominent place as equal partners in management and prove benefit of financial management service to managers. Second concern – consolidation of technology in agencies – will all these new systems ultimately fit together to allow for meaningful decision-making?

NBD approves budget of $770,400 in revenues and $848,600 in expenses. Deficit of $78,200 is due to PDC revenue, which normally offsets operating losses for the year, will be held in July of 1984. Accounting-wise, that means no PDC in FY84. Officials expect revenue from 84PDC in Washington to offset deficit.

NBD, acting on recommendation from Strategic Planning Council, reduces its size from 180 to 122.

September 1983

Committee structure is reorganized: the new Administrative Board oversees the activities of the Audit, Bylaws and Procedures, History and PDC Site Selection Committees. Nelson H. Shapiro, a member of the Montgomery/Prince Georges County Chapter, will chair the board. Also, a State and Local Government Task Force has been formed with the charge of bringing state and local members more into the AGA mainstream and to determine how AGA can more effectively serve this growing segment of its membership. Donald O. Cox, a member of the Austin Chapter, will chair this task force.

The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) agreement is “very much on hold” as representatives of the original approving organizations and seven groups representing state, county and local government officials debate changes to the agreement.

Members of the Municipal Finance Officers Association will vote later this year on whether to change their organization’s name to the Government Finance Officers Association.

The Senate bill has been introduced to “establish uniform single audit requirements for state and local governments and nonprofit organizations and other recipients of federal assistance.”

October 1983

Charter No. 113 was granted to the new Coastal Georgia Chapter, located in the Savannah area. The new chapter has 55 members and Roger Bowling is the interim president. The chapter has a diverse makeup with members coming from the federal, state, county and city areas as well as local CPA firms.

President Uyeda offers member satisfaction ratings based on his conversations with members during his travels. On the question of “Has AGA succeeded in fostering better communications, coordination and cooperation among all levels of government?” he said the organization rates an 8 out of 10. But on the question of “Has AGA been reasonably responsive to the needs of the state and local members?” On this point, Uyeda gave the Association a 4 out of 10. He outlines a number of initiatives intended to increase the grade in this area.

The National Membership Board sets a goal of 13,200 members by April 30, 1984, which would represent a 10 percent net growth increase in just one year.

AGA’s education program includes courses on internal controls, single audit concepts and introduction to microcomputers.

November 1983

President Uyeda announces the formation of a new Financial Management in the Federal Government Task Force, which will review selected recommendations being made by the Grace Commission on the structure of financial management in government. Cornelius Tierney has been proposed as the chairman.

Walter Frese, the Association’s second National President, has been honored with the Harvard Business School’s coveted citation “For Distinguished Service.”

December 1983

The National Membership Board is encouraging a special effort to increase and retain members from the nonaudit, early career and nonfederal government financial management ranks. The board has asked the Education Board and PDC Program Committee to include more training opportunities that will be of interest to these members and potential members.

Theme and logo for 1984 PDC in Washington, D.C. are approved—Reform and Technology: A Renaissance in Government.

Association issues Annual Report. For fiscal year 1983, AGA had $682,000 in revenue and $666,000 in expenses. The $16,000 in excess revenue over expense was added to the equity fund.

The Chapter Competition Committee has authorized 30 points per member hour, or a maximum of 2,500 points per year, to be awarded to chapters that participate in the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program.

January 1984

June Gibbs Brown, inspector general at NASA, has been chosen as the National Nominating Committee’s single-slate candidate for President-Elect. Her term as National President would begin on July 1, 1985. She would be the second woman to hold the Association’s highest elected office and was one of the first two women to serve on the Association’s National Executive Committee.

AGA’s total active membership, which had been flirting with the 12,000 mark for some time, pushed over that magic number for the first time at the end of November when membership reached 12,014.

The 1984 PDC will feature sessions on operational accounting, conducting internal controls reviews, operational auditing and microcomputer usage in financial management.

The Senate has approved the Uniform Single Audit Act of 1983, but the House indicates that single audit bill is not high on its 1984 legislative agenda.

For the first time in New York State’s history, the annual financial statements reflecting the state’s financial condition have been certified as to their reliability by independent, outside auditors.

The House of Representatives is debating legislation to install inspectors general in the Departments of the Treasury and Justice, the only two cabinet-level agencies without the position.

February 1984

AGA welcomed its 92nd active chapter with the chartering of AGA of Central Louisiana. The new chapter boasts a membership of 30 nonfederal members and lists Jimmy M. Taylor as its president.

With AGA’s sponsorship, a new group called the Financial Managers’ Council has been formed to provide a forum to discuss mutual policy and operating problems such as the development of financial systems, payroll/personnel systems consolidations, cash management, etc. William L. Kendig, Ph.D., is the council’s first chairman.

Membership set another record on December 31, 1983, with 12,085 members. This represents 452 more members than the same date in 1982.

There are now close to 6,600 CPAs working in government, according to the AICPA. With the society’s membership topping 200,000, the percentage of CPAs in government remains steady at 3.3 percent.

March 1984

June Gibbs Brown and 13 Regional Vice Presidents are officially elected for fiscal year 1986.

A plan for establishing the Governmental Accounting Standards Board to develop guidelines for financial accounting and reporting by state and local governments has been approved by the Financial Accounting Foundation, under whose auspices the new board will be organized and funded. The GASB will replace the National Council on Governmental Accounting, a part-time voluntary body that is affiliated with the Municipal Finance Officers Association. NCGA statements will remain in effect until replaced or modified by GASB.

The President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency (PCIE), which is chaired by OMB Deputy Director Joseph Wright and comprised mainly of agency IGs, has reported nearly $31 billion in savings and improved use of funds since its inception in March of 1981. The PCIE is placing its focus on preventing problems before they occur through sophisticated prevention techniques.

The “Grace Commission,” in its study on controlling costs in government, presented findings and recommendations that it said could save $400 billion over the next three years. Critics call the report inaccurate, shallow and attest that the recommendations are infeasible. OMB states that the largest single savings put forth by the report—involving changes in federal retirement programs—would not have much significance until early in the next century.

April 1984

AGA will affiliate with two government employee coalitions to gain a louder voice in matters pertaining to government personnel and career matters. The groups are the Public Employees Roundtable (PER) and the Federal Interprofessional Forum (FIF).

Task Force on State and Local Government Members issues its report.

The House of Representatives has voted to establish Offices of Inspector General in the Departments of Justice and the Treasury.

The Certified Management Accountants, a program under the auspices of the National Association of Accountants (NAA), continues to stick with strict testing requirements. The most recent announcement of testing results shows that of the more than 2,270 candidates sitting for the examination, 382 passed all of it or completed remaining parts.

Peat Marwick has purchased 2,500 new Macintosh portable microcomputers, which will be used in every audit engagement beginning this spring.

This year’s PDC will include a unique display of microcomputer hardware and software.

As of April 17, the Municipal Finance Officers Association’s name was changed to the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada.

May 1984

Edwin J.B. “Joe” Lewis, the first winner of the Robert W. King Award and editor of The Federal Accountant from 1961 to 1967, has died of a heart ailment. He was a charter member of the Association and held membership certificate No. 39.

A special ad hoc task force has addressed the need to increase AGA’s revenues and has made a dozen recommendations toward achieving this goal. They include: increasing national dues by $2.50 for fiscal year 1985 and every other year thereafter as needed to keep pace with inflation; changing AGA’s billing dates for member dues to a common annual date rather than each month throughout the year; adding “auditor” to the Association’s name to attract and serve auditors who are not accountants; and increasing advertising in The Government Accountants Journal, among others. The task force was chaired by Jim Nirschl.

June–July 1984

The NEC has moved to revoke the charters of six inactive chapters: American Samoa, Central New York, Gulf Coast, Mid-Florida, Salt Lake City and Western New York. Existing members of these chapters have been shifted to at-large status and the move brings the number of active chapters down to 86. The NEC also approve a recommendation from the Association Services Board that all chapters outside of the continental United States would report to the National Office rather than the Regional Vice Presidents.

The NEC accepted the recommendation of the National Membership Board to reduce the grace period for renewing annual membership from four months after a member’s anniversary date to only two months. Further, all members will be converted to a common membership dues renewal date of October 1.

The NEC agreed to present to the NBD a proposal to increase member dues to $35 per year, effective next October 1. The increase, the first since 1980, adds $2.50 to the current full member dues, but does not affect other classes of membership.

The membership number has reached 12,465, which is nearly 500 more than the previous high record. This represents a net membership gain of 477, or 4 percent, over the past 12 months.

Harold Stugart becomes National President, choosing a theme of “Seeking Professional Excellence Through Education.”

James Antonio, a member of AGA’s Mid-Missouri Chapter and state auditor of Missouri, is named the first full-time GASB chairman. Martin Ives, a member of the New York Chapter, will be the full-time vice chairman and director of research.

This year marks the first time AGA will have computerized registration for the PDC. Using a new convention management software package, we are maintaining more complete records with less staff time.

August–September 1984

More than 1,000 registrants, the largest number since 1973, attended AGA’s 33rd Annual PDC in Washington, D.C.

NBD votes to increase dues by $2.50 and approved a budget of operating revenues of $852,000 and expenses of $826,900. The dues increase will fund, in part, a full-time Association Services Director to enable expansion of services to members.

October 1984

A group of 29 professionals have petitioned AGA to form a chapter in the southern panhandle of Alaska, centered on the state capital of Juneau. If approved, the group would be known as the Alaska Capital Chapter. Paul Marz is the primary organizer.

AGA has replaced its traditional Chapter Competition Program with a new approach called Chapter Recognition. Where the old Chapter Competition Program sparked some fierce inter-chapter rivalries—and sometimes controversies—the new Chapter Recognition Program has individual chapters going mostly against a standard, rather than other chapters.

The National Membership Board sets a minimum of 13,000 members by April 30, 1985 as its goal for the year. That number would represent a 4.3 percent net growth increase.

Recommendations to President Reagan from the Advisory Committee on Federal Pay are remarkably similar to those furnished to the committee by AGA.

November 1984

The NEC ponders 10 major recommendations from an Ad Hoc Education Review Council, which was charged with examining the Association’s education program. The recommendations touched on the areas of course development, needs assessment, use of consultants, course evaluation and the Association’s ability to deliver courses at the local level. The 10 recommendations will be implemented during the year by the National Education Board and the National Education Department.

The NEC establishes the National Education and Training Award to be presented annually at the PDC to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to the education and training of government financial managers. The NEC also votes to establish a National Scholarship Award for students who have demonstrated an interest in the field of business administration.

December 1984

The National Membership Board reports that the transition to the new dues billing schedule is progressing smoothly with more than 6,000 (or 55 percent) of the members remitting their transition dues on time.

The Fiscal Year 1984 Annual Report shows revenues of $524,000 and expenses of $558,000. The excess of expense over revenue was $34,000, which was caused by the 1984 PDC being held in fiscal year 1985. All income and expense from the 1984 PDC was deferred and will be recorded in the 1985 fiscal year.

After an exhaustive search, Frank S. Rubin has been appointed to be the new education director in the National Office.

President Stugart and the PDC planning committees have chosen the theme of “Government and the Private Sector—A Partnership for Public Profit.” The conference is set for June 24–26, in San Diego, CA.

President Reagan has signed the Single Audit Act of 1984 into law, requiring each state and local government receiving more than $100,000 per year in federal aid to obtain an annual or biennial independent organizationwide audit of its financial operations.

January 1985

Joseph Burris, a member of the New Orleans Chapter, is the Nominating Committee’s the single-slate candidate for President-Elect. He is the legislative auditor for the State of Louisiana. His term would begin on July 1, 1986. Burris is the first nonfederal candidate for National President to be endorsed by the National Nominating Committee.

President Stugart forms two task forces to examine AGA’s nonrecurring publications—those other than The Government Accountants Journal and TOPICS—and to update and make final recommendations on AGA’s position on a certification program for government accountants. Ronell Raaum, will chair the publications task force and is charged with studying the basic question of whether AGA should publish and if so, what, when, how and other details not presently defined. Jack Moore will chair the certification task force, charged with updating the information on the subject since the last major study in 1982. It was determined at that time that there was not sufficient support for an all-out effort, but that the issue should be kept alive.

Following a series of nationwide public meetings held over the summer, the GASB has identified the subjects for its initial project agenda. Subjects include: financial reporting; basis of accounting and measurement objectives; pension accounting and financial reporting; deferred compensation; codification of government GAAP; special assessment accounting; fixed assets, including infrastructure assets; and public authority financial reporting.

February 1985

Frank L. Greathouse, a member of the Nashville Chapter, and director of the State of Tennessee’s Division of State Audit, has been nominated to be chairman of the Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council (GASAC), which counsels the GASB on its operations.

Certification study gets under way with plans to determine whether AGA should have a certification program, what form it should take if deemed advisable and the pros and cons of such a program. The major effort of the study will be to determine if there is an interest and need for a certification program by individuals working in financial management at the federal, state and local levels.

March 1985

Jack Fawsett, a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter, has qualified by petition as a candidate for President-Elect and will face Joseph Burris, who was named earlier as the National Nominating Committee’s single-slate candidate. Fawsett is assist inspector general at the U.S. Department of Defense. There will be a mail ballot election in the tradition of the spirited elections that were held before the Association went to a single-slate process nine years ago.

June Gibbs Brown, who will become National President on July 1, will leave government this month for a position in the private sector. Brown, who has been the inspector general at NASA for the past several years, will take a position with Systems Development Corporation. She has indicated her intention to fulfill her obligations to AGA. In moving out of government, Brown becomes the first person to do so prior to tenure as AGA National President. Past President Arthur Litke, who was chief accountant at the Federal Power Commission, resigned his post to accept an appointment to the Financial Accounting Standards Board on April 1, 1973, some three months before the end of his AGA presidency. As in the case of President-Elect Brown, Litke completed his tenure as AGA’s chief elected officer.

The Membership Board entered this year with three possible strikes against it: a modest dues increase, reduction of the delinquent dues period from four months to two and the conversion of all members to a uniform dues date. Despite these challenges, the membership number as of January 31 totaled 11,664.

In a letter to the Advisory Committee on Federal Pay, AGA has again expressed its full support of the Federal Pay Comparability Act. However, the Association said it was “distressed” to find that historically, federal pay adjustments ignore the comparability study results obtained under the mandate of the act.

April 1985

AGA plans to publish the report of a task force that recommended the establishment of a federal controller in the executive branch along with agency controllers in each department.

The NEC has renewed Executive Vice President W. Fletcher Lutz’s contract through June 30, 1986.

Lutz urges chapters to develop internal controls for their finances. He notes past serious financial problems in chapters when money was not accounted for at all, treasurers who used the money for personal use, checks written for unauthorized purposes, etc. He asks that chapters be mindful that an organization of professional financial managers needs to keep its own house in order.

May–June 1985

A special AGA study group says it has detected, for the first time, a groundswell of support for a certification program in government accounting, and the group has recommended that the Association proceed in further exploration of the topic. Previous studies, dating back to the 1960s, have failed to produce a consensus favoring a certification program.

Jack Fawsett, a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter, has been named President-Elect of AGA. Fawsett, who was nominated by petition, won over Joseph Burris, a member of the Baton Rouge Chapter, who was the National Nominating Committee’s single-slate candidate. He will begin his term on July 1, 1986.

As of April 30, 1985 the membership number was 11,914, compared to 11,040 one year earlier. This 8 percent increase in a year that saw the dues renewals shifted to a common date as well as a dues increase is considered “remarkable.”

Who are AGA’s members? Sixty percent are employed by the federal government; 18 percent by state governments; 5 percent by city and county governments; 12 percent by CPA firms and other private companies; 3 percent are in academia; and 5 percent are retired. AGA members classify themselves as follows: 52 percent are auditors; 33 percent are accountants; 3 percent are budget analysts; 2 percent are financial analysts; 1 percent are accounting systems specialists; and 9 percent are in the “other” category. AGA members are educated as follows: 58 percent have a bachelor’s degree; 20 percent hold a master’s degree; and 1 percent hold a doctoral degree. Twenty-one percent have not reported their educational status. Twenty-four percent of AGA’s members are CPAs; 7 percent are Certified Internal Auditors; and 1 percent hold other certifications.

July–August 1985

More than 850 attend the PDC in San Diego, one of the best attendance rates ever for a PDC held outside Washington, D.C.

June Gibbs Brown accepts the gavel from outgoing National President Harold Stugart.

The National Board of Directors, at its annual meeting, received a letter from Nashville Chapter member Frank L. Greathouse, expressing the state and local community’s concerns over AGA’s recent election in which the National Nominating Committee’s candidate, a state and local member, was defeated by a federal member who was nominated by petition. President Stugart assured the NBD that appropriate action would be taken.

September–October 1985

President Brown states as her goal for AGA: “to promote increased public awareness of the professional caliber, responsibilities, contributions and accomplishments of government employees.”

The Data Processing Management Association reports widespread concern among data processing managers that personal computers in the workplace are creating an unmanageable computer security issue. The greatest fear is that users will download files onto diskettes and walk out with a company’s most sensitive data in hand.

November 1985

AGA’s Personnel, Pay and Employee Qualifications Committee continues to serve the membership by comparing private sector pay scales with government rates. Each year, the committee prepares the Association’s comments on federal pay proposals and submits it to the President’s Advisory Committee on Federal Pay.

Past National President Frederic A. Heim Jr. is seeking input from AGA members on the Association’s organizational structure. He is chairing a special task force to look into the make-up of the National Board of Directors, the process for appointing members to the National Executive Committee and the feasibility of the Association handling separate programs for each discipline within the profession.

Washington, D.C. Chapter member David Dukes is chosen as the new executive director of the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program (JFMIP). The former executive director is Past National President Susumu Uyeda, who retired from the post.

The federal government continues to be the largest purchaser of microcomputers. The Environmental Protection Agency is planning a bid for 26,000 to 30,000 microcomputers to be delivered during the next eight years, while the IRS is taking bids on a contract for 18,000 to 24,000 portable computers for its field audit personnel.

December 1985

AGA significantly raises its visibility in the Pacific Northwest with the chartering of a large new chapter in Olympia, WA. Twenty-one members signed the original charter petition, but leaders of the new chapter expect to welcome as many as 100 members by time of the installation ceremonies scheduled for February. Located in the state capital, most members are expected to come from state employers. The chapter petition was organized by Jack Heinricher, assistant state auditor.

National Office issues fiscal year 1985 annual report and shows net revenues of $166,000.

The Institute of Internal Auditors is rethinking the name if its Certified Internal Auditor certification due to confusion with the other CIA. The confusion was vividly demonstrated last year when an auditor for the Agency for International Development found himself in jeopardy when his CIA card enraged his captors during a hijacking in Tehran.

January 1986

Donald E. Kirkendall, a member of the Montgomery-Prince Georges County Chapter, has been named by the National Nominating Committee as its single-slate candidate for President-Elect. He would become president on July 1, 1987. He is deputy inspector general with the Environmental Protection Agency.

The NEC hears a report from the Task Force on Sponsorship of AGA Events, chaired by Past National President John Cooley, recommending that AGA accept funds or other resources from outside organizations (public and private) in support of its activities.

The NEC also heard a report from the AGA Organizational Structure Task Force, chaired by Past National President Frederic A. Heim Jr., tentatively stating that there is great member interesting in increasing the level of “field” participation in the management and operation of AGA. His group envisions greatly increased participation by non-Washington members on AGA’s boards and committees, among other measures.

The AGA Nomination and Election Task Force, chaired by Jim Thomas, also reported to the NEC that it is addressing the enhancement of non-Washington members’ participation in the nominating and election process.

The membership number as of November 30 stands at 10,195 with 2,871 members yet to renew their memberships.

The theme for the 1986 PDC in Baltimore is “Government and the Private Sector: A Partnership for Public Profit.”

February 1986

The Olympia Chapter was officially chartered on February 13 with 140 charter members.

March 1986

The AGA Organizational Structure Task Force has recommended the establishment of a First Vice President who would succeed to President-Elect and eventually National President; and reduction of the NEC from 12 members to nine by removing the presidential appointments. The Task Force on Nominations and Elections, while concurring with many of the other task force’s recommendations, further recommended restructuring the National Nominating Committee among other things. The NEC will meet later in the year to finalize the recommendations, which will require changes to the national bylaws.

The NEC approved a policy statement that set guidelines on the acceptance of goods and services by AGA from outside organizations. Certain restrictions, such as the avoidance of conflict of interest or the appearance thereof, were included.

