Journal Editorial Board
I. Purpose
The purpose of the Journal Editorial Board is to ensure the Journal of Government Financial Management (Journal) is a high-quality and professionally relevant publication.
II. Functions and Responsibilities
The board shall oversee all aspects related to the content of AGA’s Journal. Through AGA’s Journal editor, the board is responsible for:
- Determining the Journal’s editorial content.
- Setting the Journal’s editorial calendar.
- Establishing, maintaining and interpreting authors’ guidelines.
- Soliciting articles and manuscripts on important issues in government financial management and relevant topics.
- Reviewing and approving or rejecting manuscripts for publication.
- Determining the winner(s) of the annual Author Award.
III. Structure of Board
The Board shall consist of twelve members (including the Chair and Vice Chair), which shall consist of representatives from federal, state, local and international government, academia and the private sector. Also, the members’ backgrounds shall represent accounting, auditing, budgeting, controllership, information technology, systems and all other related government financial management constituencies.
Board members shall be appointed for three-year staggered terms and may be reappointed for an additional consecutive three-year term. Board members shall not serve more than two consecutive terms. The Chair and Vice Chair will serve a one-year term, but he/she can be appointed to serve additional terms. AGA's Chief Executive Officer and Journal Editor shall be ex-officio Board members.
The National President shall appoint the twelve members, the Board Chair and Board Vice Chair. The National Governing Board (NGB) shall approve all appointments.
IV. Reference to Bylaws and/or Policy and Procedures
- Bylaws
- Article V, Section 2 (h) provides that the “NGB shall review actions and programs of the National Boards, Committees and Task Forces …”
- Article VIII, Section 1 provides that “The National President, upon ratification by the National Governing Board, may establish such Boards, Committees and Task Forces as may be needed to assist the National Governing Board and the National President in carrying out the programs and operations of the Association.”
- Article VIII, Section 4 provides that “The responsibilities of the Boards, Committees and Councils shall be specified in these Bylaws and/or stated in the Policies and Procedures approved by the NGB.”
- Policy and Procedures Manual:
No specific references are made to the Journal Editorial Board.