National Collegiate Leadership Scholarship
The National Collegiate Leadership Scholarship is a program that provides students with the opportunity to engage with and learn from leaders in government financial management at AGA’s annual National Leadership Training (NLT). The NLT 2025 application will open on October 21, 2024. If you have questions, contact
2024 Recipients
What does the scholarship provide?
Professional Training:
- Learn from experts with real-world leadership experience in government and business.
- Network with leaders who are passionate about public service and advancing government accountability.
- Meet and connect with potential employers (government and corporate).
Scholarship Benefits:
- Complimentary registration for the entire event.
- Airfare and hotel expenses covered (for participants residing outside of the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.)
- Breakfast and lunch provided both days of the event.
- Stipend to cover incidentals
- One-on-one advsior assigned to guide recipient around the event.
- Recognition during the NLT awards ceremony, including a certificate of participation.
- Invitation to the annual NLT young professionals session.
- Headshot, short biography, and link to Linkedin profile displayed on AGA website for one year.
- Featured in future AGA publications and social media.
How To Apply:
Click on the application link below to create an account on Submittable, then complete the online application by Friday, November 11, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. ET. AGA will select up to ten scholarship recipients this year. Recipients will be announced by Friday, December 2, 2022.
2023 Scholarship Application
Applicant Requirements:
- Sign up for a FREE student membership.
- Be a current junior or senior in college(60+ credit hours completed).
- Major in accounting, finance, information security/technology, business, data analytics or other related field.
- Provide an unofficial transcript that shows 60+ credit hours completed.
- Display leadership experience on campus or through another affiliation.
- Have at least a 3.2 GPA.
- Optional: Submit a letter of recommendation from a faculty member.
Questions? Contact AGA at