Jack Moore, chairman of the Task Force on Certification of Government Accountants, reported that the lack of interest in certification among state and local government groups makes implementation of a certification program impractical in the short-term. Such a program is a worthwhile long-term goal, however, and AGA should continue its efforts to broaden support for the program. Moore said that AGA should redouble its efforts to build its strength and stature in the state and local area and recommended an improved education program directed toward this segment as one vital means of achieving this objective. He therefore recommended, and the NEC approved, a special task force to determine the training needs of AGA’s state and local members and to develop the programs to fill these needs. In the meantime, the certification issue was tabled for two years.

AGA expresses concerns on behalf of its members about legislation that cuts the cost of living allowances for federal retirees as well as the Gramm-Rudman Act, which could result in severe cuts in federal programs.

April 1986

The NEC has revoked the charters of three chapters whose membership or level of activity has fallen beneath acceptable levels: Virginia Battlefield, Korea and CNMI (Saipan).

May–June 1986

The NEC met in April to finalize the recommendations of two task forces looking at organizational structure and the nomination/election processes. Both task forces reports indicate a growing trend toward shifting a significant portion of AGA’s governing structure out of the Capital Region. Among other things, these recommendations direct that the National President cannot come from the same AGA region more than two successive years; makes it more difficult to submit a nomination for national office by petition; and changed the title of the executive vice president to executive director to more accurately reflect the duties of the post. The NEC will determine which of these recommendations require bylaws changes and approval by the NBD.

Membership as of April 30 was 12,108 members. On the same date last year, the number was 11,913.

As he prepares to become National President, Jack Fawsett outlines an ambitious education program in spite of looming federal cuts brought about by the Gramm-Rudman Act.

Interstate National Corporation, the underwriter of the AGA-sponsored professional liability program, has discontinued its professional liability insurance to government accountants. AGA officials note that this move is reflective of the liability insurance “crunch” which has created problems for professional people across the nation.

July–August 1986

More than 600 registrants gathered at the Association’s PDC in Baltimore.

June Gibbs Brown passes the gavel to new National President Jack Fawsett.

At the annual NBD meeting, members express concern that the recent organizational changes weaken the Association’s democratic processes by giving a chapter with 20 members the same weight as a Group A chapter. While a lively discussion ensued, there was significantly more dismay that the organizational structure issue might be reopened after the exhaustive study just completed. Eventually the board voted not to restudy the structure issue for at least three years.

Past National President Harry Levine, a member of the Philadelphia Chapter, died after a lengthy illness. He was National President during fiscal year 1974 and was an active member for more than 25 years.

September–October 1986

The National Nominating Committee seeks candidates for national office for the first time under new rules that block candidates from a given region—in this case the Capital Region—from being nominated as President-Elect. Both National President Fawsett and National President-Elect Donald Kirkendall hail from the Capital Region; under the recently approved bylaws changes, the next President-Elect must come from a region other than the Capital Region.

The IIA scraps a plan to change the name of its Certified Internal Auditor designation to avoid confusion with the other CIA.

November 1986

The number of AICPA members working in government has increased to about 7,700. Because the AICPA’s membership has grown from 161,000 to 240,000 in the past seven years, the percentage of CPAs in government has stayed right around 3.3 percent.

December 1986

The National Office issues its annual report for fiscal year 1986 showing revenue of $449,000 and expenses of $501,000. The deficit of $52,000 was offset by the net income of $53,000 from the education program. Thus only $1,000 was added to the equity account in 1986.

Plans coming together for the 1987 PDC in New Orleans with a theme of “Extending Excellence and Ethics.”

When Congress established the statutory inspectors general in federal agencies, it exempted two large activities from the list: the Department of Defense and the Department of the Treasury. An IG post was established at DoD in 1983 and now there is a movement to establish the position at Treasury.

A GAO report states that there has been substantial improvement in federal bill paying under the Prompt Payment Act, but that there is plenty of room for further improvement—24 percent of vendor payments are still being made after the due date and about 23 percent are being paid too early. Further, required interest payments were seldom paid on late payments.

January 1987

Meredith Williams, a member of the Topeka Chapter, has been named by the National Nominating Committee as its single-slate candidate for President-Elect. Williams, who is the legislative post auditor for the State of Kansas, would begin his term on July 1, 1988. Williams is the first presidential nominee since AGA modified its governing structure to allow for greater participation by members outside the Capital Region. If confirmed, Williams will be the first National President to reside outside of Washington, D.C., since Harry Levine governed from Philadelphia in fiscal year 1974. Williams would also be the first nonfederal official to hold the Association’s highest elected office.

Acting on the recommendations of the Association Services Board, the NEC voted to revoke the charters of the Anchorage, Northwest Florida and Maine Chapters due to inactivity and unsuccessful revitalization efforts.

February 1987

AGA’s new sponsorship program is under way, guided by a subcommittee on sponsorship, chaired by Charles Harrison, a member of the Nashville Chapter. Harrison’s subcommittee designed a program to provide commercial firms with the opportunity to support AGA’s outstanding educational activities while avoiding even the hint of conflict of interest.

March 1987

Meredith Williams is confirmed as President-Elect for fiscal year 1989.

Fletcher Lutz, AGA’s longest-serving executive director, announces his plan to retire on June 30 at the end of his current contract. Lutz will have served in the post for six years at the time of his departure. The NEC begins an active search for his replacement.

As of January 30, the membership stands at 11,483 with 2,040 members having not yet renewed their memberships.

Prompt Payment Act of 1987 attempts to “close the loopholes” on the 1982 legislation of the same name.

April 1987

An Executive Director Search Committee is formed to seek Lutz’s replacement. The committee intends to widely advertise the position.

Meredith Williams reaches out to AGA’s membership by acknowledging his unique position as the Association’s first state and local president. He seeks to bring the membership together to draw members from all levels of government into the Association’s activities.

AGA’s popular monograph on “Operational Auditing,” authored by Past National President Donald L. Scantlebury and Ronell B. Raaum has now been translated and published in three foreign languages.

The newly elected Congress with its Democratic majority, is leaning toward weakening or abandoning the dramatic budget deficit-cutting processes laid out by the 1985 Gramm-Rudman law.

Peat Marwick International and Klynveld Main Goerdeler have merged and will be known as Peat, Marwick, Main & Co., becoming the world’s largest accounting and consulting firm.

May–June 1987

In a dramatic change in policy, the National Education Board, chaired by President-Elect Meredith Williams, determines that AGA’s chapters should take the lead role in education at the local and regional levels. Under this new arrangement, the role of the National Education Board and the National Office staff is to provide encouragement, support and assistance as needed by local chapters. The reasons for this major change are: that it clarifies the roles and responsibilities of chapters, the National Education Board and the National Office in developing and delivering education to AGA members; it also increases the number of local events and reduces the registration fees.

President-Elect Don Kirkendall announced his theme for his tenure as “Commitment to Professional Excellence” and noted his intention to form three task forces: Developing Classification Standards for Accountants; Comparison of Accounting Systems in Federal, State and Local Governments; and A Chief Financial Officer for Governments.

A dues increase of $5 per year for full members has been approved by the National Board of Directors.

Two hundred applications have been received for the executive director’s position.

Total sponsorship of this year’s PDC, the first under the new sponsorship program, stands at $12,500 and growing.

July–August 1987

The PDC in New Orleans sets a new record with 925 attendees, making it the best-attended PDC held outside of Washington, D.C.

Jack Fawsett passed the gavel to incoming National President Donald Kirkendall.

Ten agencies and firms are among the first group of sponsors for the PDC.

The August 31 membership number was 12,750.

September–October 1987

Mary Jane Kolar has been chosen to be the next executive director. She comes to AGA from a position as executive director and secretary/treasurer of the Altrusa International, Inc., a Chicago-based association. She is a Certified Association Executive.

With the topic of a chief financial officer in government receiving ever-increasing attention, AGA has regrouped its forces to determine a course of action so that the Association can continue its leadership in this area. Among other things, President Kirkendall’s task force on the matter, chaired by Neil Tierney, plans to do a side-by-side comparison of the proposed congressional bills to the draft Federal Controllership Act developed by AGA and published in May of 1985. A second project will be to solicit from several federal agencies their organization charts and position descriptions of those officials having responsibilities that should be included under a “complete” chief financial officer. A third project would be a “template” or idea organization structure and job description for a federal CFO. The task force has set an ambitious deadline of December 31 for completion of these tasks.

In a sharply worded letter to the President’s Advisory Committee on Federal Pay, AGA has once again expressed its dismay at the federal pay-setting process. In short, AGA said “The annual comparability pay-setting process has proven to be a farce.” AGA warned that if the federal government expects to recruit and retain the best and the brightest, it must offer a competitive compensation package.

The Chapter Recognition program has been altered to allow for individual chapter goals ranging between 5,000 and 10,000 points for chapter activity. Each chapter was given its goal for the year, which is based on last year’s performance.

November 1987

The National Nominating Committee is seeking fiscal year 1989 candidates for national officers and noted that the regional restriction does not apply to this election cycle, since the fiscal year 1989 National President is from outside the Capital Region.

AGA welcomed its new executive director, Mary Jane Kolar, in a reception held after the NEC meeting. “I am very much looking forward to meeting the needs of the members of AGA,” she said. At the reception, many members were able to say goodbye to Eileen Leischner, the Association’s director of administration and finance, who is leaving after 10 years of service.

Membership as of August 31 was 12,787, the highest number ever at that time of year.

National Office issues fiscal year 1987 annual report which showed that AGA operations incurred a deficit of $86,575, which was offset by an education program excess of revenues over expenses of $115, 978, or a total AGA net income over expense of $67,403, which was added to the equity account.

December 1987

Past National President June Gibbs Brown has been appointed inspector general at the U.S. Department of Defense.

January 1988

AGA’s National Nominating Committee selects Virginia B. Robinson to be National President-Elect. Her term would begin on July 1, 1989. A member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter, she is associate director of the Accounting and Information Management Division at the U.S. General Accounting Office.

February 1988

Virginia B. Robinson, AGA’s nominee for President-Elect, has been named executive director of the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program.

Plans are coming together for the 1988 PDC in Washington, D.C.

April 1988

The NEC moves to make one year of service on the NBD a requirement for those seeking the office of National President. This means that candidates must have served as chapter president or regional vice president prior to seeking the presidency.

A daylong retreat helps the NEC to better clarify the roles of national offices, boards and committees, chapters and members, and the National Office staff.

June 1988

President-Elect Williams sets theme for his presidency as well as the 1989 PDC in Los Angeles: “Serving the Public: New Dimensions in Financial Management.”

President Kirkendall comments on the success of his three task forces. He notes the bold step forward on the CFO issue thanks to the work of Neil Tierney and his task force. Clyde Jeffcoat and his task force on classification standards for accountants has developed new standards for the 510 personnel series within the federal government and submitted its proposals to the Office of Personnel Management. The task force looking at the comparison of accounting systems, led by John Cherbini, has defined the areas in which it purposes to look for the best accounting practices and is organizing experts to conduct analyses.

May 1988

GASB announces that it will hold public hearings at AGA’s PDC in Washington, D.C. The board will seek suggestions on its future agenda as well as an evaluation of GASB’s general progress to date. Thomas J. Sadowski, a member of AGA’s Mid-Missouri Chapter and vice chair of the Financial Management Standards Board, will present AGA’s official statement at the hearing.

AGA presents a charter to its newest chapter—the Central Washington Chapter, with 23 charter members. Marsha Graf is the chapter’s first president.

A planning group representing a cross-section of AGA’s membership met in Kansas City in April to discuss goals and objectives for the Association as it approaches its 40th Anniversary. From these discussions, new initiatives were set forth in the areas of education, financial management standards, emerging issues, organizational development and advocacy.

In continuing support of the chief financial officer concept, AGA has moved to determine the position of all the presidential candidates on the issue. AGA has described the initiatives in this area to Republican and Democratic candidates for President.

July–August 1988

More than 1,000 attendees gathered for the PDC in Washington, D.C.

President Meredith Williams accepts the gavel from outgoing National President Donald Kirkendall.

Raymond Einhorn, a charter member and Past National President, was honored with the Association’s first Lifetime Research Achiever Award.

Charles E. Hamilton retires after 18 years as AGA’s publications director. His replacement is Mimi Stewart.

NEC approves new rate structure for The Government Accountants Journal. Effective immediately, the new subscription rate is $40 per year within the United States and $45 per year outside the U.S. A survey of comparable journals indicated that the newly approved fees were in line with, and frequently lower than, the marketplace rates.

AGA plans a fall videoconference on the significant changes recently made by the U.S. General Accounting Office to the “Yellow Book” auditing standards. The videoconference will be simultaneously broadcast to more than 100 cities nationwide.

AGA’s Transition Task Force, chaired by Past National President Susumu Uyeda, is focusing its efforts on assisting the new president and his administration move forward with improvements to the federal financial management system.

The National Office has moved. Our new address is 601 Wythe St., Suite 204, Alexandria, VA 22314.

September–October 1988

Immediate Past National President Donald Kirkendall assumes new responsibilities as the senior advisor for financial management in the National Office. Kirkendall, who is deputy inspector general at the Environmental Protection Agency, comes to AGA on an Intergovernmental Personnel Act assignment.

President Ronald Reagan invited members of Executive Women in Government to a reception at the White House Rose Garden on Sept. 8, 1988, to signal the important contributions women have made to his administration. Among the AGA members who were invited to this Presidential salute: June Gibbs Brown, Virginia Robinson, Vincette Goerl, Joyce Shelton and Bernita Joyce.

To ensure consistency of content and format, AGA has established author guidelines for The Government Accountants Journal.

Harold I. Steinberg, co-chair of AGA’s Task Force on Best Financial Management Practices in Government, testified before the Republican Platform Committee, stating that any organization handing a trillion dollars a year needs timely and reliable financial data with which to make policy decisions.

The National Research Committee, chaired by Paul E. Lohneis, sets goals of completing a research bibliography, to expand awareness of the research achiever awards and grants programs and to develop a long-range strategy for enhancing AGA’s role in government financial management research.

The membership number stands at 12,683, very close to the 1987 number at the same point in the year.

November 1988

“Yellow Book” videoconference is deemed a huge success. “This is what AGA is all about,” remarked National President Meredith Williams. “By bringing an education forum of this magnitude to our profession, we have provided meaningful, effective and immediately useful knowledge to those who work in and with government.”

Publication of the Association’s new annotated bibliography is scheduled for January. Dr. Debra Sheldon, a professor at The George Washington University, is overseeing the project.

Peg Koetsch becomes AGA’s new education coordinator, replacing Frank Rubin, who served as education director for a number of years.

December 1988

AGA’s new look, introduced one year ago and incorporated into all publications and materials since then, has captured a Gold Circle Award, a top honor from the American Society of Association Executives.

AGA played host to China’s Auditor General Lu Peijam during his visit to the United States in October.

AGA urges Senate action on a bill to limit the liability of government employees acting within the scope of their positions, noting that effective management by public servants will become difficult, if not impossible, if this legislation is not passed.

Membership Committee Chairman Richard Norment, a member of AGA’s Nashville Chapter, encourages membership growth by urging every member to “get a member.”

1988 ends with the publications of the Transition Task Force’s briefing papers, entitled “Opportunities for Financial Management Improvement in the Federal Government.” The briefing papers are intended to assist the Bush Administration to maintain the momentum already generated by ongoing, effective financial improvement efforts and recommend a series of new initiatives. The publication of the briefing papers was made possible by a grant from Price Waterhouse to the AGA Education and Research Foundation.

January 1989

The National Nominating Committee has selected Richard P. Kusserow, a member of the Baltimore Chapter, to be the Association’s President-Elect. His term would begin on July 1, 1990. He is inspector general at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The NEC has authorized the moving of the all-member dues renewal date to April 1, beginning with the current year.

AGA now boasts 3,500 state and local members, which is 28 percent of the Association’s membership.

John E. Toole, a member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter, is preparing a framework for reactivating the Education and Research Foundation.

February–March 1989

President Bush praises government service in address to career members of the Senior Executive Service.

The National Research Committee is sponsoring a two-day seminar for senior government financial managers to address research efforts in government financial management.

The Education Committee, chaired by Virginia S. Brizendine, plans to issue the newly updated Education Manual at the PDC. Excellent resources for the updated manual came from chapter successes and shared techniques.

The Pomona/San Gabriel Valley Chapter is chartered on February 16 with 59 charter members. The chapter is AGA’s 84th active chapter. Charles D. Nelson is the chapter’s first president.

One year ago, AGA purchased a new computer system and began the painstaking process of converting the records of 13,000 members, several thousand nonrenewing members and about 1,000 Journal subscribers. Executive Director Mary Jane Kolar reports that the process is now complete.

April 1989

A new feature called “Happenings” debuts in TOPICS, highlighting member and chapter accomplishments.

The International Consortium on Governmental Financial Management, of which AGA was a founding member in 1977, reports on its progress as AGA’s counterpart in the international arena.

Topics for the 1989 PDC in Los Angeles include: Crisis in Procurement: The Department of Defense Perspective, Chief Financial Officers in Government Roundtable, Meeting the Government’s Trillion Dollar Needs, Classification Standards for Government Accountants, Auditing for the 1990s and Financial Management Reform Issues, to name a few.
The Omaha Metro Area Chapter joins AGA’s ranks as its 85th active chapter. Chapter activity is also under way in Idaho and Montana, with members also pursuing the reactivation of chapters in the Gulf Coast area and in Salt Lake City.

May 1989

The NEC approves changes to the Ethics Manual and requests that a copy be provided to each new member.

Cornelius Tierney, Meredith Williams and Richard P. Kusserow have been appointed trustees charged with the purchase of a National Office Building. The NEC stipulates that the trustees are authorized to act on the Association’s behalf to identify and purchase the building, to raise funds to cover the cost of the purchase and adds that no dues dollars will be used for this purpose other than the $10,000 provided in seed money and that the mortgage cost not exceed the current rental cost.

IIA and AGA have been meeting since February to determine the feasibility of developing a certification program for government auditors.

June 1989

The NEC considers a new national officer—National Treasurer—to serve on the NEC and as chair of the Finance and Budget Committee.

The NEC authorizes the rental of AGA’s membership list to reputable direct mail firms.

President-Elect Robinson initiates the International Affairs Committee, which was spurred on by the visit last year of China’s auditor general.

Charles Harrison, a member of AGA’s Nashville Chapter, presents the National Office with a Past National President’s photo gallery.

July 1989

PDC in Los Angeles is hailed as “the best ever.”

Virginia Robinson accepts the gavel and sets “40 Years—Pride, Progress and Professionalism” as the theme for her term. Robinson establishes three new committees—Academic and Student Affairs to serve as a link between the association and the university/college communities; International Affairs to nurture relationships with international colleagues; and Private Sector Affairs to focus on the needs of the 14 percent of the membership that works in the private sector.

AGA kicks off the “Home of Our Own” campaign to raise the funds to purchase a National Office building.

At its annual meeting, the NBD agreed with the NEC that a dues increase from $40 to $55 for full members was needed to restore the Association’s general fund balance to an acceptable level. Although the NEC approved a balanced budget for the year, without a dues increase, it will not be possible to set aside reserves to fund future activities. Dues for associate and special members are not affected and remain at $28 and $14 per year, respectively. Also at its annual meeting, the NBD strikes down any further talk of changing AGA’s name.

September 1989

The National Education Committee will work this year to help chapters maximize the resources available in their areas when presenting local training events. The committee hopes to strengthen programming at all levels and to develop education packages ready for use by any chapter.

AGA members are responding very favorably to the fund-raising drive toward the purchase of a National Office building. They are sending in individual and chapter donations.

Two new chapters will be chartered this month—the Chattanooga and Idaho Centennial (Boise) Chapters.

Plans are under way for the 40th Anniversary PDC to be held next June in Nashville.

AGA and IIA continue to formulate a certification for government auditors and have formed a Board Certified Government Auditor (BCGA) program designed to promote and enhance professionalism in government auditing. It is expected to take 12-18 months to bring the program to fruition.

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)—the first major federal executive branch agency to use an independent public accounting firm to audit its consolidated financial statements—received an unqualified auditor’s report on its 1988 statements from Arthur Andersen & Co.

5,000 membership renewals are received this month, the largest amount on record for any one-month period.

