Preparing for CGFM Examinations

Begin by reviewing the CGFM examinations content outlines, which list the main and subtopics covered in each examination. This should be the focal point of your preparation. It is the core document used as the basis for each examination and a guideline for writing examination questions.

AGA Preparation Options

Instructor-led training courses:

AGA's comprehensive CGFM courses are offered in these convenient ways:


AGA offers three CGFM study guides, providing comprehensive overviews of the topics covered in each CGFM examination. 

In addition to the reference materials listed at the end of each study guide, see the list of study references utilized by our examination question writers.

AGA offers three online CGFM practice examinations — each corresponding to an actual CGFM examination. Apply the concepts you’ve learned, identify the areas where you’ll need additional preparation and figure out the pace you'll need to complete the 115-question examination within the allotted time.

AGA Chapters:

AGA chapters are not just a great way to network; they can also be a great way to prepare for the CGFM examinations. Some AGA chapters offer study groups, on-site courses and/or other assistance to CGFM candidates. Locate a chapter near you.