Journal of Government Financial Management

Winter 2025 Journal

The Journal of Government Financial Management (Journal) is a valuable resource in the profession, featuring articles and columns from practitioners and academics with insights based on research and experience. The quarterly publication, produced by AGA since 1950, is distributed to members and international libraries, comprising a circulation of approximately 14,250.

The Journal audience, like AGA’s membership, is diverse. Journal readers are professionals in federal, state and local government financial management and related disciplines, as well as in the private sector, nonprofits and academia. Non-members may purchase single copies of printed issues, based on availability, for $33 each. The annual subscription rate is $110 in the continental U.S. and $130 elsewhere. AGA membership includes a complimentary subscription of the Journal.

The Journal includes ethics questions each month, which are submitted by readers and answered by our team of ethics experts. If you have an ethics question, please submit your anonymous question for review. An ethics expert will respond. Anonymous questions, and related answers, may be published in the Journal and/or other AGA publications. We reserve the right to restrict or edit submitted content.

Upcoming Editorial Calendar


Summer 2025: The Government's Fiscal Condition

The government's financial health has far-reaching effects for a multitude of stakeholders. What is the federal fiscal condition, and is it sustainable? How can we better understand this condition and communicate it to the public?  What are the implications for state and local governments?

Submission deadline: March 3, 2025


Fall 2025: Celebrating AGA's 75th Anniversary

The Fall 2025 edition of the Journal will celebrate AGA’s 75th anniversary as a professional association. If you have ideas for retrospective articles, please contact no later than March 10, 2025.

Submission deadline: June 3, 2025


Winter 2026: Financial Technology and Innovation

 Technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, with innovations including AI dominating public discourse and changing how we view work. How should financial leaders plan for and implement these technologies? What innovations might incite the greatest changes, and conversely, what risks might follow?

Submission deadline: September 3, 2025


Submission GuidelinesAdvertise

Journal Archives

Articles published since 2010 in the Journal of Government Financial Management are available for download. Non-members may purchase single copies of printed issues, based on availability, for $24 each within the U.S. and possessions; $29 elsewhere. The annual subscription rate is $110 in the U.S. and possessions; $130 elsewhere. AGA membership includes a complimentary subscription of the JournalJoin today!

Journal Archives