October 1989

AGA to initiate new leadership conference to be held in January in Washington, D.C. The theme of the first year’s conference is “The 1990s: Age of Accountability.”

AGA’s new computer system makes it possible to present profiles of the Association’s membership, which helps the national committees, boards and staff target programs effectively. The data shows that 50.4 percent of AGA’s membership is employed by the federal government; 22.7 percent by state governments; 4.6 percent by cities; 3.4 percent by counties; 13.4 percent by private firms and 1.6 percent are academicians.

At its September meeting, the NEC determined that to purchase a building for AGA before the termination of its current lease, $120,000 for the downpayment and closing costs must be raised by December 31, 1989. Since the campaign was announced in July, more than $10,000 in donations has been received.

November 1989

The 40-Year History Task Force, chaired by Michael Simon, is assembling chapter teams to prepare a comprehensive history of AGA.

December 1989-January 1990

A National Office building has been purchased! AGA will anchor the office complex in Potomac Town Square at 2200 Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA. The downpayment on the new building was made possible by the generous support of chapters, corporations and individual members.

AGA mourns the passing of Past National President Arthur Schoenhaut, who was National President in 1979.

The Office of Personnel Management director has signed the GS-510 Accounting Series Classification Standard, capping a two-year effort by an AGA task force led by Clyde E. Jeffcoat. The new standard moves the profession toward recognizing the accounting knowledge and attributes critical to successful performance within the federal government.

The Education and Research Foundation has been reactivated. Formally incorporated as a 501 ©(3) nonprofit corporation in October of 1979, the foundation has been dormant for a decade. Immediate Past National President Meredith Williams reactivated the foundation in response to the need for active, responsive and vigorous education and research activity.

Thomas Raevis and Sue Butt join the National Office staff as the accounting assistant and membership assistant/receptionist.

February–March 1990

Clyde E. Jeffcoat Jr. has been selected as the Nominating Committee’s single-slate candidate for President-Elect. A member of the Indianapolis Chapter, he is deputy assistant secretary of the Army for finance and accounting. He will become National President on July 1, 1991.

Two new awards were presented at the Leadership Conference in January. The Elmer Staats Award, which recognizes an outstanding financial executive in the federal government, was presented by Elmer Staats to David Mosso, assistant director, research and technical activities, Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board. The Andy Barr award, which recognizes an outstanding financial executive in the private sector, was presented by Andy Barr to Cornelius E. Tierney, national director, public sector practice, Ernst & Young.

Jack Kemp, secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, addressed the first AGA Leadership Conference, held in January in Washington. Kemp uses the conference to officially announce HUD’s new financial management structure and to kick off the department’s search for a CFO and comptrollers. Also at the conference, the first leadership awards bearing the names of Andrew Barr, Elmer Staats and Frank Greathouse were presented.

The Emerging Issues Committee, chaired by Past National President Eleanor M. Clark has defined key areas of interest to AGA members. These include fraud auditing, ethics, information technology, management information/financial statements, internal controls, and budget process and fiscal accountability.

The Northern Utah Chapter is chartered on March 13.

AGA’s fiscal year now runs from April 1-March 31.

April–May 1990

AGA’s Emerging Issues Committee forms a strategic framework for AGA. Its goals include professional development; ethical standards; government relations; public awareness; relationships with other professional organizations and academia; research and information; association services; professional standards, principles and practices; recognition and achievement; and association management. The framework will be discussed at the NBD meeting in Nashville.

AGA and the National Association of Accountants each pledge $5,000 to support a significant joint research project on the nature and extent of financial performance measures for service as currently used in private sector organizations. The study will also determine the applicability of performance measures to government operations.

June–July 1990

Nashville hosts the best-attended PDC on record as the Association marks its 40th Anniversary.

The NBD hears from President Robinson that the short-term goal of ending fiscal year 1990 in the black was achieved through significant cuts in expenses as well as increases in revenue. If the same care is taken over the next two years, Robinson said that the Association’s fund balance will be back to where it should be.

The NBD approves the Treasurer and Treasurer-Elect positions and endorses the strategic framework presented by the Emerging Issues Committee.

The gavel is passed from outgoing National President Virginia B. Robinson to incoming National President Richard P. Kusserow, who pledges to keep the ball rolling on the fund-raising for the new National Office building in the hopes of avoiding the need for a second trust mortgage of $60,000. Kusserow also draws attention to 30 possible AGA initiatives laid out to PDC attendees. He asks the members to help decide which of these ideas AGA should pursue.

September–October 1990

AGA plans second annual Leadership Conference, asking the question “Will the 1990s Bring the Age of Accountability?”

AGA seeks a new executive director.

The Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB) has been established to consider accounting standards and principles in the federal government. The establishment of the board was a major initiative of the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program.

The NEC votes to discontinue AGA’s joint effort with the Institute of Internal Auditors to establish a certification program for government auditors.

Immediate Past National President Virginia B. Robinson announces the formation of a Speaker’s Bureau, which is an initiative of the Past President’s Council. The bureau will respond to ongoing requests for speakers to participate in local and regional educational events.

The National Office staff is planning to move into a new building in November.

December 1990–January 1991

On November 15, 1990, President Bush signed into law the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990. National President Richard P. Kusserow states that “One of AGA’s greatest achievements is embodied in the new CFO legislation. We began shaping the concept with the creation of our Federal Financial Management Task Force in 1983.” He notes that AGA representatives testified repeatedly before Congress and appeared on behalf of the first CFO bill introduced by Sen. John Glenn three years ago. The CFO Act of 1990 establishes two positions in the Office of Management and Budget—a deputy director for management and a controller—and mandates that 14 cabinet departments and nine major agencies install CFOs who will report to the agency head.

State and local members now make up more than 30 percent of AGA’s membership. AGA has established the State and Local Government Committee, which will report to the National President on issues of importance to its members. Virginia S. Brizendine, a member of the Mid-Missouri Chapter, is the first chair of the committee.

Steve Forman is chosen as the acting executive director while a search ensues for a permanent director.

Plans coming together for the 1991 PDC to be held in Kansas City, MO.

Membership as of Nov. 30, 1990 was 11,329.

NEC is apprised of the Association’s “vastly improved financial condition.”

National Nominating Committee names Charles L. Harrison, a member of the Nashville Chapter, as its single-slate candidate for National President-Elect. Harrison is the assistant to the comptroller of the treasury for management services with the State of Tennessee. Also nominated were Judith Boyd, a member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter, for National Treasurer, and Susan S.K. Lee, also a Washington, D.C. Chapter member, for National Treasurer-Elect.

February 1991

On Jan. 9, 1991, AGA officially purchased the office building at 2200 Mount Vernon Avenue. “The AGA family after 40 years finally has found a home of its own,” said National President Richard P. Kusserow. “We no longer pay rent, we have equity!” The final purchase price of the building was $560,000.

Thomas L. (Lee) Woods has been named AGA’s new executive director. He comes to AGA after 19 years as executive vice president of the Maryland Association of CPAs.

AGA members Elmer Staats, Cornelius Tierney, Gerald Murphy, Martin Ives, Alvin Tucker, Susan Gaffney, Donald Chapin, James Blum and William Kendig make up the first Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board.

Membership as of Feb. 7, 1991 was 11,628.

March–April 1991

AGA emerges from period of financial insolvency by the end of fiscal year 1991, ending the year on March 31 with an earned surplus exceeding $300,000. AGA has extinguished all of its debts and increased its cash reserve to more than $150,000. In addition, there is $165,000 annuity on deposit, plus for the first time, a major equity in real property. “We have made giant strides to insure against ever being confronted with the kinds of financial trials that faced us in the recent past,” said President Kusserow.

AGA’s Education and Research Foundation sponsors the first-ever conference for inspectors general from all levels of government. As the first governor to establish an Office of the Inspector General, New York Governor Mario Cuomo spoke at the event.

Membership as of Feb. 28, 1991 was 11,796.

Laurence Acker, AGA National President in 1959-1960, died on March 16.

More than 300 attend the Second Annual Leadership Conference in January.

May–June 1991

To recognize his tremendous contributions to AGA and the profession, capped by his recent leadership to buy the new National Office building, Cornelius Tierney will be honored with the Association’s top award—the Robert W. King Memorial Award.

Shawn S. Lees is named the new publications director in the National Office.

AGA chooses six emerging issues to focus on: enhancing the ability to recruit and retain competent government financial management employees; a report on the state of the nation; truth in budgeting; assessing the need for a certified government accountant or financial management program; accounting education; and credit management and debt collection.

David R. Hancox, a member of the New York Capital Chapter, will lead a task force to determine if AGA members are interested in establishing a certified government accountant or financial management program.

AGA begins offering workshops to help federal financial managers implement the CFO Act.

Membership as of March 31, 1991 was 11,796.

Thanks to the generous contributions of the members and chapters, AGA has paid off the second trust of $27,000 and is now working on reducing the $429,410 mortgage on the new National Office building.

July–August 1991

1991 PDC in Kansas City brings more than 800 financial managers together.

President Kusserow passes the gavel to incoming National President Clyde E. Jeffcoat Jr.

Planning for the 1992 PDC in Dallas is now under way. The theme of the conference will be “Total Financial Management.”

The U.S. General Accounting Office issues its Interpretation of Education and Training Requirements, which is intended to be an interpretation of the continuing education and training requirements for audits working on audits done in accordance with the 1988 revisions of the Government Auditing Standards.

Membership as of May 31, 1991 was 12,454.

September 1991

AGA’s Education and Research Foundation held its third annual Research Symposium in August. More than 80 attendees came to Annapolis to discuss the various developments and emerging issues crucial to the government accounting field.

The Blue Ribbon Task Force on Certification plans to send a questionnaire to AGA members to gauge their level of interest in a certification program for government accountants/financial managers.

Shannon Smeeton joins the staff as the new publications editor. Staffer Tom Raevis has been promoted to controller after receiving his CPA in April.

October 1991

AGA’s Education and Research Foundation sponsors two workshops on the CFO Act implementation.
AGA speaks out against proposed ethics rule that would put limits on the outside activities of federal executive branch employees. The new rule would prevent more than 57 percent of AGA’s membership from holding leadership positions in the Association.

AGA charters the Western Arkansas Chapter.

The NEC approved the plan of President-Elect Harrison to plan a leadership conference for state and local government financial managers, to be held in the fall of 1992.

AGA plans Third Annual Leadership Conference, “Leadership Through Quality Financial Management,” for January 15–16, 1992.

Membership as of October 31, 1991 was 11,001, with the member retention rate hovering around 81 percent. There were 786 new members welcomed into AGA between May and October.

November–December 1991

The Education and Research Foundation’s two CFO workshops were such a success this fall that four more have been scheduled for 1992.

January 1992

Participants at AGA’s PDC in Dallas can take in the latest technology developments at INFOMART, which showcases industry leaders and is a market for buyers and sellers of information technology. INFOMART is located just blocks from the hotel where the PDC will be held.

February 1992

The Nominating Committee has chosen Jeffrey C. Steinhoff, a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter, as its single-slate candidate for National President-Elect. Steinhoff, who is the director of civil audits at the U.S. General Accounting Office, would become National President on July 1, 1993. Thomas J. Sadowski, a member of the Mid-Missouri Chapter, was nominated as Treasurer-Elect.

The U.S. Office on Government Ethics has deleted its proposed text on “Participation in Professional Associations” from its proposed standards of conduct regulations.

The Dallas PDC will have a strong track for state and local managers with sessions planned on popular reporting, financial reporting model project and the challenge of collecting government’s money, to name a few.

The conference room at the National Office is named in honor of Frank L. Greathouse, the first president of the Nashville Chapter, and a member who has devoted his life to governmental accounting and auditing.

The NEC survey determines that while the AGA regional structure serves a very useful purpose in carrying out AGA activities, the boundaries for some large and weak regions need realignment to increase cohesion of chapters within regions and to make the RVP’s job easier. Survey respondents also helped the NEC to determine that there is no serious problem with having the operating and fiscal years differ from each other.

March 1992

More than 300 attend AGA’s third annual Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. One highlight was the address by Edward Mazur, the newly appointed Controller of the United States and director of OMB’s Office of Federal Financial Management.

The Education and Research Foundation plans the Fourth Annual Research Symposium on September 21–22 in St. Louis, MO. The Foundation will also sponsor a series of Credit Reform Workshops.

April 1992

The Education and Research Foundation sponsors the Second National Conference for Inspectors General in Baltimore. More than 100 inspectors general from around the country attended.

The Foundation is now accepting orders for the research monograph “Materiality and Audit Risk in Governmental Auditing.”

May–June 1992

The first State and Local Government Leadership Conference is slated for September 28-29 in Nashville, TN. Topics to be covered include the GASB reporting model, service efforts and accomplishments, GAAP accounting/budgeting, fraud auditing and A-87 revisions, to name a few.

President Jeffcoat recaps a successful year and notes that the fact that there is so much room for improvement in the financial management profession is exactly what makes AGA so valuable to its members. “Very few really important projects will begin and end with on president’s term,” he notes. “We are just caretakers of the process.”

Cornelius Tierney, chairman of the Education and Research Foundation, notes that a very important piece of legislation was passed with very little fanfare—the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990. The foundation plans a workshop to assist those charged with implementing the complexities of the new act.

The results of the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Certification are in and the task force recommends that AGA discontinue efforts to establish a certification program for government accountants, auditors and financial managers. The task force found that there is not sufficient demand among the membership to ensure the success of the program or merit a long-term commitment of scarce association resources. More than 53 percent of members surveyed by the task force said they did not feel a new professional designation should be created.

Three more CFO workshops are scheduled for 1992.

July–August 1992

More than 800 attend the PDC in Dallas, where they enjoyed true Texas charm and hospitality while taking in the latest developments in accounting, auditing, budgeting and other financial management topics.

Incoming National President Charles L. Harrison accepts the gavel from outgoing National President Clyde E. Jeffcoat Jr. President Harrison’s theme is “Federal, State and Local Government—A Partnership in Total Financial Management.”

Harry Trainor, who was National President in 1958–1958, died on June 17.

OMB has submitted to Congress the first financial management status report and five-year improvement plan for the federal government, as required by the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990. The status report concluded that while significant improvements have been made over the past few years, federal financial management is still not at the level it needs to be.

The Education and Research Foundation continues to plan its Fourth Annual Research Symposium, “The Gateway to the Future,” in St. Louis on September 21-22.

October 1992

AGA’s Education and Research Foundation has developed and presented a three-hour workshop called “Coordinating and Using Audit Services to Help Achieve Management Objectives.”

Planning is under way for the 1993 PDC in Orlando, with a theme of “Partners in Developing Solutions to Financial Issues.”

As of August 1, 1992 there were 10,562 members.

November 1992

First State and Local Government Leadership Conference in Nashville attracts nearly 400 attendees and sets the stage for a new AGA tradition.

Bert T. Edwards is named to replace Cornelius E. Tierney as chair of the Education and Research Foundation. Tierney, who has served as chairman for three years, is stepping down. Edwards is an audit partner with Arthur Andersen & Co.

The Foundation’s Fourth Annual Research Symposium attracts 50 attendees in St. Louis.

AGA welcomes two new chapters—the Ozarks (Missouri) Chapter brings 21 charter members and Dawn Vader as its first president. The Jacksonville (Florida) Chapter brings 20 charter members and has elected Mamie L. Davis as its first president.

Antonio Sanchez de Lozada, comptroller general of Bolivia, has signed on to be a keynote speaker at the PDC in Orlando.

The NEC hears a report from National Treasurer Susan Lee that an August 30 payment of $100,000 to the building mortgage has reduced the balance to about $300,000.

U.S. Office of Government Ethics issues a final rule establishing the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch. The regulation, which becomes effective in February of 1993, represents a partial departure from the executive branch ethics program now in effect. Under the existing program, agencies have been allowed to develop their own standards of conduct applicable to their own employees. The final regulation will replace these agency standards, and for the first time, all employees of the executive branch will be under a single set of standards governing ethical conduct.

December 1992

President Harrison establishes the National Community Service Committee, charged with the responsibility of developing a program to encourage chapters to sponsor or participate in public service projects. In addition, President Harrison has set a goal of “3 in 1993,” with the aim of increasing membership by 3,000 this year.

January 1993

Barbara Spyridon Pope, the first woman to serve as assistant secretary of the Navy, will address “Workforce Diversity in Government Leadership” at the Fourth Annual Federal Leadership Conference to be held this month in Washington, D.C.

Sen. John Glenn urges President-Elect Bill Clinton to review the appointments of existing inspectors general based on merit, not political affiliation. Inspectors general were exempted from President Bush’s request that all political appointees submit their resignations as part of the upcoming transition to the Clinton Administration.

OMB has issued a bulletin called “Form and Content of Agency Financial Statements,” prescribing the form and content for agency’s 1992 financial statements, which are to be prepared pursuant to the CFO Act of 1990.

February 1993

The National Nominating Committee has chosen Clyde G. McShan II as its single-slate candidate for President-Elect. His term would begin on July 1, 1994. A member of the New Orleans Chapter, McShan is the director for financial management and deputy chief financial officer at the U.S. Department of Commerce. Dale C. Williams, a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter, has been slated to be Treasurer-Elect. He is the deputy inspector general for financial audits and audit support at the Small Business Administration.

Four members of AGA’s International Affairs Committee had the “auditing experience of a lifetime” as participants in the 1992 International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions in Washington, D.C.

March 1993

Despite being held in the midst of the Administration turnover, more than 300 federal financial managers turned out for the Fourth Annual Federal Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C.

President Harrison writes to President Clinton urging his attention to pressing financial management issues. “It is obvious that unless we improve on the present lack of accountability and absence of useable, timely and consistent financial reports on government operations and financial position, the little confidence which now exists in government operations and activities will dissipate.”

April 1993

A total of 172 attendees from 32 countries participated in the Seventh Annual International Conference on New Developments in Government Financial Management, sponsored by the International Consortium on Governmental Financial Management.

May–June 1993

Past National President June Gibbs Brown has been nominated by President Clinton to be inspector general of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. In addition, President Clinton has nominated AGA member Susan Gaffney to be inspector general at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Treasurer Susan Lee reported to the NEC in March that the mortgage on the National Office was paid off in February and she anticipated an excess of revenue over expenses of $100,000 for the fiscal year-end.

The Second Annual State and Local Government Leadership Conference is planned for November 1–2, 1993 in Seattle, WA.

The NEC has adopted a new education policy that spells out responsibilities of everyone involved, from the National Office to the RVPs, to the chapters.

The National Community Service Committee is surveying chapters to determine their level of commitment to the program. About half of the chapters responded indicating that they had completed at least one successful community service project in the past year.

The Foundation plans its Fifth Annual Research Symposium for August 16–17 in Arlington, VA.

July–August 1993

More than 900 people attended AGA’s 42nd Annual PDC in Orlando.

Outgoing National President Charles L. Harrison passes the gavel to incoming National President Jeffrey C. Steinhoff, whose theme for his term is “Reinventing Financial Management Excellence in a Changing World.”

A the National Board of Directors meeting held at the PDC, a number of AGA leaders participate in the “Burning of the Mortgage” for the National Office building.

AGA gears up right away for THE EVENT—the 1994 PDC to be held back in AGA’s home city of Washington, D.C.

President Clinton signs the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) into law on August 3. The Act establishes a pilot program of agency performance planning and reporting.

September 1993

GAO issues an exposure draft of Government Auditing Standards, know as the “Yellow Book,” which proposes significant changes to both the financial and performance audit standards.

AGA commissions a Blue Ribbon Task Force asking the question: “Why Performance Audits Preceding Scandals Were Ignored—Do Auditors Address the Real Cause of the Problems They Uncover?”

October 1993

President Steinhoff notes an 8 percent overall decrease in AGA membership since 1989 and makes an expansion of 1,000 members over the next three years one of AGA’s top goals.

November 1993

Vice President Al Gore and the National Performance Review issue “From Red Tape to Results: Creating a Government That Works Better & Costs Less,” which is a crucial first step in President Clinton’s plan to reinvent government. AGA contributed its views on the reinvention effort, especially the need for qualified financial management personnel, systems modernization and financial reporting initiatives, among other things. Vice President Gore acknowledged AGA’s contributions to the process through a letter to Executive Director Lee Woods.

President Steinhoff kicks off an ambitious plan to “Reinvent Membership” for AGA. The program is part of his goal to increase membership by 1,000 over the next three years.

December 1993

The Foundation receives rave reviews for its three new courses on the CFO Act and GPRA.

