Benefits of Corporate Partnership

Depending on the level of partnership, Corporate Partner benefits include:

Visibility and Brand Awareness

  • Logo placement and organizational listing in online Corporate Partner directory (premiere placement for Professional level)
  • Link to your organization’s website from the AGA website (premiere placement for Professional level)
  • Branding opportunities including use of AGA’s logo
  • Recognition at AGA events and in print publications (premiere placement for Professional level)

Engagement Opportunities

  • Representation on AGA’s Corporate Partner Advisory Group
  • Opportunity to connect with government VIPs at invitation only events such as the Red-Carpet Reception and CEAR black–tie dinner
  • Exclusive access to senior-level government executives at monthly Corporate Partner dinners
  • Participation on Corporate Partner committees

Marketing Tools

  • First opportunity to find out about event sponsorships (Professional level)
  • Preference over non–Corporate Partners for booth locations at AGA events
  • Discounts on sponsorship, exhibits and advertising

Advocacy and Insight

  • Updates on government policy, legislative issues, and AGA initiatives
  • Exclusive sponsorship of major research projects

Customized Member Services

  • Member rates for your employees attending AGA national events and,
    • FREE quarterly Members Only webinars (up to 4 CPE/year)
    • FREE virtual attendance to the Technology & Transformation Summit (up to 8 CPE)
  • Subscription to AGA’s quarterly Journal of Government Financial Management and biweekly e-newsletter Topics

View the full list of benefits and partnership levels.