CGFM Practice Exams
New Users
Our platform:
- has 175 total questions per exam
- keeps track of your progress, with a color-coded history
- offers flexibility to practice with a smaller number of questions at a time or test by main content area
- provides online access for 3 months for $45, with an option to renew for additional periods of 3 months for $30
Practice Exam Platform Overview
Important information
- Practice exams are NOT refundable
- Practice exams are single-user products; your login may not be shared with others
- Practice exams are limited-time (3-month) subscription products that require internet access. If your subscription expires, you can purchase a renewal subscription for an additional 3-month period
- To purchase a subscription, you need to create a new account on the Test Run site. Your “My AGA” or CGFM study guide account will NOT work on the Test Run site
- Purchasing and using the CGFM practice exams is NOT a requirement of the CGFM certification and should be not interpreted as a predictor of your performance on the actual CGFM examinations
- The CGFM practice exams are NOT the same as the actual CGFM examinations required for the CGFM certification. The questions on the CGFM practice exams were specifically written for practice; they did not, and will not, appear on any actual live CGFM examinations and have not gone through the same level of testing as live CGFM examination questions
- The CGFM practice exams are copyrighted by AGA
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Existing Users
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Note: if you have not yet purchased this product, please read the information under "new user" above.
If you have any questions regarding this product, please contact the AGA's Office of Professional Certification at 1.800.AGA.7211 or prior to placing your order.