January 1994

President Steinhoff outlines plan to pursue a Certified Government Financial Manager Program. He cites the dramatic changes unfolding today in government as making the difference between this and other attempts by AGA over the past 20 years to launch a certification program.

February 1994

The National Nominating Committee has chosen Virginia S. Brizendine as its single-slate candidate for National President-Elect. Brizendine, a member of the Mid-Missouri Chapter, is administrator of the Public School Retirement System in Missouri. William A. (Billy) Moorhead, a member of the Jackson Chapter, has been nominated as Treasurer-Elect. He is the director of fiscal services for the Mississippi State Hospital, Department of Mental Health.

GAO announces plans to close offices in Philadelphia, Albany, Indianapolis, San Antonio, Oklahoma City, Albuquerque and Cincinnati.

The NEC heard in December that Treasurer Dale Williams expects a $40,000 net operating revenue figure at the March 31 end of the fiscal year.

March 1994

The Third Annual State and Local Government Leadership Conference is scheduled for September 19–20 in Columbus, OH.

April 1994

The National Board of Directors has emphatically endorsed the Certified Government Financial Manager Program and President Steinhoff explains that for the first two years, candidates will be certified based on their experience. Eventually, passage of an exam will be required for certification. Steinhoff establishes a Professional Certification Board to report to the National President and NEC and to oversee the administration of the program.

Dr. Joycelyn Elders, surgeon general of the United States, is slated to deliver a keynote address at the 1994 PDC in Washington, D.C. Other keynoters include Charles A. Bowsher, comptroller general of the United States, and Sir John Bourn, comptroller and auditor general of the United Kingdom.

May–June 1994

AGA has helped to form a coalition of employee associations to influence the policies of the National Performance Review.

July–August 1994

More than 950 attend THE EVENT in Washington, D.C. AGA’s 43rd Annual PDC is marked by excitement about the new CGFM Program, which was set to begin accepting applications on July 1.

President Steinhoff passes the gavel to incoming National President Clyde G. McShan II, whose theme for his term is “Leading the Way to Excellence in Government Financial Management.”

The National Office now has a toll-free number: 800.AGA.7211.

AGA now has a new subcommittee of its National Membership Committee. The Early Careers Subcommittee will work toward President McShan’s goal of recruiting younger, less experienced professionals “to invigorate our organization with the enthusiasm and energy of a new generation of professionals.”

The National Community Service Committee reports that last year, AGA chapters participated in 202 community service projects encompassing 8,405 AGA volunteer hours.

The National Chapter Recognition Committee reports that of the 72 AGA chapters, 62 met their assigned goal and 58 attained the 10,000 points, representing a balanced, well-rounded chapter program. This is a substantial increase from the 47 chapters that reached the 10,000-point mark last year.

September 1994

Response to the CGFM Program has been overwhelming and the director of Mississippi’s Office of Classification and Compensation writes to President McShan to endorse the program.

Inspectors General Reform Act is introduced that would, among other things, require five-year terms for IGs.

In accordance with the Association’s newly established CGFM Program, all applicants must agree, through their signature, that they have received and read AGA’s Code of Ethics and will abide by its provisions.

October 1994

The National Office has received more than 350 applications for the CGFM Program since July 1. Past National President Jeffrey C. Steinhoff, who spearheaded the program, is serving as the chairman of the Professional Certification Board. Other members of the original board include Past National Presidents Virginia B. Robinson and Charles L. Harrison as well as Sam M. McCall, WA “Bill” Broadus Jr., Pete Rose and Martin Ives.

Carol A. Codori, Ph.D., has been hired as the director of professional certification/education in the National Office. Codori is a longtime AGA member.

AGA joins FinanceNet, which was established to use the Internet to link government reinvention efforts in the financial management community.

AGA looks forward to “Making the Connection,” at the 44th Annual PDC scheduled for San Diego July 5–7, 1995.

November 1994

Third Annual State and Local Government Leadership Conference in Columbus, OH, is deemed a success as financial managers gathered to discuss common challenges and how to overcome them.

Jennifer Johnson Buckley, who has worked for AGA for six years—most recently as the administrative assistant—is leaving the National Office to relocate.

As of September 30, the National Office had received 500 applications for the CGFM Program.

The Government Accountants Journal now accepts advertising.

AGA publishes report called “Toward a Report to Citizens on the State of Their Nation and the Performance of the Government.”

December 1994

Mary Ellen Withrow, treasurer of the United States, who oversees operations at the U.S. Mint and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, will be a keynoter at the Federal Leadership Conference next month.

G. Edward DeSeve, a member of AGA’s Washington, D.C. Chapter, has been nominated by President Clinton to be the OMB controller.

Andrea Bolen who joined the staff a year ago as a receptionist, will now be the certification and education assistant. Lori Walters, formerly the administrative assistant to the Education and Research Foundation, will become the new administrative assistant to Executive Director Lee Woods.

The Coalition for Effective Change continues to meet with National Performance Review representatives to discuss NPR’s future initiatives.

January 1995

The National Nominating Committee has chosen Mitchell L. Laine as its candidate for President-Elect. Laine’s term would begin on July 1, 1996. A member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter, Laine is the deputy chief financial officer and director of the accounting and financial management service at the U.S. Department of Education. The committee has chosen Charles W. Culkin Jr., a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter, to be National Treasurer-Elect. Culkin is a senior assistant director at the U.S. General Accounting Office.

By the end of November, 868 CGFM applications had been received. Sixty percent of those who have applied so far work for the federal government; 20 percent are with state government; 10 percent are from local government; and 10 percent from academia.

February 1995

Margaret M. Richardson, commissioner of the IRS, will deliver a keynote address at the Sixth Annual Federal Leadership Conference.

AGA has written to Robert J. Eaton, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of the Chrysler Corporation, expressing its concern about a national television commercial for the Eagle Talon automobile, which depicts a negative image of government accountants and “certified government accountants” in particular.

March 1995

As of mid-February, nearly 1,400 CGFM applications had been received with more than 1,000 approved. Certified individuals now focus their attention on biennial 80-hour CPE requirement.

President Clinton commends AGA for its task force report, “Toward a Report to Citizens on the State of Their Nation and the Performance of the Government.” Clinton states that he “greatly values your support of our efforts to make our government ore efficient and more responsive to the people it serves.”

On March 31, the Social Security Administration separated from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and became an independent agency.

April 1995

The Professional Certification Board sets it sights on the development of an examination, which CGFM candidates will have to pass after the grandfathering period ends on June 30, 1996.

May–June 1995

Congressman Chris Cox (R-CA) has signed on as a keynote speaker at AGA’s 44th Annual PDC in San Diego.

The National Office is now accepting credit cards for all member services, conference fees, publications and the CGFM Program.

The NEC realizes one of President McShan’s goals by instituting the National Community Service Fund, which provides AGA with a mechanism to give something back to the community at the national level through voluntary tax deductible donations.

Incoming National President Virginia Brizendine, CGFM, sets a goal of 1,000 new members for her term as well as 4,000 CGFMs.

AGA co-sponsors the International Government Financial Management Conference with the Institute of Business Technologies.

The National Performance Review tackles the subject of privatization as part of the effort to reinvent government.

July–August 1995

More than 900 government financial managers “Make the Connection” at AGA’s 44th Annual PDC in San Diego. A new feature called “Best Practices” makes its debut at the conference.

National President Clyde G. McShan II, CGFM, passes the gavel to incoming National President Virginia S. Brizendine, CGFM.
AGA seeks candidates for an education director position in the National Office.

The Oklahoma City Chapter acknowledges AGA’s generosity to the victims of the Oklahoma City bombing. The Association donated close to $6,500 to assist in the aftermath of the tragedy. At the PDC, Oklahoma City Chapter member Kelley Landry, CGFM, presented National President McShan with a framed symbol of the city’s appreciation. “Mr. McShan, please accept this very small token of our appreciation,” Landry said. “May it signify not only the tragedy that stuck the heart of the nation, but serve as a reminder of the service and compassion that AGA members everywhere provided to our community.”

Past National President Jeffrey C. Steinhoff notes that more than 2,700 professionals have applied to be CGFMs, with certificate No. 2,000 presented at the PDC in San Diego. Steinhoff sets an ambitious goal of 10,000 CGFMs by the June 30, 1996 end of the grandfathering period.

AGA offers the Vision 2000 Organizational Membership Program to encourage organizations to become AGA members.

AGA establishes its first student affiliate chapter at San Francisco State University. Linda Zhao is the first president and Alex Yuen is the faculty advisor.

The NEC approves the reinvention of The Government Accountants Journal, which will transform the two-color publication to a designed, four-color magazine. The initiative was presented by Richard B. Calahan, chairman of the Publications Committee, and Shannon S. Gravitte, director of public relations and publications. The first issue is set to debut in January.

The NEC votes to issue an Ethics Handbook to increase ethics awareness among the membership.

AGA presented 138,605 hours of continuing professional education hours on the local and national levels from July 1, 1994–June 30, 1995.

AGA unveils a new state and local government awards program. The four new awards, which will be presented at the State and Local Government Leadership Conference, are: Excellence in Government Leadership Award, Distinguished State Government Leadership Award, Distinguished Local Government Leadership Award and the Private Sector Financial Excellence Award.

September 1995

AGA plans the Seventh Annual Federal Leadership Conference for January 17-18, with a theme of “Success With Less: The Government of the Future.”

CGFMs should have all received their copies of “Interpretation of Continuing Professional Education Requirements for Certified Government Financial Managers.”

AGA plans a November conference on OMB Circular A-133 and grants management financial issues in Annapolis, MD.

AGA has hired its first professional membership director. Susan M. Phillips (soon to be Fritzlen), joined the staff in September, charged with leading AGA’s aggressive recruitment and retention efforts.

October 1995

President Brizendine and Membership Committee Chairman Charles L. Harrison (a Past National President) set the theme for the membership year: “Membership ‘96—A ‘Grand’ Year and hope to reach their goal of 1,000 new members. President Brizendine challenges the national leaders, the chapters and each individual member to do their part to recruit new members.

November 1995

Marykate Behan has joined the staff as professional education director.

The preliminary structure for the CGFM Examination is released. It consists of three parts: Governmental Environment, Governmental Accounting and Budgeting and Governmental Financial Management and Control.

December 1995

More than 350 attend the Fourth Annual State and Local Government Leadership Conference in Nashville.

The NEC authorized a mail ballot vote the NBD to increase dues for 1996–1997 by $5 for regular members, $2 for associate members and $1 for special/associate members. The NEC also approved a policy that ties future dues increases to the Consumer Price Index. This action is also subject to NBD approval.

John J. Hamre, Ph.D., undersecretary of Defense (comptroller), U.S. Department of Defense, endorses the CGFM Program in an American Society of Military Comptrollers’ publication, saying “I urge you to apply for this certification as a public acknowledgement of your dedication and talent.”

January 1996

The National Nominating Committee has chosen Douglas K. Haywood, CGFM, as its candidate for National President-Elect. His term would begin on July 1, 1997. Haywood, a member of the Phoenix Chapter, is a financial audit manager with the State of Arizona’s Office of the Auditor General. The committee has nominated Richard V. Norment, CGFM, a member of the Nashville Chapter, for National Treasurer-Elect. He is an assistant to the comptroller and director of the Division of County Audit, State of Tennessee.

Shannon S. Gravitte has left her post as director of public relations and publications in the National Office to take a position as deputy press secretary for Congressman Bill McCollum.

Frank L. Greathouse, the founder of the Nashville Chapter and its first president, and a leader in the governmental accounting and auditing profession, has died. One of AGA’s most prestigious awards bears his name as does the conference room at the National Office.

Plans are under way for the 45th Annual PDC in Little Rock, AR, in June.

During 1995, more than 3,500 certificates were awarded to new CGFMs.

A new IG Annual Report shows that the inspectors general recovered more than $1.9 billion during a single year and made recommendations that could save billions more. The report was the second annual joint report of the President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency and the Executive Council on Integrity and Efficiency.

AGA plans Winter Update Workshops covering the complexities of GMRA, GPRA and the CFO Act as well as other topics of pressing interest.

The Government Accountants Journal debuts in its new four-color format.

Marie S. Force, MA, joins the staff as the director of public relations and publications.

February 1996

AGA will co-sponsor the New Developments in Governmental Financial Management Conference with the International Consortium on Governmental Financial Management (ICGFM) and the School of Accountancy at Florida International University.

As the CGFM numbers soar toward 5,000, the Professional Certification Board and staff turn its attention to recruiting volunteers to assist with the writing of the examination that will be required of future CGFM candidates.

The theme of the National Community Service Committee is “Enriching the Lives of People Through Community Service.” Among the projects on the list for this year are socks for the homeless, plants for nursing homes, student scholarships, Meals on Wheels, Toys for Tots and the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program.

March 1996

AGA Charter Member Andrew Barr, who was National President in 1953-1954, has died at age 94. One of AGA’s most prestigious awards bears his name.

As AGA’s membership program, “A ‘Grand’ Year,” approaches its finale, members are urged to make the extra effort to recruit new members and possibly win exciting prizes in the process.

The National Office now has voicemail for the staff.

The State of Tennessee indicates that it will endorse the CGFM when it becomes an exam-based certification.

May–June 1996

AGA’s reinvigorated education program is going strong, riding on the success of the recent Winter Update Workshops and the grants management conference.

The Fifth Annual State and Local Government Leadership Conference, “Getting to the Heart of Government Financial Management,” is set for November 18–19, in Kansas City, MO.

President Brizendine reports that her goal of a net growth of 1,000 new members has been achieved and that it appears the CGFM Program will have more than 8,000 certified by the June 30 end of the grandfathering period.

Lori Walters and Tracy Tegey leave the National Office staff after serving about five years each.

The Update Workshops will continue this summer with sessions on financial reporting and auditing initiatives. Also scheduled for September, is the Second Annual Grants Management Conference.

July–August 1996

Nearly 800 attend the 46th Annual PDC in Little Rock.

Outgoing National President Virginia S. Brizendine, CGFM, passes the gavel to incoming National President Mitch Laine, CGFM. Laine’s theme for his term is “Success in a Changing Environment.”

The CGFM grandfathering period ends with an astounding 13,000 total applications.

September 1996

Marykate Behan, AGA’s director of education, leaves the post to join the Peace Corps.

October 1996

AGA kicks off the 1996–1997 program year with a new membership campaign called “Membership ‘97—A ‘Grand’ Year x Two.” The new program hopes to continue the momentum of last year’s successful effort, during which AGA members recruited a net total of 1,606 new member into AGA—exceeding President Brizendine’s goal by 606 members.

AGA launches a search for a new executive director to replace Thomas L. “Lee” Woods, who will left the post last month.

Karney A. Brasfield, AGA’s sixth National President, died earlier this year at age 87. He held the Association’s sixth membership certificate and was twice the recipient of AGA’s highest honor—the Robert W. King Award.

Planning is under way for AGA’s Eighth Annual Federal Leadership Conference, set for January 16–17, with a theme of “Executive 2000: Integrating Leadership, Empowerment & Accountability.”

November 1996

The NEC has authorized the staff to begin researching membership database systems to replace the aging and outdated MEMEX, a Dos-based system currently in use in the National Office.

The NEC agreed to contract the advertising sales for The Government Accountants Journal to help raise revenue to offset the costs of the new magazine format.

The staff has met with representatives from the Rutgers University Accounting Web, to discuss the Association’s further use of the Internet. The meeting results in the launching of a new AGA website, hosted through the Rutgers Accounting Web.

Comptroller General of the United States Charles A. Bowsher has retired from his post as the nation’s top auditor after completing his 15-year term.

December 1996

Maria Kelly Donovan joins the staff in the newly created position of conference manager.

The Dallas Chapter becomes the first to link its local website to the national site.

January 1997

The National Nominating Committee has chosen Thomas D. Roslewicz, CGFM, as its candidate for National President-Elect. His term would begin on July 1, 1998. A member of the Northern Virginia Chapter, Roslewicz is the deputy inspector general for audit services at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Pete Rose, CGFM, a member of the Central Ohio Chapter, has been tapped for National Treasurer. He is the finance director for the Village of New Albany, OH.

The Professional Certification Board plans to offer a “Beta” version of the exam now in development.

Six months after the end of the grandfathering period, more than 13,000 CGFM applications have been approved. Of those certified, 45 percent work for state and local governments; 41 percent are employed by the federal government; 13 percent represent the private sector, academia and retirees; and 1 percent work for international governments.

President Clinton signs the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act into law, requiring that federal agencies’ financial management systems be in compliance with federal accounting standards and mandates various measures to promote and facilitate compliance.

February 1997

Plans are coming together for the 46th Annual PDC, scheduled for June 22-26, in Phoenix, AZ. The theme of this year’s conference is “Measuring Up—Adding Value.”

March 1997

Claiming that the District of Columbia was “brought up by bad parents,” the District’s Chief Financial Officer Anthony A. Williams, headlined AGA’s Eighth Annual Federal Leadership Conference.

President Clinton sends a message to all federal workers at the start of his second term noting his high regard for civil servants.

AGA is pursuing a program to offer CPE to readers of The Government Accountants Journal, through an online offering.

April 1997

AGA welcomes new Executive Director Charles W. Culkin Jr., CGFM. Until assuming his post on March 31, Culkin was AGA’s National Treasurer. He has been an active member since 1980. Culkin, who retired from the U.S. General Accounting Office in March after 27 years of service, is a member of AGA’s Northern Virginia Chapter.

May–June 1997

The Professional Certification Board is ready to unveil the exam phase of the Certified Government Financial Manager Program. To become a CGFM, candidates will have to pass three separate examinations: Governmental Environment, Governmental Accounting and Budgeting and Governmental Financial Management and Control. The board has developed content specifications for each examination.

AGA finalizes plans to launch the Journal CPE Online Program, offering CPE to readers of The Government Accountants Journal. The program is set to “go live” on July 1, with a quiz based on articles contained on the Summer 1997 issue of The Journal. Each quiz is worth three CPE hours. In two year’s time, there will be up to 24 hours of CPE, or more than one quarter of that required biennially for CGFMs, available at all times.

Plans for the Sixth Annual State and Local Government Leadership Conference are coming together. “Spicing Up Government Financial Management” is set for September 15–16, in New Orleans, LA.

July–August 1997

More than 1,100 attendees soak up the knowledge and the sunshine at AGA’s 47th Annual PDC in Phoenix. It is the first time the PDC is a total “sell-out.” A highlight of the PDC was a rousing presentation on ethics by Marianne M. Jennings, JD, director of the Lincoln School of Ethics at Arizona State University.

President Mitch Laine, CGFM, passes the gavel to incoming National President Douglas K. Haywood, CGFM. Haywood’s theme for his term is “AGA—Ensuring Compliance and Public Accountability—An Advocate for the Profession.”

President Laine’s goal of a net membership gain of 1,000 has been exceeded for the second year in a row as a net gain of 1,723 new members took the overall membership number to an all-time high of 15,025 members.

The Beta phase of the CGFM Examinations kicked off in Phoenix as the first candidates sat for the examinations. More than 100 applications have been received from others wanting to take the Beta exams.

September 1997

AGA kicks off the “Member-Get-A-Member” recruitment campaign and begins a multi-year effort to reach 20,000 members by 2000.

The NEC has voted to conduct a needs assessment for a new management information system for the National Office

A consultant has been hired to guide the Association through its strategic planning process. A two-day retreat was held early this month to set AGA’s course for the future.

October 1997

AGA prepares for the first round of CGFM renewals while readying it first exam study tool, the “Overview and Self-Assessment Course,” for those interested in taking the exams or earning continuing professional education.

AGA’s 50th Anniversary Task Force has been formed to plan a series of special events in 2000.

To help promote the CGFM and the Association itself, AGA is renewing old alliances and forging new partnerships with other professional organizations, including the American Society of Military Comptrollers (ASMC), the International Consortium on Governmental Financial Management (ICGFM), and the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), to name a few.

November 1997

Plans are made to purchase the building directly behind the existing National Office building and to trade AGA’s existing building for another adjoining building to form a new 7,500-square-foot office complex, which is 4,000 square feet larger than the building AGA currently owns.

December 1997

AGA receives approval as a member of the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA), which means that the Association’s conferences and training are formally recognized CPE sources not just for CGFMs, but also for Certified Public Accountants in more than 40 states.

