Citizen-Centric Reporting (CCR)

CCR Cover

Governments at all levels — federal, state, local and tribal — seek to be transparent with their spending, yet many transparency websites only provide access to complex financial reports that require an accounting degree to understand! Some government sites also provide query capabilities and graphical depictions of data, but not a comprehensive look into their missions, spending, performance, and future outlook.

The purpose of AGA's Citizen-Centric Reporting (CCR) initiative is to help simplify communication between government and its citizens, who have a right to accurate information about the way their government spends their taxpayer dollars. AGA believes accurate government financial information should be provided to all citizens in a timely, simple and readily accessible format. 

AGA's concept of a CCR is a visually appealing four-page document that includes:

  1. Government entity mission, vision and goals, plus community demographic information, such as population figures and other interesting items.
  2. Performance information for key service areas, demonstrating progress (or not) over the prior year's efforts.
  3. Detailed revenue and expense information highlighting changes from prior year(s).
  4. A look to the future and “what’s next” in the year ahead, plus any foreseen challenges in meeting stated goals.

AGA believes CCRs will help citizens better understand the services provided by their government — and at what cost. In today’s era of tight budgets, tough choices are being made. Governments must remain transparent with their citizenry about their decisions. CCRs are an excellent tool to help Americans become better-informed voters. We encourage you to work with your government employer, or the officials in the town, city or state where you live, to persuade them to produce a CCR.

Content Guidelines

AGA provides suggested content guidelines to help preparers select and organize the information to include in the CCR. No two reports are alike, as government entities use a variety of creative techniques and infographics to convey the status and progress of their communities. AGA also offers an assortment of recently completed CCRs to inspire you in producing your own.

Certificate of Excellence in CCR

If you have created your own CCR, our team will review and provide constructive feedback on ways to make your report more informative and meaningful. We recognize well designed and informative CCRs with an AGA Certificate of Excellence.

Government Finance Case Challenge

AGA invites students each fall to compete in the annual Government Finance Case Challenge, in which student teams collaborate to analyze data for a specified U.S. state, city or county government and develop a CCR for that entity. Members of the winning team and their advisor each receive a $1,500 scholarship award! 

Get Involved in the CCR movement!

Visit our Accountability Committee page to learn more about being a change leader with AGA!