Certificate of Excellence in CCR

AGA offers a Certificate of Excellence in Citizen-Centric Reporting for entities that prepare and distribute a high-quality Citizen-Centric Report (CCR). To be eligible for the certificate, governments must abide by the program’s high standards for report content, visual appeal, readability, distribution and timeliness in reporting, as outlined in the Judging Guidelines, below.

Judging Guidelines

AGA will examine each CCR and make suggestions for improvement. The report must be free of technical accounting language. In addition, the CCR must include the following elements to be eligible for the Certificate of Excellence:

  1. How the entity is organized and operates, including items such as a vision statement and strategic goals.
  2. Key accomplishments in mission and service, along with selected performance measures.
  3. Detailed trend information highlighting changes from prior year(s), or a statement explaining why trend data is not yet available.
  4. Bar graphs and/or pie charts to illustrate revenue and expenses. 
  5. Audit information, such as a statement affirming a clean audit opinion and a link to the full audit report.  
  6. Future challenges for the government.
  7. Requests for citizen feedback, such as "We want to hear from you. How do you like our report? Should it include other information? Please let us know at [insert your contact details].
  8. Pictures and other graphics to make the report visually appealing.
  9. Proof that the CCR was distributed -- in hard copy, on the website and/or in a newspaper.
  10. The CCR logo to promote the program’s brand.


No fees are charged to participate in the CCR program.

Application Process

For a review of your CCR, please complete the appropriate application below, and send your complete application with a digital copy of your CCR to ccr@agacgfm.org (Government Entities) or chapters@agacgfm.org (AGA Chapters).

Interested in reviewing?

Please email ccr@agacgfm.org for more information.