With the Beta phase of the CGFM Examinations completed, the Professional Certification Board and staff are turning their attention to the development of complementary training courses to prepare candidates to take the live examinations.

A new chapter has been chartered in Augusta, ME. Lawrence E. Leugers, received the charter.

January 1998

The National Nominating Committee has chosen Thomas J. Sadowski, CGFM, a member of the Mid-Missouri Chapter, as its candidate for National President-Elect. Sadowski, whose term would begin on July 1, 1999, is the director of accounting at the University of Missouri-Columbia. The candidate for National Treasurer is John D. Webster, CGFM, a member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter and the chief financial officer at the Library of Congress.

The federal Chief Financial Officers Council has authorized AGA to manage a new Certificate of Excellence in Accountability Reporting Program, a voluntary program whereby federal agencies submit their accountability reports for review. Those meeting certain criteria will receive the certificate. Fiscal year 1997 reports will be reviewed in a pilot program and it will “go live” with the 1998 reports. The goal of the CEAR Program is to foster excellence in the preparation, issuance and timeliness of federal agencies’ accountability reports.

February 1998

Plans are under way for the 47th Annual PDC to be held in Washington, D.C.

50th Anniversary plans are coming together. Among other things, the task force overseeing the anniversary celebration plans a gala celebration in Washington, D.C. around the actual anniversary date of September 16, 2000 and a special issue of The Government Accountants Journal.

AGA welcomes two new chapters—the Quad Cities Chapter brings more than 50 new members and Pat Grimm is the acting president. The Central Coast California Chapter has more than 20 charter members and Virginia Long, CGFM, is the first president.

AGA caps eight months of work with a draft of the Association’s new strategic plan. Nine goals and objectives are highlighted in order of their importance to the Association: education and research, certification, marketing, technology, communications, programs and services, internal structure, international and advocacy. The proposed new mission statement is: “AGA serves professionals in the government financial management community by providing quality education, fostering professional development and certification and supporting standards and research to advance government accountability.”

March 1998

Congressional leaders have forwarded seven candidates for consideration by President Clinton for the comptroller general post, from which Charles A. Bowsher retired in October of 1996.

April 1998

The CGFM Examinations will debut on April 20, marking the culmination of an intense development process that spanned several years.

The staff plans to move into the new National Office building on April 13. The new address will be 2208 Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22314-1314.

July–August 1998

Thomas D. Roslewicz, CGFM, accepts the gavel from outgoing National President Douglas K. Haywood, CGFM. Roslewicz becomes the first AGA National President to frame his goals for the year around the new strategic plan, which was formally approved by the NEC at its June meeting.

Each National Office staff member is now accessible by e-mail. 

October 1998

The National Office institutes a Customer Satisfaction Center to provide convenience, access and efficiency to its customers. Two new customer satisfaction representatives have been hired and will eventually handle more than 75 percent of all calls received by the Association.

1998 PDC attendees donated more than $2,100 to the National Community Service Fund, all of which was donated to the Hospital for Sick Children in Washington, D.C.

AGA’s Internet Committee establishes a new award to recognize outstanding chapter websites.

The NEC has approved a revised and expanded Code of Ethics, which is now more enforceable and more reflective of professional ethics for today’s financial managers.

November 1998

The NEC voted in September to establish an Academy for Government Accountability to serve as the central clearinghouse for government financial management education.

The State of Louisiana pledges to award a one-time payment of $1,000 to those certified as CGFMs by examination and $250 to those who were grandfathered.

December 1998

The results of the pilot test of AGA’s Certificate of Excellence in Accountability Reporting Program show that while none of the six agency reports would have qualified for the Certificate of Excellence, they are off to a promising start. With the successful completion of the pilot program, AGA is ready to begin the live program with the fiscal year 1998 accountability reports.

Anthony Williams, a member of AGA’s Washington, D.C. Chapter, is elected mayor of the District of Columbia. He previously served as chief financial officer of the District and at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

President Clinton names David M. Walker comptroller general of the United States.

January 1999

The National Nominating Committee has named WA “Bill” Broadus Jr., CGFM, as its candidate for National President-Elect. Broadus, a member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter and owner of the WA Broadus Jr., CPA, PC, consulting firm, would take office on July 1, 2000. Julie V. Bryant, CGFM, a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter and a manager in Grant Thornton’s Washington practice, has been named Treasurer-Elect.

AGA’s two-year project to develop three training courses that complement the CGFM Examinations comes to fruition with the debut of three training courses, worth a total of 48 hours of continuing professional education.

William R. Snodgrass, comptroller of the Treasury for the State of Tennessee for 44 years, has announced his retirement.

February 1999

Plans are coming together for AGA’s 48th Annual PDC in New Orleans.

AGA members continue to support the 20,000 By 2000 campaign, which seeks to bring the AGA membership total to 20,000 by the end of 2000.

March 1999

AGA announces an innovative training program initiative with Management Concepts, Inc. whereby the private firm will deliver AGA’s three government financial management courses.

Governments continue to make preparations for the pending Y2K date rollover and the Association is taking internal precautions as well.

May–June 1999

AGA launches a new and improved website that will enable visitors to learn the best and latest information about government financial management as well as the Association’s many activities. The site is found at www.agacgfm.org.

AGA membership reaches an all-time high of 18,053 as the membership year comes to a close.

It appears that the PDC in New Orleans will also be a sellout.

CGFMs are urged to increase the value of their own certification by encouraging others to become certified.

July–August 1999

AGA kicks off the 15-month celebration of AGA’s 50th Anniversary at the PDC in New Orleans.

TOPICS debuts in AGA’s new blue and tan corporate colors.

The Governmental Accounting Standards Board releases Statement No. 34, which dramatically changes the state and local governments report their finances to the public.

Thomas J. Sadowski, CGFM, accepts the gavel from out-going National President Thomas D. Roslewicz, CGFM.

Recognizing the need for improved representation for its members, the NEC accepted the report of the Governance Task Force and is proceeding immediately to implement many of its recommendations. The task force, commissioned by Immediate Past National President Roslewicz, recommended the elevation of several committees to board; the establishment of a new Audit Committee; expansion of the NEC; and the addition of three new regions, among other suggestions.

The State of Tennessee has recently approved the CGFM as a nationally recognized certification.

September 1999

AGA celebrates National Community Service Day as the first official 50th Anniversary event.

Ten federal agencies have submitted their fiscal year 1998 Accountability Reports for review as part of AGA’s Certificate of Excellence in Accountability Reporting Program.

October 1999

AGA members are urged to “Go For the Gold” as part of the multi-year 20,000 By 2000 membership campaign.
Chapters and members respond enthusiastically to the National

Community Service Day with projects ranging from cleaning up parks to restoring woodlands to cleaning, painting and yard work.

November 1999

The Government Financial Management Courses have been delivered to 33 students in Nairobi through the auspices of the U.S. Agency for International Development.

The NEC welcomes the Japan Chapter to the AGA family. The charter was signed by 19 new members and five transfers from other chapters. Michael Martin, CGFM, is the first president.

A survey of AGA chapters finds an active, vocal early career population.

A special site for chapter newsletter editors and web masters is launched on AGA’s national website. The editor site brings up-to-the-minute news to chapters.

December 1999

The National Board of Directors has approved a $10 dues increase for full members and a $5 increase for early career members. Student and retired members were not affected.

January 2000

The National Nominating Committee has chosen Richard V. Norment, CGFM, a member of the Nashville Chapter, as its candidate for President-Elect. Norment, who is assistant to the comptroller of the treasury and director of county audit for the State of Tennessee, would take office on July 1, 2001. The nominee for Treasurer-Elect is Eva J. Williams, CGFM, a member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter. Williams is a program manager at the Internal Revenue Service.

AGA is seeking applications from agencies wishing to showcase their Best Practices at the PDC in San Francisco.

February 2000

AGA plans to cosponsor a nationwide satellite teleconference with the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. The teleconference will cover the implementation of GASB’s new reporting model for state and local governments.

A new newsletter, Certified Government Financial Manager TOPICS, debuts as an insert to the main TOPICS newsletter, with profiles on successful CGFMs and other items of interest to the CGFM community. The newsletter will eventually be moved to the website.

March 2000

Thirty-eight chapters have signed on to host the nationwide GASB Statement 34 Implementation Seminar.

AGA members can now receive their monthly newsletter TOPICS through the website, rather than waiting to receive it by mail.

May 2000

Disabled AGA member reports that the CPE Online program, which offers quizzes based on the content of The Government Accountants Journal, is helping him to meet the CPE requirement for his CGFM designation.

The NEC has appointed a Regional Governance Task Force to pick up where the last Governance Task Force left off—with a study of national committees and Regional Vice President responsibilities.

AGA welcomes the Northern Mariana Islands Chapter.

June–July 2000

AGA plans to cap 50 years of advancing government accountability with a weekend of events in September. They include a luncheon hosted by the Washington, D.C. Chapter, a symposium at the Library of Congress and a gala dinner dance.

The Academy for Government Accountability takes a bold step by moving one of the Government Financial Management Courses to the Internet.

The recent GASB telecast trains 5,500 state and local government financial managers on the far-reaching changes required by GASB’s Statement 34.

AGA closes the books on fiscal year 1999–2000, the first year that the Association’s finances reflect the use of improved cost accounting techniques intended to record the full cost of major programs.

Rutgers University is now requiring students in its governmental accounting graduate degree program to take the CGFM Exams.

August–September 2000

AGA’s 49th Annual PDC in San Francisco is judged, “Simply the Best,” as the Association continues its 50th Anniversary celebration. A high point was the awarding of the Robert W. King Award to charter member and Past National President Raymond Einhorn.

It was the perfect ending to a perfect year. AGA’s 50th Anniversary came to a gala close on Sept. 14–16 in Washington, D.C., where the Association was founded on Sept. 14, 1950. Members came from far and wide to help celebrate the ending of a remarkable year, filled with unforgettable moments. It all began last year in New Orleans with the unveiling of the 50th Anniversary logo, continued with a National Community Service Day in September of 1999 and at PDC2000 in San Francisco this summer. The grand finale weekend had been in the planning for more than two years.

The Association’s new corporate identity and logo were unveiled at the PDC.

Past National President Arthur Litke, who served in 1972-1973, has died.

October 2000

CGFM TOPICS, issued twice this year as an insert in Government Financial Management TOPICS, has been launched as an electronic newsletter for the first time. The July newsletter was sent as an e-mail attachment to nearly 4,000 professionals, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

The Joint Financial Management Improvement Program (JFMIP) has announced that Frank W. Sullivan, CGFM, and N. Anthony Calhoun, CGFM, have received Donald L. Scantlebury Memorial Awards for distinguished leadership in financial management improvement in the public sector. Sullivan is deputy assistant secretary for finance at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Calhoun is deputy executive director and chief financial officer of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC).

The first audit to determine compliance with the CGFM Program’s continuing professional education (CPE) requirement has been completed. CGFMs are required to earn 80 CPE hours every two years. AGA is pleased to report that the vast majority of those CGFMs audited have complied with the CPE requirement.

November 2000

In a move intended to continue the growth of the CGFM Program, the National Executive Committee (NEC) authorized two new staff positions. The NEC, accepting a recommendation from the Association’s Professional Certification Board, approved the creation of a deputy executive director of professional certification position as well as a professional certification administrative assistant position.

Congress recently changed the GI Bill so that the benefits can be used to pay for a veteran’s civilian occupational licensing or certification examination. The move is considered a victory by AGA, which has been pushing for the change as part of the Coalition for Professional Certification. AGA believes certification, such as through the Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM) Program, can help ease the transition of the military veteran into the private work force.

December 2000

The National Science Foundation and the Social Security Administration were honored with AGA Certificates of Excellence in Accountability Reporting at an Oct. 17 awards ceremony at the Library of Congress.

Frederick Neuman, 87, AGA National President in 1980-1981, died of leukemia on Oct. 5. He was the director of the Defense Contract Audit Agency from 1976 until his retirement in 1981 and Special Consultant to KPMG for more than 15 years.

January 2001

William J. Anderson Jr., CGFM, a past president of the Washington, D.C. Chapter, has been chosen by the National Nominating Committee as AGA’s next National President-Elect. Richard O. Bunce Jr., CGFM, a past president of AGA’s Richmond Chapter, has been chosen as the next Treasurer-Elect.

AGA has entered into an official partnership with the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers (NASACT) to help advance the common interests of both Associations. AGA will benefit significantly through this formal link to the state government financial management community.

Over the past few years, the AGA National Office staff has taken a number of strides to improve its communication with the AGA membership around the world. As is the case in all business communication, e-mail in particular has revolutionized our ability to break down barriers and get the word out as quickly as possible.

February 2001

AGA’s flagship publication will begin its 50th volume year with a new name—The Journal of Government Financial Management. The National Executive Committee (NEC) voted in December to accept the recommendation from the Journal Editorial Board that The Government Accountants Journal’s name be changed to more accurately reflect the publication’s coverage of the entire profession.

AGA’s Financial Management Standards Board has expressed its support of a revised audit and accounting guide to aid state and local governments in making financial reporting changes required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).

March 2001

After an illustrious career in federal service spent ferreting out fraud, waste and abuse, June Gibbs Brown, CGFM, has retired from the federal government. Brown, who served as the 1985-1986 AGA National President, was most recently the inspector general at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Her retirement ceremony in January was attended by more than 250 people, including the now-former HHS Secretary Donna Shalala.

Bob Holden, a member of AGA’s Mid-Missouri Chapter, was sworn in as his state’s Governor on Jan. 8. The Holden Plan, the platform upon which he was elected, included the planks for improvements in education, health care, crime, environmental protection and transportation.

April 2001

Eleanor M. Clark, CGFM, the first woman to hold AGA’s highest elected office of National President, passed away on Tuesday, Feb. 27, in Virginia. A member of AGA’s Washington, D.C. Chapter, she was a member for more than 30 years.

The Spring issue of The Journal marks a turning point for AGA’s flagship publication. The Journal began Volume 50 with a new name—Journal of Government Financial Management—and a new online offering. With this quarter’s issue, we instituted The Journal Online, to be located in the Members Only section of AGA’s website.

May 2001

NEC approves charters of Roanoke, Tallahassee and Central Indiana Chapters.

AGA forges strategic partnership with the National Association of State Comptrollers (NASC), in which the state comptrollers endorse the CGFM as a professional designation for government financial managers working in the state comptroller community. This agreement follows an earlier pact with the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers.

June–July 2001

Chartering ceremonies were held in May for AGA’s newest chapter in Roanoke, VA. The Roanoke Chapter is the fourth AGA chapter in the Commonwealth of Virginia and was founded with the assistance of several members from the Richmond Chapter.

Small in size—at about 150 members—but strong in influence, the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers (NASACT) has joined AGA in a formal partnership that is expected to help the state financial management community through improved access to educational events.

August–September 2001

AGA’s 50th Annual Professional Development Conference & Exposition was one of the most successful ever, bringing together more than 1,200 professionals who learned from the top financial managers in government while networking with their peers and enjoying historic Boston over the Fourth of July holiday.

We regret to report that three AGA members were on the list of casualties in the September 11 attack on the Pentagon. The three were members of the Northern Virginia Chapter. Killed were U.S. Department of Defense employee Patricia E. (Patty) Mickley, CGFM, 41, of Springfield, VA; U.S. Department of the Army employees Diana B. Padro, 55, of Woodbridge, VA; and Janice M. Scott, 46, of Springfield, VA.

The North Central Region’s first regionally linked website is off to a robust start. Designed and maintained by two-time national champion Mary Hudson, CGFM, who works for CALIBRE Systems, Inc., it notched more than 600 hits in its first three weeks.

October 2001

Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich, will speak at AGA’s 13th Annual Federal Leadership Conference on Thursday, Jan. 24.

Past Dallas Chapter President Jack Carrington Jr. died on July 19, 2001 following a long illness. He was 57. Carrington was Dallas Chapter President in 1988–1989.

November 2001

With local, regional, national and international flavors, together with well-rounded excellence in all areas, the 11thBiennial Pacific Emerging Issues Conference and related activities rose to exciting new levels under the leadership and management of new conference chair, Chase Masuda, CGFM.

December 2001

AGA is pleased to introduce and welcome its new Corporate Partners. These prestigious companies have chosen to support AGA’s continued growth by becoming Charter Corporate Partner members: Accenture, AMS, CACI International Inc., Influatec, Logistics Management Institute, Optimum Management Systems LLC and SAP.

January 2002

The National Nominating Committee has chosen Jullin Renthrope, CGFM, as AGA’s next National President-Elect. Evelyn A. Brown, CGFM, a past president of AGA’s Washington, D.C. Chapter, has been chosen as the next National Treasurer-Elect.

AGA recently honored five federal agencies with the prestigious Certificate of Excellence in Accountability Reporting. One hundred people were on hand Nov. 14 at a Library of Congress ceremony celebrating the accomplishments of the National Science Foundation, Social Security Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of the Interior and the U.S. Department of Labor.

February 2002

The PDC Technical Committee, chaired by John E. “Jack” Carson, CGFM, has announced several confirmed keynote speakers for AGA’s 51st Annual Professional Development Conference & Exposition. Keynoters include Comptroller General of the United States David M. Walker; Office of Personnel Management Director Kay Coles James; Dr. Alan R. Zimmerman, CSP, professional motivational/leadership speaker; Office of Management and Budget Deputy Director Sean O’Keefe (tapped to be NASA administrator) and Indiana State Auditor Connie Kay Nass.

March 2002

President Bush’s Budget Director Mitch Daniels used his speech at AGA’s 13th Annual Federal Leadership Conference to announce a major restructuring in the federal budget, which focuses on “how well” rather than “how much.”

President Bush has signed the National Defense Authorization Act, which includes a provision to permit government agencies to “use appropriated funds or funds otherwise available to the agency to pay for expenses for employees to obtain professional credentials, including expenses for . . . professional certification and examinations to obtain such credentials.”

April 2002

As cooperation between federal, state and local governments becomes more and more essential, intergovernmental collaboration will continue to evolve. With that in mind, AGA’s National Executive Committee has decided to consolidate the State and Local Government Leadership Conference and the Federal Leadership Conference into one National Leadership Conference, to be held in February of each year in Washington, D.C.

May 2002

The Joint Financial Management Improvement Program (JFMIP) has announced that AGA members Larry J. Eisenhart, CGFM, deputy chief financial officer of the U.S. Department of State, and Ohio Auditor of State James M. Petro, a member of AGA’s Central Ohio Central, are this year’s recipients of the Donald L. Scantlebury Memorial Awards for distinguished leadership in financial management in the public sector.
At its March meeting, AGA’s National Executive Committee (NEC) approved a $3.2 million operating budget for the 2003 fiscal year (April 1, 2002 – March 31,2003).

June–July 2002

In 2002, AGA is all about getting back to basics—enhancing our education program, promoting the CGFM Program, expanding our membership to encompass all government accountability professionals and enhancing member services.

AGA’s Immediate Past National President Richard V. Norment, CGFM, CIA, has set a goal of $30,000 for the AGA Relief Effort. As the fund-raising effort on behalf of the three AGA families affected by the September 11th Pentagon attack comes to a close, we will spend these final weeks focused on that goal.

August–September 2002

AGA is proud to announce the recipients of the 2002 Certificate of Excellence in Accountability Reporting. Eight agencies, more than any other year since the program’s inception, have been recognized for outstanding fiscal year 2001 Accountability Reports and Performance and Accountability Reports.

Using common themes such as enhancing security, improving accountability and navigating change, speakers at AGA’s 51st Annual Professional Development Conference & Exposition spent three and a half days giving more than 1,300 attendees the tools they need to continue “Transforming the Government Enterprise.”

November 2002

In an effort to reduce expenses and take full advantage of available technology, AGA’s National Executive Committee voted in September to cease the printed version of TOPICS after the March 2003 issue.

More than 125 AGA members, government officials and colleagues attended a standing-room-only awards ceremony on Sept. 17, 2002 at the Library of Congress to acknowledge the outstanding Accountability Reports or Performance and Accountability Reports of eight federal agencies: the Departments of Energy, Interior, Labor and State; the General Accounting Office, National Science Foundation, Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Social Security Administration.

December 2002

Comptroller General of the United States David M. Walker and a host of other high-level state and federal officials have signed on to speak at AGA’s First National Leadership Conference.

AGA’S Denver Chapter kicked off its 50th Anniversary year with a bang on Thursday Oct. 24. The Denver Chapter was the first chapter ever chartered by AGA, then known as FGAA, the Federal Government Accountants Association.

