Leadership Development Committee

I. Purpose

The Leadership Development Committee supports the National Governing Board (NGB) by identifying, vetting, recruiting, evaluating, and proposing potential Board members. The Committee works to match Board needs with skilled, strategic leaders for AGA’s future. Committee members provide mentoring, advice and guidance to help foster future leaders.

II. Functions and Responsibilities

  1. Work with the NGB to establish position criteria, qualifications, and perspectives for achieving a balanced Board.
  2. Proactively seek out and encourage leaders for National Governing Board (NGB), National Council of Chapters, and other national leadership positions, working year-round with AGA leaders and national office staff.
  3. Identify and assess needed skillsets, leadership requirements and capabilities, as well as availability and willingness to serve, in all candidates.
  4. Review nominations received and select for NGB approval a president-elect, treasurer-elect and at-large director of the Board no later than February 15 each year.
  5. Review nominations received and select for NGB approval chapter directors for the Board from National Council of Chapters representatives no later than April 30 each year.
  6. Engage with, and provide mentoring to, those members who have been identified as potential candidates or who seek to serve on the NGB.
  7. Promote value of volunteer leadership in AGA by personal outreach and/or authoring articles or columns for Topics, Leadership Matters, or other communication vehicles available.

III. Composition

The members shall be selected by the Immediate Past National President and Immediate Past National Treasurer and shall be approved by the NGB. Consideration shall be given to the geographic and demographic profile of the membership in making selections. AGA members seeking a position on the NGB are ineligible to serve on the Leadership Development Committee.  The Committee shall be comprised as follows:

  • The Immediate Past National President, Committee Co-Chair
  • The Immediate Past National Treasurer, Committee Co-Chair
  • One federal government representative
  • One state government representative
  • One local government representative
  • One private sector representative
  • One academic representative
  • One young professional
  • CEO (non-voting)

In the event that the Immediate Past National President or Immediate Past National Treasurer is unable to serve, the NGB will appoint a replacement.  Replacement candidates can be selected from Past National Presidents, Past National Treasurers or other appropriate past national leaders as determined by the NGB. Committee Co-Chairs will serve a one-year term.

Committee members must be AGA members in good standing and will serve a two-year term. Members may be reappointed for an additional two-year term. Terms of membership will be staggered to facilitate transition and provide for continuity of knowledge and experience.

AGA chapter or national leadership experience is recommended for members (except the young professional position). Members who are involved, regularly attend events, are active in the government FM community and able to network and mentor are also encouraged.

IV.  Meetings

The committee meets by conference call as needed at least four times a year, and more frequently if responsibilities warrant, as decided by the chairs. The committee shall act only on the affirmative vote of a majority of the members at a meeting or by unanimous consent.