Exhibit Rates by Training Event

National Leadership Training (NLT)

Feb. 19-20, 2025 | Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center, D.C. or Virtual | 14 CPEs

Attendees: Over 1,000 (45% Federal, 8% State/Local, 40% Private, 7% Others)

NLT Exhibitor Benefits Package

 At event Location:
  • 8’ x 10’ booth space with 8' high backdrop and 3' high side drape in show colors. Includes two chairs, one wastebasket and one ID sign with company name and booth number.
  • Pre- and post- conference registration mailing list in Excel format (one-time use only)
  • Three (3) complimentary booth staff registrations.  Includes access to all functions held in the Solutions Hall only.

NLT Booth Rental Prices

AGA Corporate Partner Member: $2,000 per - 8’ x 10’ booth
Nonmember Organization: $2,500 per - 8’ x 10’ booth
Government Agency/Educational Institution: $2,000 per - 8’ x 10’ booth

Booth rental price covers exhibit space only. All furnishings (carpet, tables, electricity, Internet, plasma screens, floral, etc.), labor, shipping and hotel accommodations must be made on an individual basis and the exhibitor’s expense.


Professional Development Training (PDT)

July 27, 2025 | Nashville, TN or Virtual | 21 CPEs 

Attendees: 3,000 (55% Federal, 15% State/Local, 30% Private)

PDT Exhibitor Benefits Package  

At event Location:
  • Exhibit booth with 8' high backdrop and 3' high side drape in show colors. Includes two chairs, one wastebasket and one ID sign with company name and booth number. 
  • Four complimentary exhibit staff registrations (regardless of booth size). Includes access to all functions held in the Exhibit Hall. Sponsor an event for even more exposure!
  • Recognition in the training brochure if confirmed before printing. 
  • Free listing in the official training program — includes company description and marketing contact information (if confirmed before printing). 
  • Recognition in the exhibitor appreciation section of the training website. 
  • Pre- and post-training registration mailing list in Excel format (one-time use only). 
  • Special exhibitor name badge ribbons for company representatives to wear at the training. 

PDT Booth Rental Prices

AGA Corporate Partner Member: $3,500 per - 8’ x 10’ booth
Nonmember Organization: $4,500 per - 8’ x 10’ booth
Government Agency/Educational Institution: $3,500 per - 8’ x 10’ booth

Booth rental price covers exhibit space only. All furnishings (carpet, tables, electricity, Internet, plasma screens, floral, etc.), labor, shipping and hotel accommodations must be made on an individual basis and the exhibitor’s expense.


Internal Control & Fraud Prevention Training 

Sept. 19-20, 2024 | Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center, D.C. or Virtual| 14 CPEs 

Attendees:  1,000 (60% Federal, 10% State/Local, 24% Private, 6% Others)

IC&FPT Tabletop Benefits Package 

At event Location:
  • One 6-foot skirted and two chairs. Bring your small pop-up display, literature and giveaways to showcase your company’s products and services.
  • Three (3) complimentary exhibit staff registrations. Includes access to all functions held in the exhibit area. Sponsor one of these events and get even more exposure!
  • Pre- and post-training registration mailing list in Excel format (one-time use only).
  • Special exhibitor name badge ribbons for company representatives to wear at the training.

IC&FPT Tabletop Rental Pricing

AGA Corporate Partner Member: $1,500

Nonmember organization: $1,800
Government agency: $1,500

The tabletop rental price covers exhibit space only. All furnishings (carpet, tables, electricity, internet, plasma screens, floral, etc.), labor, shipping and hotel accommodations must be made on an individual basis and the exhibitor’s expense.


Email meetings@agacgfm.org with any questions you may have.