January 2003

The National Nominating Committee has chosen Bobby A. Derrick, CGFM, to serve as the candidate for AGA’s next National President-Elect. Jeanne B. Erwin, CPA, has been selected to serve as the Nominating Committee’s candidate for National Treasurer-Elect.

Themes for each day of the 2003 Professional Development Conference & Exposition have been set: Defining the Business Challenges, Meeting the Business Challenges and Becoming more Citizen-Centric.

February 2003

AGA’s National Board of Directors has supported the National Executive Committee’s recommendations and approved a new dues structure. Dues increases will be incorporated into the 2003–2004 renewal packages and will take effect April 1, 2003.

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation recently approved AGA’s funding to launch a Certificate of Excellence in Service Efforts and Accomplishments Reporting Program. This important initiative is aimed at encouraging state and local governments to prepare and issue high-quality Service Efforts and Accomplishments Reports.

March 2003

Let’s give “three cheers and three cheers more … “ to AGA’s Mid-Missouri Chapter leaders for persuading the Missouri State Division of Personnel to recognize the CGFM as equal to a bachelor’s degree and two years of professional experience.

This is the last printed issue of AGA’s Government Financial Management TOPICS newsletter. Beginning with next month’s April issue, TOPICS will be delivered to AGA members online through the AGA website.

April 2003

At its March meeting, AGA’s National Executive Committee (NEC) accepted the retirement plans of Executive Director Charles W. Culkin Jr., CGFM, who plans to move to his Florida home in July.

AGA is committed to getting back to basics this year, and with the results of our membership survey now in, your Association is fine tuning its efforts to meet your needs. The online membership survey, with 47 questions, was conducted late last year to help the National Office better customize AGA services to best meet the needs of the membership. The survey marks the beginning of a quality assurance program for AGA, as the results will be used to determine how AGA spends its resources.

May 2003

Charles W. Culkin Jr., CGFM, AGA’s longest-serving executive director, will retire on July 11. He and his wife Cindi will be relocating from Virginia to their home in Sarasota, FL. Culkin spent more than six years in the post, during which time he helped to modernize the National Office operations, develop new programs such as the CEAR and SEA certificates and to expand the CGFM Program.

AGA has formed an Executive Director Search Committee to organize the search for an executive director to replace the retiring Charles W. Culkin Jr., CGFM. The committee will review and interview applicants and make a recommendation to the National Executive Committee, which will hire the new executive director.

June–July 2003

AGA announces the recipients of the 2003 Certificate of Excellence in Accountability Reporting for outstanding fiscal year 2002 Performance and Accountability Reports (PARs):

  • Department of the Interior
  • Department of Labor
  • Department of State
  • General Accounting Office
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • Patent and Trademark Office
  • Social Security Administration

The CGFM Exam 2 Study Guide can be purchased online on the AGA website after July 7. This guide is the perfect alternative for those of you who were unable to attend the CGFM preparatory classes offered by Management Concepts. And for those of you who found the Course 2 reading list on the AGA website daunting, AGA has produced a study guide that is portable and can be taken anywhere, anytime.

August–September 2003

AGA’s National Executive Committee has selected Relmond Van Daniker, DBA, CPA, as its new executive director. Van Daniker replaces Charles W. Culkin Jr., CGFM, AGA’s longest-serving executive director, who retired in July after more than six years in the post. The appointment was approved at the NEC’s July 30 meeting, upon the recommendation of the five-member Executive Director Search Committee. Van Daniker, who has been the executive director of the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers since 1985, will relocate from Lexington, KY, and start his new job with AGA on Oct. 1.

AGA is pleased to announce formation of its newest chapter in Albuquerque, NM.

October 2003

Relmond P. Van Daniker, DBA, CPA, begins as AGA's new executive director.

AGA is pleased to recognize these longstanding AGA members for their years of dedicated service to the Association. All of these individuals have received an exclusive member service lapel pin, inscribed with the number of years they have been AGA members. Their involvement and support has helped shape AGA into the premier organization for accountability professionals that we see today. AGA thanks you for your continued support! 50-Year Members Harold Barton, Montgomery (AL) *Nathan Cutler, CGFM, Space Coast Clarence Jauchem, Washington, D.C. Gilbert Kufahl, San Francisco 45-Year Members Bernard Dembro, Boston George Dimitrakis, Boston Michael Gudis, CGFM, At-Large Herbert Kittrell, CGFM, New Orleans Charles Lowe, Washington, D.C. Francis Lyle, Washington, D.C. Edward Mahoney, Washington, D.C. David Rudolph, CGFM, Baltimore *Frank Sato, At-Large *Susumu Uyeda, CGFM, Washington, D.C. Fred Yamron, Orange County 40-Year Members Paul Caron, At-Large Victor Ell, Los Angeles Arthur Gordon, New York George Holiner, New York Thomas Keating, Philadelphia William Myers, Montgomery/PG County Harry Palmer, New Mexico James Payne, CGFM, San Francisco Alan Strelser, Washington, D.C. J.P. Wilde, Virginia Peninsula Robert Willis, Dallas Herbert Witt, CGFM, San Francisco, John Wrafter, New York Capital

November 2003

Member Keeps His AGA Membership Through 40 Years of Changes: Robert (Bob) H. Willis has held many professional roles over his long career—federal government auditor, computer program manager, instructor and owner of his own CPA firm, just to name a few—but one thing has stayed the same. He has remained a member of AGA’s Dallas Chapter for 40 years, longer than any other chapter member.

The chapter honored Willis with a Certificate of Appreciation and AGA’s 40-year membership pin in September. “The other 35 people in the room—except for other retirees being honored—were too young to remember me,” he said, laughing.

Willis heard about the Association, then called the Federal Government Accountants Association (FGAA), from his father-in-law, Arthur Nobles, an early FGAA member, who was then the chief of general accounting for the U.S. Postal Service in Dallas, where Willis worked for a few years in the early 1950s. That was just the start of his federal government career.

December 2003

AGA Mourns Passing of T. Jack Gary Jr., CGFM: AGA is sad to announce the October passing of Charter Member and Past National President T. Jack Gary Jr., CGFM. Gary, who was 92, served from 1952–1953 as the third National President of what was then the Federal Government Accountants Association. “Let me say that this Association has been the most satisfying and rewarding part of my professional career," Gary said in a 2000 interview.

January 2004

Position Announcement: Association Technical Manager: The Association of Government Accountants is seeking an enthusiastic self-starter to fill its new Technical Manager position. Responsibilities include monitoring, researching and analyzing government financial management issues and developing strategies and position papers for committee review.\

AGA’s National Nominating Committee has chosen Sam M. McCall, CGFM, to serve as the candidate for AGA’s next National President-Elect. Karen J. Holmcrans was selected as the Treasurer-Elect candidate.

February 2004

Pilot Year for SEA Program Off to Strong Start

The 20 evaluations performed under AGA's Certificate of Excellence in Service Efforts and Accomplishments (SEA) Program are well under way. The first sets of comments will be returned to charter participants in early February and the rest of the evaluations will be returned by late March. A program evaluation summary will be developed and available in late spring, 2004.

AGA Hires Anna D. Gowans Miller, CPA, as Technical Manager: Anna D. Gowans Miller, CPA, has accepted the newly created AGA staff position of technical manager. Having a technical manager on staff will enable AGA to better represent the interests of members in matters regarding government financial management legislation and regulation.

AGA extends its congratulations to Robert H. Attmore, CGFM, a member of the New York Capital Chapter, who was appointed last week as the next GASB chairman, succeeding Tom L. Allen, a member of AGA’s Northern Utah Chapter. Allen, who has served as GASB chairman since 1995, is not eligible for reappointment. Attmore, retired deputy state comptroller, Office of the State Comptroller, State of New York, will begin his term July 1, 2004.

March 2004

More than 400 people participated in AGA’s Second Annual National Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. on Feb. 19 and 20. Many attendees said they were pleased to hear just how much is being done behind the scenes by the first responders in this time of crisis.

April is CGFM Month in Wisconsin: AGA’s Southern Wisconsin Chapter has solicited support for the Association’s CGFM certification from the top officials in state government—Governor James Doyle and Secretary of State Douglas LaFollette. And with no hesitation, the governor’s office issued an official proclamation declaring April Certified Government Financial Manager month in the state of Wisconsin.

Texas State Auditor Announces Resignation: Lawrence F. Alwin, CGFM, CPA, Texas State Auditor and a member of AGA’s Austin Chapter, announced last Thursday that he will resign his position on March 31, after serving in that capacity for 19 years.

April 2004

David Richard, CIA, has been named the new president of The Institute of Internal Auditors.

Food Stamp recipients in 38 states who have questions about the program get their questions answered by someone in India. JP Morgan Chase & Co., which administers a key part of the Food Stamp program for the states, has outsourced its call center.

Let’s say you’re the controller of a large federal agency, and you get a call from a company that offers financial management services. What’s your first thought? Hank Steininger, CGFM, chair of AGA’s Corporate Partner Advisory Group (CPAG), is well aware that it would be, “What are they trying to sell me now? That’s why it’s so important for industry and government to come together through the CPAG, which offers “neutral ground” for both sides to discuss financial management issues, best practices and solutions, he said. The private and public sectors can learn from each other, especially if the conversations never include a sales pitch from industry, and government leaders know they can speak freely.

AGA is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2004 National Awards. The awards will be presented during the Professional Development Conference & Exposition, June 27-30, in Washington, D.C. The recipients of the Robert W. King Memorial Award is Richard V. Norment, CGFM, CIA, Assistant to the Comptroller for County Audit, Comptroller of the Treasury, State of Tennessee

May 2004

AGA Member Zack E. Gaddy, CGFM, Named DFAS Director: Zack E. Gaddy, CGFM, CPA, a member of AGA’s Denver Chapter, has been named the new director of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS).

Results of the 2003–2004 Back to Basics, Back to Benefits Membership Campaign: The results are in. A total of 1,243 members joined AGA during the past membership year. Of that total, 563 were recruited by 322 current AGA members. Kirk Schanzenback, president of the New York Capital Chapter, is the recipient of the Recruiter of the Year Award for encouraging 26 professionals to join AGA.

June 2004

AGA proudly announces the recipients of the Certificate of Excellence in Accountability Reporting

  • Department of Education (1)
  • Department of the Interior (4)
  • Department of Labor (4)
  • Department of State (3)
  • Federal Aviation Administration (1)
  • General Accounting Office (3)
  • General Services Administration (1)
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission (3)
  • Patent and Trademark Office (2)
  • Social Security Administration (6)

(The number in parenthesis indicates the number of years, including this year, that the agency has received the Certificate of Excellence in Accountability Reporting.)

Americans' use of the Internet to access government information is growing rapidly, according to a new study. The report, "How Americans Get in Touch With Government," showed a 50 percent growth from 2002 to 2003 in the number of Americans who visited a federal, state or local government website or contacted a government official online.

Denver Auditor’s Office Gives CGFM Applicants a Boost: The list of government agencies that formally recognize the specialized skills and knowledge earned by CGFMs is growing. Dennis Gallagher, elected City Auditor of the City and County of Denver, has requested that "preferred skill status" be granted to all job applicants who have earned the Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM) designation. The CGFM preference applies to all accountant, auditor and other professional financial management positions within the Auditor's Office of about 100 employees.

July 2004

The PDC came to a close as Immediate Past National President Jullin Renthrope, CGFM, passed the gavel to 2004-2005 National President Bobby Derrick, CGFM. President Derrick promised a year of excitement and optimism as he visits chapters and discusses leadership.

The U.S. General Accounting Office has a new name: the Government Accountability Office. In early July President Bush signed the GAO Human Capital Reform Act, which also gives Comptroller General David M. Walker the authority to institute a performance- based pay system, separating the agency’s 3,200 employees from the federal general schedule system.

During the third-quarter of fiscal 2004, federal agencies took the largest leap forward yet on the Bush administration's traffic-light-style score card marking accomplishments in five areas of management reform. The score card, released every three months by the Office of Management and Budget to rate 26 major agencies' accomplishments in the five areas of President Bush's management agenda, boasted 27 improved marks for the quarter ended June 30.

August 2004

CEAR Program Training Boasts Record Attendance! Almost 80 individuals attended the annual CEAR Program workshop, "Producing an Excellent Performance and Accountability Report" in Washington, D.C. last week. The event provides instruction for performance, budget, CFO and IG staff and others involved in the production of their agency's Performance and Accountability Report (PAR).

Raymond Harris, CGFM, a member of AGA's New York Capital Chapter, will join the AGA National Office staff Sept. 13 as the director of education. He is retiring from the New York State Comptroller's Office where he served as the internal control officer and executive assistant to the deputy comptroller. Formerly, Harris was the audit director for the New York State Office of Mental Health for nine years.

In Memory of R. Schuyler Lesher Jr., CGFM: AGA regrets to report the passing of R. Schuyler Lesher Jr., CGFM, a member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter. Lesher, deputy chief financial officer and director of the Office of Financial Management, U.S. Department of the Interior, died August 23 after a nearly two-year battle with cancer.

Can accounting be viewed as a ‘sexy’ career choice? Maybe so, if the number of new accounting majors among college freshmen is any indication. Academics say the corporate scandals over the last few years has piqued the interest of today’s students. According to the AICPA, the number of accounting degrees awarded nationwide in 2003 jumped 11 percent from the year before.

September 2004

New PCB Member Well-Positioned to Help CGFM Gain Greater Recognition: Vandee DeVore, CGFM, one of the newest member of AGA's Professional Certification Board (PCB), has already proven she has the right stuff to help guide the CGFM Program to greater recognition. It was DeVore and other members of the Mid-Missouri Chapter who worked with the Missouri State Division of Personnel last year to ensure the CGFM can be used as a substitute for a bachelor's degree and two years of professional experience for the state's auditor classifications.

AGA Name Change Focus Group Begins Work: A focus group charged with exploring a possible name change for AGA has begun its work and is asking members for their input. The focus group, appointed by National President Bobby A. Derrick, CGFM, and chaired by Past National President Richard V. Norment, CGFM,

October 2004

Lisa S. Thatcher, director of AGA's Certificate of Excellence Programs, will leave the Association on Oct. 28. She is taking a new position as a consultant in the Unisys Global Public Sector component, working on an organizational performance management team. Lisa has played a significant role in the success of AGA's Certificate of Excellence in Accountability Reporting (CEAR) Program.

Tennessee, Maine, Utah, New York and Illinois top the states in providing e-government services, according to the fifth annual study of state and federal websites by researchers at Brown University.

November 2004

New AGA Group Membership Program: ADVANTAGE: AGA is pleased to announce its new government organization group membership program called ADVANTAGE. Join other government agencies that value their staff and are willing to invest in their professional development and continuing education. This new program is designed to give government employers the opportunity to support their staff in part or in whole and in turn accrue additional benefits that would defray a portion of the organizational membership fee.

Spotlight on AGA's CGFM Program—Celebrating a Decade of Success: When Jeffrey C. Steinhoff began planning for his 1993–1994 term as AGA National President, a new certification program was not on his priority list. Steinhoff, who is managing director of the Financial Management and Assurance Team at the Government Accountability Office, testified quite often before congressional committees at that time. One particular hearing stands out. “During the hearing, Senator James Sasser, the chairman, really asked a lot about my professional credentials and made a pretty big deal about me being a CPA, and that added a sense of greater reliability, and greater reliance on whatever I was saying,” Steinhoff recalled. “I really didn’t think those skills and that exam I passed quite some time before that was all that applicable to the issues I was discussing at the hearing.” Chairman Sasser had unknowingly planted a seed that would bloom into AGA’s CGFM Program, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year.

After Congress enacted the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) was left with a question: Should it change the standards for government auditors? GAO's Advisory Council on Government Auditing Standards, a group of auditing experts from the public and private sectors, met Nov. 8 to debate that proposition. GAO sets governmentwide auditing standards through the Yellow Book, which was last updated in 2003, and is considering changes for its next revision.

All but two major agencies submitted financial statements by Nov. 15, just 45 days after the close of the fiscal year, meeting a deadline that is nearly three months earlier than last year's, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) announced.

College graduates with accounting degrees are entering the working world at a good time—recruiters are eager, jobs are plentiful and offers are attractive. Demand for accounting services is way up because of new regulations spawned by corporate scandals such as Enron and WorldCom. Recruiters from PricewaterhouseCoopers plan to hire about 3,100 people off U.S. college campuses this year, up almost 19 percent from last year.

December 2004

AGA's National Nominating Committee Selects New Slate of National Officers To Take Office on July 1, 2005: Jeffrey S. Hart, CGFM, a member of AGA's Denver Chapter, Office of the Inspector General, EPA, leads the slate as National President-Elect Designate. Thomas J. Sadowski, CGFM, a member of AGA's Mid-Missouri Chapter, Director of Accounting at the University of Missouri, was chosen as National Treasurer-Elect Designate.

Association of Government Accountants is here to stay—for now anyway. The Name Change Focus Group, convened by National President Bobby A. Derrick, CGFM, recommended no change to AGA’s name and that recommendation was accepted by the National Executive Committee (NEC) at its Dec. 10 quarterly meeting.

January 2005

AGA welcomes Peter V. Aliferis, CGFM, as its new director of Professional Certification. An AGA member for more than 20 years and one of the earliest supporters of the CGFM credential, Aliferis is looking forward to spreading the word to professionals and their employers about the benefits of certification.

A majority of financial executives (57 percent) say Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) compliance was a good investment for stockholders, according to a report released this month by Oversight Systems, the 2004 Oversight Systems Financial Executive Report On Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance, a nationwide survey of 222 financial executives.

The U.S. Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Council has unveiled a Metric Tracking System, a website designed to provide federal financial managers, taxpayers and others information on federal agencies’ financial operations. The website www.fido.gov/mts/cfo/public/

Larry E. Rittenberg, Ph.D., CPA, CIA, has been named the new chairman of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) of the Treadway Commission.

February 2005

AGA's Reach Extends to Northern Mariana Islands: Mike Sablan, public auditor of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, is so committed to bringing a higher level of professionalism to financial management that he arranged to bring AGA’s CGFM courses to this remote string of islands in the North Pacific.

AGA Member To Receive Distinguished Scantlebury Award: John D. Webster, CGFM, CPA, a member of AGA’s Washington, D.C. Chapter, has been named the recipient of the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program’s (JFMIP) Donald L. Scantlebury Memorial Award for distinguished leadership in financial management.

Painting a bleak picture, the head of the Government Accountability Office said that if the federal government does not get serious about the looming fiscal crisis soon, important functions at the state and local government level will be hurt.

The Government Performance Project has completed a massive study evaluating government management in all 50 states. To weather the poor economy, any states have cut back on their analytic capacity; allowed their roads, bridges and buildings to decay at an accelerating clip; resorted to financial tactics that only defer fiscal pain; slowed down or rejected positive initiatives in human resources and—in a few extreme cases—have so undernourished government that they risk malnutrition or worse.

March 2005

AGA Welcomes Julie V. Bryant, CGFM, as Director of Performance Reporting: Julie V. Bryant, CGFM, an AGA Past National Treasurer and a former president of both the Virginia Peninsula and Northern Virginia Chapters, has joined the AGA staff as our new director of performance reporting.

Member-Get-A-Member Challenge Ignites Competition!: Marion Demer, of the Idaho Centennial Chapter, continues to hold the Top Recruiter position along with Nancy Zmyslinski, CGFM, of the Greater Columbus Chapter, both with 19 recruits! James Nellegar, of the New York Capital Chapter, follows close behind with 14 recruits.

At the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program's (JFMIP) last annual conference March 10, financial management leaders pushed new ways of measuring—and controlling—government spending. JFMIP, which has certified and tested financial systems since 1950, will soon cease to exist. Most of the organization's duties, formerly shared among the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), will come under control of OMB.

Thomas J. Sadowski, MPA, CGFM, CPA, recently accepted a new position as director of accounting for the State of Missouri. Previously, he was the director of accounting at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Sadowski is an AGA Past National President and Past National Treasurer. He is also the AGA National Treasurer-Elect and will take office to once again serve AGA on July 1.

April 2005

AGA awarded the first-ever Certificates of Excellence in Service Efforts and Accomplishments (SEA), after in-depth evaluation of performance reports submitted by more than 20 governments and government agencies.

Eight states declared March as Certified Government Financial Manager month. Governors signed proclamations in Arkansas, Idaho, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin.

