Group On-site and Virtual Course Catalog

Course Details: Fiscal Law for DoD Personnel

Although similar in many respects to Appropriations Law Seminar, this course provides a more extensive review of the DoD environment and incorporates guidance from the DoD Financial Management Regulation and the U.S. Army’s Fiscal Law Deskbook. The course emphasizes the DoD budget preparation process, specific congressional committees in the congressional review process, greater review of DoD authorization and appropriations acts, and budget execution guidance.

Learning Objectives

This course covers:

  • Terminology from GAO’s A Glossary of Terms Used in the Federal Budget Process
  • Basic principles and concepts (with extensive review of major DoD appropriations) relating to federal fiscal law
  • Limitations of an agency’s discretion in the absence of specific guidance
  • Availability of funds (purpose, time and amount), including Morale, Welfare and Recreation funds, and non-appropriated funds
  • Fundamental importance of proper obligations
  • Overview of interagency transactions
  • Length, amount and limitations of continuing resolutions
  • Categories of accountable officers, including departmental accountable officials
  • Liability and relief of liability of accountable officers for losses of funds or improper payments

Questions? or 703.684.6931, ext. 303.