About three-fourths of Senior Executive Service (SES) members received the highest rating available under their performance appraisal systems in fiscal 2003, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has reported, and more than half of them received what OPM termed “substantial” performance bonuses.

May 2005

On Monday, May 9, more than 400 federal agency financial managers gathered at the Washington Court Hotel to share their experiences in implementing the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) revised Circular A-123 and to learn more about OMB’s planned implementation guide.

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, a documentary that opened Friday in theaters nationwide, tells the inside story of one of history's greatest business scandals, in which top executives of America's seventh largest company walked away with more than $1 billion while investors and employees lost everything.

The Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF) has announced that Keith L. Johnson, CPA, controller for the State of Idaho and member of AGA’s Idaho Centennial Chapter, has been named as chair of the FAF’s Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council (GASAC), for a two-year term, effective July 1.

June 2005

AGA announced 10 federal agencies will receive AGA’s prestigious CEAR Awards for their outstanding 2004 Performance and Accountability Reports.

While college graduates are facing the best career prospects in three years, it's the grads with accounting degrees who are sitting pretty. No degree is more in demand, Reuters reported.

July 2005

AGA hosted its largest-ever Professional Development Conference & Exposition in Orlando, FL, bringing together 1,500 professionals from all three levels of government, academia and the private sector.

Linda M. Combs, the new controller for the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and a member of AGA’s Washington, D.C. Chapter, will lead the Improved Financial Performance Initiative for the President’s Management Agenda.

The last of three CGFM study guides was published, giving candidates a new way to study on their own for the three rigorous examinations. The CGFM Program also conducted its first intensive review course followed by a no-cost offering of the three examinations at the PDC.

August 2005

Louisiana’s Office of the Legislative Auditor is now providing educational leave and reimbursement to employees who earn AGA’s CGFM certification. The office recently changed its policy to allow employees educational leave to take the three CGFM Examinations. Employees who earn their CGFM certification can also be reimbursed for the costs of educational courses and the examination fees, for a maximum of $1,000. Before the change, staff had to pay those fees out of their own pockets.

Of 26 major agencies tracked by a presidential scorecard, the U.S. Department of Labor is the first to garner the highest rating, a green mark, in the five categories deemed priorities by President Bush.

On August 10, AGA’s revitalized Japan Chapter held its first luncheon of the year at the Naval Air Facility, Atsugi, Japan. Guest speaker was Commanding Officer Capt. Reed Ecktrom, who was also inducted into the chapter's board of directors for 2005-2006.

At the recent PDC in Orlando, AGA continued its discussion on some of the profession's most pressing issues: Human Capital, Education & Research, Performance Reporting and Citizen-Centric Government.

September 2005

AGA launches relief effort to help Gulf Coast area members in the wake of the devastating Hurricane Katrina. More than $6,000 is raised in the first two weeks of the effort.

AGA prepared for its first National Performance Reporting Conference, "Service Efforts & Accomplishments Reporting: The Cornerstone for Building Trust and Enhancing Management" is the theme for conference, set for Nov. 14–15 at the Portland Marriott Downtown in Portland, OR.

October 2005

From the National President: Sam M. McCall, MPA, CGFM, CPA, CIA, CGAP—Since last month’s TOPICS column, many things have happened. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita have inflicted damage and destruction to communities along the Gulf Coast from Alabama to Texas. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those communities, to those providing relief efforts and assisting in restoring critical services. AGA is especially concerned about our many members and their families affected by these hurricanes. In response, AGA chapters and members around the nation are contributing to a special fund established at the AGA National Office. Collections will be sent to chapters in the affected areas for distribution to AGA members

AGA is pleased to welcome Thad Juszczak, a member of AGA's Northern Virginia Chapter, to the Finance and Budget Committee. Juszczak joined Grant Thornton's Global Public Sector in August 2004, where he specializes in budget and performance integration issues for federal clients such as the Department of Homeland Security, the Farm Service Agency of the Department of Agriculture, and NASA.

AGA recognizes Past National President and Charter Member Raymond Einhorn, CGFM, who marks 55 years of membership this year. The Association recently marked its 55th anniversary and Einhorn was among the group of federal accountants who started the Federal Government Accountants Association—now AGA—on September 14, 1950.

November 2005

In 1953, the Yankees won the World Series and the Tokyo “Federal Government Accountants Association” (FGAA) was formed. With a name change in 1975 to the now familiar “Association of Government Accountants” (AGA) the Tokyo Chapter continued on until 1979 when the chapter, driven by loss of both military and civilian billets, became dormant. In 1998, our current Vice President, Mike Martin, spearheaded the reemergence of the Japan AGA Chapter for the next several years until personnel reassignments once again resulted in the chapter being placed in “caretaker” status. In 2005, the White Sox are the World Series champions and the Japan Chapter is back in full force with 33 members. Although the Japan Chapter may have only just started their game, like the Yankees and the White Sox, we are expecting great achievements.

December 2005

Richard L. Fair, CGFM, CPA, a member of the Trenton Chapter and State Auditor of New Jersey, leads the slate as National President-Elect Designate. David R. Bennett, CGFM, CPA, a member of the East Tennessee Chapter and Assistant County Mayor/Finance Director, Blount County Government, was chosen as National Treasurer-Elect Designate.

January 2006

Thanks to the generosity of AGA members, we received $18,615 in contributions to the ongoing Hurricane Relief Effort. And, we are pleased to report that checks have been distributed to those AGA chapters with members that were severely affected by the hurricane. The Montgomery and Jackson Chapters were each sent $5,000 checks and the New Orleans Chapter was sent a $10,000 check. At its December meeting, AGA's National Executive Committee voted to supplement the members' contributions by using the National Community Service Fund.

Many longtime AGA members will remember AGA’s Education and Research Foundation. Incorporated in 1979, the foundation was established “to contribute to the improvement of education in the field of federal, state and local government accounting, auditing, budgeting and financial management.” The foundation provided educational events, scholarship awards and small research projects in the mid-1990s. In 1999 the foundation informally changed its name to the Academy for Government Accountability to oversee AGA’s education and research programs. Newfound interest in the Academy bloomed again last year. A presentation at the September 2005 National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting was made by AGA National President Sam McCall, CGFM, Sridhar Ramamoorti, Ph.D., a member of AGA's Chicago Chapter, and AGA Executive Director Relmond Van Daniker, DBA, CPA. They introduced a revised mission statement that more accurately reflects the future of the Academy. The NEC approved the revised mission: to forge relationships among government, business and academia to support research and education initiatives and advance thought leadership in bringing transparency and accountability in government financial management. The NEC also appointed Ramamoorti to chair the Academy’s Board of Trustees for one year.

February 2006

AGA is pleased to present the first two 2005 SEA Certificates of Achievement in Service Efforts and Accomplishments (SEA) Reporting Program have been awarded to Maricopa County, AZ, and Bellevue, WA.

The Intensive Review Course was again a big hit! Offered now for the second time at the National Leadership Conference (NLC) in Washington D.C. on February 1–2, it was once again sold out at 50 participants. After attending the two-day review course, the candidates tackled the CGFM Examinations over the next two days (with some taking all three exams in one day!). As a result, 23 of the participants passed all three (or finished up their remaining) CGFM Examinations at this event—even more than at the similar event in July of last year! Others passed one or two examinations and are on their way to completing the CGFM process.

March 2006

Close to 400 members have sponsored new AGA members during this year’s member-get-a-member drive!

The initiative to declare March "CGFM Month" is growing every year. To date, at least 12 states have declared March 2006 "CGFM Month" (with 4 more offering their support in recognition and congratulatory letters and proclamations). This year the local governments also joined in recognizing the CGFM

April 2006

At its February meeting, the National Executive Committee (NEC) further acknowledged the lifelong commitment of a distinguished group of members by changing the Lifetime Membership requirement from 50 years of membership to 40 years. In all, 97 members were granted lifetime membership in AGA.

National President-Elect Designate Richard L. Fair, CGFM, CPA, has appointed Samuel T. Mok, CGFM, CIA, as his Senior Vice President appointee to the National Executive Committee (NEC) for a term beginning on July 1, 2006, running through June 30, 2009. Mok is the chief financial officer at the U.S. Department of Labor.

AGA Charter Member Raymond Einhorn, CGFM, was remembered at funeral services on Wednesday, April 12, in Washington, D.C. More than 100 family members and friends attended the service. Einhorn, AGA's 11th National President (1960-1961) died Sunday, April 9, at his home in Washington. An active, vocal 56-year AGA member, Einhorn was remembered fondly this week by his many AGA friends.

May 2006

AGA is pleased to recognize the outstanding Fiscal Year 2005 performance and accountability reporting efforts of the following federal agencies, which are the recipients of the Certificate of Excellence in Accountability Reporting (CEAR):

  • Department of Education (3)
  • Department of the Interior (6)
  • Department of Labor (6)
  • Department of State (5)
  • Federal Aviation Administration (3)
  • Government Accountability Office (5)
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission (5)
  • Patent and Trademark Office (4)
  • Social Security Administration (8)

(The number in parenthesis indicates the number of years, including this year, that the agency has received the Certificate of Excellence in Accountability Reporting.)

Membership campaign results are in. Close to 2,100 members joined AGA during the past membership year. Of that total, 951 were recruited by 456 current AGA members!

June 2006

AGA has awarded eight Certificates of Achievement in Service Efforts and Accomplishments Reporting so far this year.

The National Association of Local Government Auditors has changed its name to the Association of Local Government Auditors. The association will go by the acronym ALGA (formerly N.A.L.G.A.)

June 20, 2006

AGA kicked off its 55th Annual Professional Development Conference & Exposition in San Diego Monday morning with an elaborate opening ceremony and a discussion of government transformation by two leaders in the accountability profession. Nearly 1,800 attendees filled a ballroom at the San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina to see a presentation of the colors of the Naval Base Coronado Color Guard, entertainment from Mariachi Real De San Diego, and a stirring remembrance of founding member Raymond Einhorn, CGFM, who died in April, by Past National President William J. Anderson Jr., CGFM, and Past National Treasurer Eva Williams, CGFM.

June 21, 2006

While students, professionals and top executives have rationalized and deluded themselves into excusing ethical lapses, professor Marianne M. Jennings, JD, believes the ethical decline in this country can be reversed. A presentation by Jennings, professor of legal and ethical studies at Arizona State University, kicked off the second day of AGA’s 55th Annual Professional Development Conference & Exposition in San Diego Tuesday morning.

June 22, 2006 

The 2005–2006 AGA Program Year came to a ceremonial end yesterday, the final day of the Association's 55th Annual Professional Development Conference & Exposition in San Diego. Outgoing National President Sam M. McCall, CGFM, CPA, CIA, CGAP passed the gavel to incoming National president Jeffrey Hart, CGFM. The luncheon and awards ceremony included the Association's highest honor, the Robert W. King Memorial Award, which was presented this year to Past National Treasurer and former Executive Director Charles W. Culkin Jr., CGFM.

July 2006

From the National President Jeffrey S. Hart, CGFM, CFE—I was very pleased to accept the gavel as your National President at the recent PDC, and I'm humbled to be included among the many giants of our profession who have held the AGA gavel before me. As some of you have already heard me say over the last year as President-Elect, I am Excited to Serve! And I want you to get excited too because we have lots of good reasons to get excited. We need your help, and every ounce of energy you put into AGA comes back to benefit you in real, tangible ways! Before I go any further, I want to thank my predecessor, Immediate Past National President Sam M. McCall, CGFM, for his outstanding leadership over the last year.

The National Executive Committee met on Friday, June 16, at the PDC in San Diego, CA for their final quarterly meeting of the 2005-2006 program year. At this meeting the NEC voted in favor of revising the Special Achievement Award to become the Emerging Leader Award of Excellence and adding two new national awards: the International Achievement Award and the Chapter CGFM Award.

August 2006

AGA, for the third year, brought together more than 100 leaders in government financial management to discuss challenges facing the profession. The result is the 2006 White Paper, which outlines how four task forces plan to tackle issues in Human Capital, Education & Research, Performance Reporting and Citizen-Centric Government.

AGA's Academy for Government Accountability has awarded its first Mortimer A. Dittenhofer Dissertation Research Awards. Patricia Patrick, from Pennsylvania State University in Harrisburg, and Annette Pridgen of the University of Mississippi received $2,500 and $12,500, respectively.

AGA Past National President Jeffrey C. Steinhoff, CGFM, CPA, a member of AGA's Northern Virginia Chapter, was named the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants' (AICPA) 2006 Outstanding CPA in Government, representing the federal sector. Steinhoff, known throughout AGA as the father of the Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM) Program, is the managing director, Financial Management and Assurance, U.S. Government Accountability Office.

September 2006

AGA welcomes new Corporate Partners Lionel Henderson & Company, LogicalApps and MorganFranklin Corporation. In total, AGA has 61 Corporate Partners.

More than 400 government accountability professionals gathered in Atlanta on September 25 and 26 for AGA's First National Internal Control and Fraud Conference. The conference began with an address from the nation’s top accountability officer, Comptroller General of the United States David M. Walker, CPA, who heads the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

Two longtime members of AGA's Nashville Chapter recently passed away. Patricia Wright, CGFM, CFE, an AGA member since 1985, was the first woman hired in a professional accounting role at the Metropolitan Nashville government, where she worked as a financial administrator for more than 30 years. She died July 28 at age 74. Billy Rogers, a former auditor with the Comptroller's Office, Division of State Audit, was elected to the Putnam County Commission in 1978 and was running for his eighth term. He died June 15 at age 61. Gary J. White, a member of the Central Ohio Chapter, died July 30, 2006. He was an audit manager for Whited Seigneur Sams and Raue CPAs.

September 11, 2006

AGA remembers September 11, 2001 and the more than 3,000 Americans who lost their lives, including three of our own members: Patricia E. (Patty) Mickley, CGFM, Diana B. Padro and Janice M. Scott.

October–November 2006

Two of AGA's Corporate Partners made the list of the 50 fastest growing government contractors. Congratulations to Delta Solutions and Morgan Franklin.

AGA's Second National Performance Management Conference in Schaumburg, IL, October 30 - 31, successfully provided education and networking opportunities for attendees.

Mary L. Rogers, 49, a member of AGA’s Virginia Peninsula Chapter since 2003, passed away on October 4. She worked as an accounting technician for the Defense Finance and Accounting Service at Norfolk Naval Station.

Lisa Thatcher, MPA, became the first former AGA staffer to become a Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM).

December 2006

AGA President Jeffrey S. Hart, CGFM, CFE, and the Comptroller General of the United States David Walker were panelists in the Fiscal Wake-Up Tour in Denver and Seattle. The Concord Coalition sponsors the tour, and AGA co-sponsored the stops in Denver and Seattle. AGA was shadowed in both cities by a crew from 60 Minutes. Between the two cites, AGA and its programs were publicized to more than 600 top government, business and university leaders, as well as many other citizens. The Fiscal Wake-Up Tour is a series of public forums around the country designed to help educate the public on our nation’s daunting long-term fiscal challenges.

January 2007

Samuel T. Mok, CGFM, CIA, a member of AGA's Washington, D.C. Chapter and chief financial officer, U.S. Department of Labor, has been chosen by the National Nominating Committee as AGA’s next National President-Elect. Thad Juszczak, also a member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter and a senior manager at Grant Thornton LLP, was chosen as National Treasurer-Elect.

The State of Oregon, the City of Saco, Maine and the City of Portland, Oregon all signed on to produce four-page ‘annual state of the government’ reports to their citizens, as part of AGA’s Citizen Centric Reporting initiative. These reports will be easy to understand and will tell the citizens what they need to know about their government and how their tax dollars are being spent.

February 2007

AGA holds its Fifth Annual National Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C.

March 2007

AGA announces that they and member organizations of the Government Performance Coalition will undertake the Transitions in Governance Project to help shape the agenda in the 2008 presidential election by promoting dialogue and debate on budget, management and performance issues in government. The project will use a web-based survey tool in pursuing a comprehensive picture of federal management's experiences and ideas going forward.

The first of four Sectional Leadership Meetings (SLM) was held for AGA’s Section IV Chapters. SLMs will be held in each of the other three sections in 2007.

June–July 2007

AGA hosted its Professional Development Conference & Exposition in Nashville, TN, bringing together over 1,800 professionals from all three levels of government, academia and the private sector. A high point was the awarding of the Robert W. King Award to charter member Jullin Renthrope, CGFM, CPA, CFE, CGFO. Renthrope served as AGA's National President during the 2003-2004 program year and is a member of AGA's New Orleans Chapter and the audit manager of Louisiana's Office of the Legislative Auditor.

AGA is pleased to recognize the outstanding Fiscal Year 2006 performance and accountability reporting efforts of the following federal agencies, which are the recipients of the Certificate of Excellence in Accountability Reporting (CEAR):

  • U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (1)
  • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (1)
  • U.S. Department of the Interior (7)
  • U.S. Department of Labor (7)
  • U.S. General Services Administration (3)
  • U.S. Government Accountability Office (6)
  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (6)
  • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (5)
  • U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (1)
  • U.S. Small Business Administration (1)
  • U.S. Social Security Administration

(The number in parenthesis after each agency indicates the number of years, including this year, that the agency has received the award.)

A donation of $12,500 was made to the Academy for Government Accountability in memory of AGA Past National President and charter member Raymond Einhorn, CGFM, who passed away last year. This is the first major donation the Academy has received.

AGA’s Washington, D.C. Chapter celebrates its 50th Anniversary.

July 2007

The League of Women Voters has included AGA’s Citizen-Centric Reporting Initiative in its publication titled, Observing Your Government in Action: Protecting Your Right to Know. This resource guide, part of the League’s Citizen Initiative on Transparency, provides useful best practices and tips for observing government activities and promoting transparency.

Corporate Partner Research Update —Late spring was very busy for the Corporate Partner Advisory Group (CPAG) Research Program. Seven CPAG Research Reports were issued and we had nine research project presentations at the 2007 PDC in Nashville, highlighting just how the program has grown. AGA has 68 Corporate Partners,  that include public accounting firms, major system integrators, IT companies, management consulting firms, financial services organizations and education & training companies.

AGA members raised more than $39,000 in three days during the PDC in Nashville. The money will be divided among the following charities: Habitat for Humanity, 31 percent; Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, 23 percent; American Heart Association, 19 percent; American Cancer Society, 17 percent; and Ronald McDonald House, 10 percent.

August 2007

The Academy for Government Accountability has established the Raymond D. Einhorn Research Award to provide up to $25,000 in each of two annual awards to individuals or teams of researchers to support research that will advance knowledge, concepts and tools of government financial management or accountability, governmental accounting or auditing.

The 2007 recipient of the Academy for Government Accountability's Mortimer Dittenhofer Dissertation Award is C. Patrick Washington.  Patrick is completing his Ph.D. in Public Administration at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University expects to complete the program next August.

September 2007

AGA's Second National Internal Control & Fraud Conference in Atlanta attracted more than 400 attendees who learned the latest about fraud detection and prevention as well as how to create a control environment that discourages fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement.

Maricopa County, Arizona joins a growing list of governments that have produced four page ‘state of the government’ reports that provide understandable information to citizens about the performance and financial condition of the government as well as demographics and future challenges.

The Missouri State Auditor’s Office has begun offering salary increases to employees who earn the CGFM certification.

October 2007

AGA's First Government Financial Case Challenge started on Oct. 15 with 13 universities from across the U.S. participating. The student teams will collaboratively analyze and offer a written response to a case centered on how a U.S. city government implements a performance management system.

New legislation in Tennessee requires all municipalities to employ a certified municipal finance officer (CMFO) or if total revenues are $300,000 or less, the municipality can contract with a qualified person. Finance officers in Tennessee’s cities and towns will be mandated to either undergo the training or seek approval for an exemption. Individuals who have earned the CGFM, a CPA, or the Government Finance Officers Association’s Certified Public Finance Officer (CPFO) credential are exempt from the educational requirements of the CMFO designation.

The U.S. Coast Guard, the Denali Commission and the U.S. Department of Defense are the first federal agencies to commit to producing ‘annual state of the government’ reports, as a result of AGA’s initiative to encourage governmental entities to produce concise, four-page documents that spell out the pertinent facts citizens need to get a full picture about their governments

AGA launches a project to Improve Intergovernmental Cooperation and welcomes Helena Sims to the National Office staff as the director of Intergovernmental Relations. Sims will staff the Partnership for Intergovernmental Management and Accountability, a new group that has been established by AGA to develop cooperative approaches for improving the performance and accountability of intergovernmental programs.

November 2007

AGA's Financial Management Standards Board sent a comment letter to the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) on its Exposure Draft, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Derivative Instruments.

Eric S. Berman, CPA, deputy comptroller for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and a member of AGA's Boston Chapter and the Association's Financial Management Standards Board (FMSB), testified on behalf of AGA and the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers (NASACT) during the Governmental Accounting Standards Board's (GASB) public hearing on the proposed standard Accounting and Financial Reporting for Derivative Instruments. At the hearing, Berman reiterated AGA's position that in general, the Association supports the proposed standard.

The state of Arizona, the city of Schenectady, NY, the state of Nevada, the city of Albany, NY, the state of West Virginia and the city of West Valley, UT, joined a growing list of state and local governments and federal agencies that are producing four-page Citizen-Centric Reports and answering the call for fiscal accountability and transparency.

December 2007

AGA announced the finalists in the first Government Finance Case Challenge. The honors go to the University of Nebraska at Omaha and the University of Texas at Dallas.

Prince William County Received a Certificate of Achievement in SEA Reporting. Bill Hughes, CGFM, president of AGA’s Northern Virginia Chapter, presented the Certificate of Achievement in Service Efforts and Accomplishments (SEA) Reporting to county commissioners of Prince William County, VA. This was the third consecutive year that the county received this national award.

AGA welcomed its 91st chapter—the Aroostook County Chapter in Maine.

January 2008

AGA Past National President Jeffrey C. Steinhoff, CGFM, Retired after 40 years of federal service. Credited for being the “father” of AGA’s Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM) Program during his term as 1993–1994 AGA National President, he served as the first Professional Certification Board chairman, from 1994–1998, and continues as a board member today. He is also considered one of the fathers or principal architects behind the groundbreaking 1990 Chief Financial Officers Act.

AGA and the Council for Excellence in Government (CEG) announced the initiation of a new partnership to develop a financial management career track with the CEG’s 'Excellence in Government Fellows Program'. Through the new partnership, AGA and CEG will work to design and implement a financial management career track within the Fellows program.

February 2008

The State of Nevada Unveiled its four-page Citizen-Centric Report Feb. 12, as part of AGA’s national Citizen-Centric initiative to bring clarity to fiscal reporting in municipal, county and state governments. Under the leadership of State Controller Kim Wallin, Nevada was one of the first state governments in the nation to issue such a report.

AGA’s Sixth Annual National Leadership Conference, Feb. 21 – 22, in Washington, D.C., had a record-breaking attendance of more than 700 and began with an address by Gene L. Dodaro, CGFM, chief operating officer, U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). Admiral Thad W. Allen, the 23rd commandant of the U.S Coast Guard, spoke about leadership and vision on the last day of the conference.

March 2008

To recognize the CGFM Program and its accomplishments, AGA declared March of each year as “CGFM Month.”

The University of Texas at Dallas was selected as AGA’s first Government Finance Case Challenge Champion.

April 2008

AGA begins an online Blog, a place for government finance professionals to share ideas and dialogue with some of the top names in the business.

AGA and the government accountability community lost a great leader, William R. Snodgrass, Comptroller Emeritus, State of Tennessee. Among the numerous honors he received as an AGA member was the Association’s Distinguished Leadership Award in 1988. Several years ago, AGA named its Distinguished State Government Leadership Award for Snodgrass. He was a strong supporter of AGA's Nashville Chapter, one of the Association's most dynamic chapters.

Thanks to the initiative and dedication of AGA regional and chapter leaders, at least 45 state and local governments have declared March 2008 as "CGFM Month."

May 2008

AGA formed a new partnership with Norwich University, giving AGA members the opportunity to earn 12 graduate credits and prepare for the CGFM designation at the same time.

AGA recognized the outstanding Fiscal Year 2007 performance and accountability reporting efforts of an unprecedented 17 federal agencies, which received the Certificate of  Excellence in Accountability Reporting (CEAR) at a dinner and awards ceremony at the National Press Club:

  • U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission 2
  • U.S. Department of Education 4
  • U.S. Department of Energy 3
  • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 2
  • U.S. Department of the Interior 8
  • U.S. Department of Labor 8
  • U.S. Federal Aviation Administration 4
  • The Federal Trade Commission 1
  • U.S. General Services Administration 4
  • U.S. Government Accountability Office 7
  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7
  • U.S. Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight 1
  • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office 6
  • U.S. Peace Corps 1
  • U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 2
  • U.S. Small Business Administration 2
  • U.S. Social Security Administration 10

*The number after each agency indicates the number of years, including this year, that the agency has received the award.

AGA mourned the loss of longtime member Herminia D. Dierking, CGFM, August 17, 1939 – March 24, 2008. An AGA member for 33 years, Dierking served as Guam Chapter President, Membership Committee Chair, Co-Chair of the Education Committee, Early Careers Chair, Program Committee Chair, Community Service Committee Chair and Pacific Rim Region Vice President-Elect and Vice-President.

June 2008

AGA announced its National Award Recipients, including Sam M. McCall, CGFM, CPA, CIA, CGAP, AGA’s Tallahassee Chapter; City Auditor, City of Tallahassee, FL; AGA Past National President, recipient of the Robert W. King Memorial Award.

The state of South Carolina adopts ‘Citizen-Centric’ approach to financial reporting.

C. Morgan Kinghorn Jr., CGFM, was elected unanimously as chairman of the Academy for Government Accountability Board of Trustees. Kinghorn is the chief operating officer, Global Public Sector, Grant Thornton LLP.

July 2008

AGA hosted its 57th Annual Professional Development Conference & Exposition in Atlanta, GA, with over 2,000 professionals from all three levels of government, academia and the private sector in attendance.

Speakers included Former Comptroller General of the United States David M. Walker, CPA; Bernice King, who began her remarks by letting PDC attendees know they haven’t been officially welcomed to Atlanta until a King welcomes them and U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao who began by complimenting AGA on its choice of National President, Samuel T. Mok, CGFM, CIA, CICA, Managing Member of Condor International Advisors, LLC.

AGA's Nashville Chapter celebrated 30 years. The chapter was believed to be one of the largest chapters installed by AGA and has been going strong ever since.

August 2008

AGA Executive Director Relmond Van Daniker, DBA, CPA, was featured in American City & County, a magazine covering state and local government issues, in an article he authored titled, "Making Sense.”

AGA's Blog Gets 'Site of the Week' from FinanceRegs.com. ?Editor Carol Katarsky writes: "A new blog offers accounting pros a glimpse into the world of auditors, government accountants and more.”

The CGFM Program completed a comprehensive update of all three CGFM Examinations, including a Job Analysis study of the role of the Certified Government Financial Manager. The new CGFM Examinations went live on Aug. 15.

September 2008

AGA's Third Annual Internal Control & Fraud Conference took place in Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 22–23. The Conference concluded with an eye-opening presentation by David V. Aguilar, Chief, Office of Border Patrol, Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

AGA's Blog was included in "Crunching the Numbers: Top 50 Accounting Blogs"

AGA welcomed it’s newest chapter, the El Paso, in El Paso, TX.

October 2008

The Fourth Annual National Performance Management Conference took place Oct. 27–28, 2008, in Seattle, WA. Washington State Auditor Brian Sonntag, CGFM, kicked off the last day of the Conference by describing the sweeping performance audits conducted by his office by virtue of a 2005 voter-approved initiative.

Seventeen Universities participated in AGA's Second Government Finance Case Challenge, Oct. 20–31.

December 2008

AGA began a series of seven radio shows focusing on the importance of government transparency and accountability. Called, "Your Money, Your Government," the show is hosted by AGA Executive Director, Relmond Van Daniker, DBA, CPA.

January 2009

AGA offers a Certificate of Excellence in Citizen-Centric Reporting for governmental entities that prepare and distribute four-page reports that provide citizens with clear information on a government’s financial condition, its performance in providing services, and challenges it faces in the future.

AGA partnered with LinkedIn to introduce its first online community.

February 2009

AGA’s Seventh Annual National Leadership Conference included presenter Gene Dodaro, CGFM, Acting Comptroller General, U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO).

The University of North Carolina at Pembroke was the top award recipient in AGA’s Second Government Finance Case Challenge.

April 2009

Gene L. Dodaro, CGFM, Acting Comptroller General, U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) spoke at AGA’s Leadership Breakfast, April 8, at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C.

AGA's Emerging Leaders Featured on YouTube Video. The video featured the testimonials of several Early Career members who attended the February 2009 National Leadership Conference.

May 2009

AGA set up an official page on Facebook.

Seventeen Federal Agencies Received AGA's Prestigious CEAR Award based on their outstanding Fiscal Year 2008 performance and accountability reporting efforts.

June 2009

AGA’s 58th Annual Professional Development Conference & Exposition took place in New Orleans, LA, with over 2,000 professionals from all levels of government, academia and the private sector in attendance.

Speakers included Alison Levine, team captain of the First American Women’s Everest Expedition and groundbreaking polar adventurer; Acting Comptroller General of the United States Gene L. Dodaro, CGFM, CPA, who leads the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO); John Edward Hasse, music historian, pianist, and award-winning author and record producer, who applied leadership lessons from the greatest jazz musicians to the challenges faced by today’s accountability professionals; Gen. Russel Honoré, USA (Ret.), Commander of Joint Task Force Katrina and Current CNN Contributor; Mary Matalin and James Carville.

The final session of AGA’s PDC featured a panel discussion with presentations by Earl Devaney, chairman of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, Georgia State Auditor Russell Hinton, CGFM, CPA, and City of Tallahassee Auditor Sam McCall, Ph.D., CGFM, CPA, CIA, CGAP.

September 2009

AGA holds their Fourth Annual Internal Control & Fraud Conference in Washington, D.C., Sept. 16 & 17.

Active AGA member Warren Walch, CGFM, passed away. An Orange County Chapter member, Walch was an active AGA member since 1990, he was an Orange County Chapter officer, a Regional Vice President and served on AGA's National Executive Committee as a Senior Vice President from Section 3. He received AGA National President's Awards in 1998, 1999 and 2003.

The city of Stamford (CT), Benton County (WA), the city of Columbus (IN) and the Springfield-Green County Health Department (MO) join the growing list of governmental units using AGA’s Citizen-Centric Reporting format as a means to communicate financial and performance information to its constituency.

AGA completed a research study on “Managerial Cost Accounting in the Federal Government: Providing Useful Information for Decision-Making.” The report was the 22nd in the AGA Corporate Partner Advisory Group Research Series and was sponsored by corporate partner The MIL Corporation.

October 2009

Twenty-three Universities registered to participate in AGA's 2009–2010 Government Finance Case Challenge. Beginning Oct. 5, 23 universities competed in AGA's Case Challenge.

AGA’s Hawaii Chapter held a successful 15th biennial Governmental Professional Development Conference, jointly sponsored with the Hawaii chapter of the American Society of Military Comptrollers, Oct. 14–16 in Honolulu. The conference featured more than 50 national, regional and local government finance experts.

November 2009

The Fifth Annual Performance Management Conference took place Nov. 5–6, 2009, in Seattle, WA. The conference kicked off with speaker Robin Arnold-Williams, Director, Executive Policy Office, State of Washington.

North Carolina State University and the University of Wisconsin-Platteville were selected as the finalist teams in AGA’s Third Governance Finance Case Challenge. Each team constructed a four-page Citizen-Centric Report for a fictional U.S. city.

December 2009

Nevada Releases Citizen-Centric Report on Stimulus Funds— Nevada Controller Kim Wallin released a two-page, easy-to-understand report summarizing what Nevada did with its initial infusion of stimulus funds. Nevada is the first state to issue the stimulus citizen centric report under a pilot program established by the Association of Government Accountants (AGA).

AGA’s Nashville Chapter secured “preferred” status for CGFM applicants. Job seekers with the CGFM will have an advantage over uncertified competitors if they apply for certain positions in Tennessee’s Office of the Comptroller of the Treasury. AGA’s Nashville Chapter was instrumental in making the CGFM a “preferred” qualification for three positions in the Office of Management Services within the comptroller’s office: contract review administrator, business administration manager and legislative sourcing oversight manager.

AGA expanded its online community to include these four networking opportunities:

  • Become a Fan of AGA on Facebook
  • Create a LinkedIn Profile
  • Follow AGA on Twitter
  • Visit AGA on GovLoop

AGA's New Book: Managing for High Government Performance was made available. The book, a collection of essays on Performance Management in Government, includes authors  Pennsylvania Gov. Edward Rendell, Shelley Metzenbaum, assistant director at the U.S. Office of Management and Budget as well as many others.

January 2010

AGA chapters organized efforts to collect donations to assist the victims of the Jan. 12 Haiti Earthquake.

The Beavercreek Township Fire Department in Greene County, Ohio, issued a four-page report that briefly outlined the department’s finances, successes and challenges in the last fiscal year.

February 2010

Nearly 700 people attended AGA’s Eighth Annual National Leadership Conference, held Feb. 18 – 19, in Washington, D.C., began with an address by Robert A. Sunshine, deputy director of the Congressional Budget Office.

March 2010

AGA Past National President Douglas K. Haywood, CGFM, CPA, passed away suddenly on March 1 in Phoenix, AZ. A member of AGA's Phoenix Chapter, Doug had retired recently after a long career in Arizona state government.

The University of Wisconsin – Platteville won the AGA Government Finance Case Challenge.

Federal Chief Performance Officer Jeffrey D. Zients spoke at AGA’s Meet the Financial Management Policy-Makers breakfast, on March 30 at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C.

April 2010

AGA held its first Federal Performance Conference on April 27–28, 2010 in Washington, D.C. This event focused on the latest mandates and leading practices within federal government agencies.

Richard O. Bunce Jr., CGFM, AGA's National President-Elect Designate, appointed Martin J. Benison, CGFM, to serve as Senior Vice President on AGA's National Executive Committee and National Board of Directors. Benison, who is comptroller of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, will serve a three-year term starting July 1, 2010. Benison is also co-chair of AGA's Partnership for Intergovernmental Management and Accountability.

May 2010

On May 26, at the National Press Club in Washington, DC., 19 Federal agencies received AGA's CEAR Award based on their outstanding Fiscal Year 2009 performance and accountability reporting efforts.

AGA’s 2010 National Academic and Community Service Scholarships were announced, including awards of full-time and part-time academic scholarships and a community service scholarship. A total of $7,000 in scholarships was awarded.

June 2010

AGA announced its National Award Recipients, including Past National President Douglas K. Haywood, CGFM, CPA, CFE, who was posthumously awarded the Robert W. King Memorial Award.

AGA’s Partnership for Intergovernmental Management and Accountability (Partnership) released a guide that provides government officials with a concrete tool to improve programs and to deal with fiscal and programmatic challenges. The guide provides information on how to implement The Cooperative Audit Resolution and Oversight Initiative (CAROI) process.

After 18 years working in the accounting field, 1995–1996 Past National President Virginia S. Brizendine, CGFM, retired on June 30.

July 2010

AGA kicked off its 59th Annual Professional Development Conference & Exposition in Orlando with a record 2,200 in attendance. The conference began with a presentation by Acting Comptroller General of the United States Gene L. Dodaro, CGFM.

AGA welcomed new National President, Lisa Casias, CPA.

Past National President Douglas K. Haywood, CGFM, CPA, Received the Robert W. King Memorial Award Posthumously.

September 2010

AGA held its Fifth Annual Internal Control & Fraud Conference in Washington, D.C., Sept. 15–16.

Past National President Jeff Hart, CGFM, CFE, retired from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Sept. 30 after a 34-year career with the federal government.

October 2010

AGA held their Performance Management Conference (PMC) in Baltimore, MD, Oct. 13–14.

November 2010

AGA’s National Office welcomed two new professionals to its staff. Jerome E. Bruce, CEM, CMP, is the new director of Meetings & Expositions and Steve Sossei, CPA, is AGA’s new director of Education.

AGA announced the finalist teams in their Government Finance Case Challenge: North Carolina State University, Ohio Dominican University and The University of Wisconsin at Platteville.

December 2010

AGA announced the finalist teams in AGA's Government Finance Case Challenge: North Carolina State University, Ohio Dominican University and The University of Wisconsin at Platteville.

Becker Professional Education programs and AGA renewed their annual cooperation agreement, which provides AGA members with discounts for using Becker review classes.

January 2011

Marie S. Force, MA, AGA’s communications director, marked 15 years with AGA on Jan. 9.

February 2011

Nearly 700 people attended AGA’s Ninth Annual National Leadership Conference, held Feb. 17–18, in Washington, D.C. Keynote speakers included Jeanette Franzel, MBA, CGFM, CPA, Alice M. Rivlin, Ph.D. and Ron Elving, Robert A. Sunshine.

May 2011

AGA’s Second Annual Federal Performance Conference, May 3–4, in Arlington, VA, received real-world recognition of the challenges they face in measuring government performance and improving efficiency. The conference began with a presentation from Judy England Joseph, research director with the Partnership for Public Service.

AGA co-hosted “Improving Government Performance: Closing the IT Gap,” with TechAmerica on May 4 in Washington, D.C.

On May 25, AGA recognized 17 federal agencies with prestigious CEAR Award at the black-tie reception and dinner at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

AGA named the Government Finance Case Challenge finalist teams: George Mason University, Ohio Dominican University and Old Dominion University.

June 2011

AGA distributed its 2011 Member-Centric Report to members.

AGA announced its National Award Recipients, including Samuel T. Mok, CGFM, CIA, CICA, AGA Past National President, who received the Robert W. King Memorial Award.

July 2011

Outgoing National President Lisa Casias, CPA, passes the gavel to incoming National President Richard O. Bunce Jr., CGFM, CPA, who is also a Past National Treasurer. The gavel passing occurred on the final day of AGA's successful 60th Annual Professional Development Conference & Exposition in Atlanta, GA.

National Board of Directors ratifies new strategic plan, an update of the plan adopted in 2003.

September 2011

AGA holds successful Sixth Annual Internal Control and Fraud Conference in Washinton, D.C.

October 2011

AGA embarks on an enterprise risk assessment to identify and mitigate potential risks to the association.

January 10, 2012

Federal Financial Systems Summit (Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, 352 attendees)

Feb. 16-17, 2012

National Leadership Training (Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, 863 attendees)

April 24-25, 2012

Federal Performance Conference (Walter E. Washington Convention Center

Washington, 141 attendees)

May 23, 2012

CEAR Dinner (National Press Club Washington, 280 attendees)

Sept. 24-25, 2012

Internal Control and Fraud Prevention Training (Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, 458 attendees)

July 29-August 1, 2012

Professional Development Training (San Diego Convention Center San Diego, 1734 attendees)

January 10, 2013

Federal Financial Systems Summit (Grand Hyatt, Washington, 297 attendees)

Feb. 12-13, 2013

National Leadership Training, Washington (Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, 716 attendees)

May 22, 2013

CEAR Dinner (National Press Club, Washington, 285 attendees)

June 18-19, 2013

Federal Performance Management Training (Crystal City Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA, 123 attendees)

July 14-17, 2013

Professional Development Training (Gaylord Texan, Dallas, 1158 attendees)

Sept. 16-17, 2013

Internal Control and Fraud Prevention Training (Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center Washington, 548 attendees)

Jan. 9, 2014

Federal Financial Systems Summit (Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, 400 attendees)

February 11-12, 2014

National Leadership Training (Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, 649 attendees)

May 6-7, 2014

Government Performance Summit (Marriott Metro Center Hotel Washington, 338 attendees)

May 21, 2014

CEAR Dinner (National Press Club Washington, 230 attendees)

July 13-16, 2014

Professional Development Training (Orlando World Center Marriott Orlando, 1508 attendees)

Sept. 15-16, 2014

Internal Control and Fraud Prevention Training (Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, 548 attendees)

Sept. 16, 2014

AGA creates the Mexico City Chapter.

Sept. 30, 2014

AGA CEO, Relmond P. Van Daniker, DBA, CPA, retires.

Oct. 1, 2014

Ann M. Ebberts, MS, PMP, becomes AGA CEO.

Sept. 14, 2015

AGA celebrates its 65th anniversary 

September 2015

Chief Operating Officer Susan Fritzlen celebrates 20 years with AGA

Nov. 17, 2015

AGA and Grant Thornton host an event to release the 20th anniversary CFO survey, looking back at 25 years since the CFO Act passed.